What do you not like about Chris Hardwick?

What do you not like about Chris Hardwick?

wait whats not to like about him?

Idk I saw him posted on a couple of "most punchable faces" threads

his extremely cringy commentary where he tries to be funny and no one around him laughs

He is reddit in human form. That is what I dont like about him.

He's annoying, he's not funny, his shows are basically unwatchable and, and I hate using this word, but it truly does suit him, he seems like a cuck.

What exactly do you mean by that?

Did you know he quit drinking?? He did guys, he quit drinking... he only mentions this fact 900 a podcast with whoever his guest is no matter if alcohol is the topic or not... I tried to listen to the nerdest when someone interesting was on but this shit annoyed me too much... also he thinks anyone who made him chuckle should do stand up... he basically only says "I quit drinking and you should do stand up" as a response to everything

holy shit this is so accurate

Yeah he does give off a cuckish vibe, but how is he annoying?

It is. It really, really is.

Think about Reddit and all the things that are annoying about it which is almost everything in the comment section and then think about that in a form of a human... my assumption is that you're human so you probably understand what a human is... now go visit Reddit and think about it as a human like you are...

Chris Hardwick is a vape cloud that made a wish and became a real boy.

Ohhh shit! Your right lol



i liked him as vaughn in tales from the borderlands

Thinks hes super clever and funny but just recycles the latest memes or popular jokes. His entire being is based off of being in the loop and making references that people on the internet would get to make his funnies seem like inside jokes. Maybe he is just 3edgy5me I dont know. Just dont like the guys shows and dont think he is funny.

Hardwick is OP

This. His entire career is based around pandering to redditors by making internet in-jokes.

He's a libtard that's staying relevant by making jokes about every single night Trump.



Oh, ok. I mean, you could see how we might think that you were, though, right?


That exactly what Hardwick would say...

Do you drink?

Single out was ok ... But mostly because I fapped to jenny McCarthy

Oh shit it is him

No, I qui... I mean yes! I drink all the time! I'm wasted right now!

he's literally playing a character whose schtick is "le awkward nerd humor"

Not a single thing OP

A “woo-hoo par-tay” attitude piloted my brain through my twenties as I tried desperately to ditch the scared, wienerly nerd I had always been to fit in with the “cool kids,” whoever those oft-referred-to assholes are.