Broke stoner thread

Broke stoner thread

Filtering bongwater for delicious resin

I thought that was a home-made fleshlight at first.

You are a sub human piece of shit.

don't be apathetic cunt just don't smoke you faggot.

I did this for years and then realized that the disgusting taste was not worth the buzz.

Get a job.

If you are broke you probably shouldn't be spending money on weed, or booze, or cigarettes.

Youre the man op, if you put tobacco with it or just do a popper with it youll almost pass out and feel great

I've smoked some filthy shit in my day but this is next level

I feel bad for you son im smoking good tonight

Now that' what I call addiction.

How will you even get that little bit of crap off of the napkin?

Hey your bong could had oil built up in it. Smash it apart, heat up the glass pieces from the outside, scrap the inside of the glass and you might just find oil. I did that to a bong and got some amazing concentrated something or other, looked like amber honey

Cmon bro, I used to smoke resin, its a sign of a deep drug problem. Don't do it, take a break and realize happiness isn't measured in how high you are

I always have bud bruh I feel bad for you, bout to smoke a fat bowl for you

I never smoked resin. The taste was never worth it to me, plus the headache.

Plus if I am to the point where I need to scrape my pipe for resin to smoke, then it's time to lay it down for a while.

Just do heroine you d e g e n e r a t e

you shithole, stop posting that crap on every thread.

you got it wrong friend. if he could do a heroine he'd be a legend; not a degenerate stoner

I hear some people will trade drugs or money for drugs for sexual favors. You could try that.


>Filtering bongwater for delicious resin