I stumped a few friends with this, let's see how it goes here

I stumped a few friends with this, let's see how it goes here.

Describe what a meme is, in five words or less.

Something autistic kids find funny

You can't

Funny, captioned, socially relevant, pictures.

An idea passed on.

Heritable cultural trait

Words over a picture

Nailed it

gives me LIFE ya'll! #woke

Its a meme you dip

CIS white male detected.
> Activate oppression rage


niggers can't do it well.

cultural element, propagated non-genetically

A cancerous internet sensation

an idea emulating genetic selection

Simply put....?

>"Expression over the internet"

A contagious idea.

Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

Internet in-joke.

What do I win?

piece of media which spreads

Socially repeated satirical nonsense.

Last week messed around and got a triple double

hello. you are retarded. please leave

Oh sorry. Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger


A meme is viral garbage.

much better, nigger

A sociological and cultural antidepressant.

Memes are inside internet jokes.

how about 3 and a half: self-replicating cultural phenomena



How is it self-replicating you dumb shit? That would imply that memes are either sentient beings or have the inert ability to divide when certain conditions are met, like cells. None of which is true of course. Memes are created and shared by people. Do your even brain?

something that gains cultural popularity

underrated post

"an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation."

now fuck off

An inside joke for everyone

>Describe what a meme is, in five words or less
a recurring thematic joke

an esoteric faggy circlej erk

>Funny, captioned, socially relevant, pictures
This isn't a meme though. The meme is the idea or theme not the picture itself you fucking retard

Those are way better answers than this retarded faggot

some endlessly repeated internet joke


>Pre-2010: Funny image and word macro

>Post-2010: Fucking normalfag tier trigger word

You're not very good with words are you?

terminal cancer normalfags ruined

Meme: "Genetic" core of viral ideas.

Some Shit From The Internet

Meme: pic with implied meaning.
Ex. Pic of a swastika.

In five words or less.

digestible ideas propelled through communication

Picture that reflects internet culture.

Information that becomes contagious.
Your friends are inept.

Faggot detected
No rage, only lols

Socially shared internet culture.

A meme is an

applicable, compact, mutable, shareable expression

Distractions From Reality.

Easily understood joke format

A self replicating mind virus

There's mathematical applications to relatively precise definition of memetics. Check out Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 10th International .conference.pg 355 for a vague overview.

Specifically in the realm of utility and optimization functions in Genetic Learning and NN algorithms. Considering specific portions of an idea are quantized (a qualitative facet quantized for optimization checks -- i.e. Amazon's Mechanical Turk) and iterated or randomly walked (In random walk GL strategies) then selected genetically.

If anything there's a rather definite and rigid definition of memetics at this point. But then again the average Sup Forumsrainlet like you wouldn't understand. .

Also look to Meta-Lamarckian Learning in Memetic Algorithms, Yew Soon Ong & Andy Keane.

smallest representation of cultural artifact

Inside joke for the Internet.

so why do YOU need help describing a meme, fgt.
anyways, a meme is -a repeating, themed internet joke. but now most people say any joke is a meme. retards autisticly bastardized something already incredibly autistic, with autisms.