Ask me anything

Ask me anything.
Also, non-sexual requests are a-okay. I'm just a faggot looking for attention.

draw a sad penis

Fuck off

Show your sad penis

How do you see yourself? (as a person)

What are your thoughts about the world around you? (work/school, friends, family, society...)

What are your plans for the future?

on HRT yet?

Femanon looking for attention is the exact reason for tits or gtfo

Ayy lmao.


I still have sad, sad, female genitalia.

again with that shit?

Show your sad vagina

where's the fun in non sexual stuff?

Eh, I just don't like flashing tits to fifty year olds.

well that's good that you have some self respect, rare with modern people

how is life in terms of relations, work, education and all those sorts of things?

yeah it's super rare glad to see you aren't a whore like most girls haha i myself i'm also rare a supreme gentleman so how about we skip all this nonsense and go straight into exchanging contact info so i can send you a pic of my dick

nice op you taking requests? draw a face with a big huge creepy smile with big ass teeth

also where did you learn to draw

I dont know why but your forehead looks familiar. you posted before?

generic faggot, draw me a turtle behind that paper sheet.

how the fuck does a forehead look familiar

do you not notice different foreheads? I thought everyone did

Can I have a look at your feet without socks ? :)

are you a boy or girl? guilty pleasure? hobby? how many times a day you masturbate? have you tried same-sex good times? your favorite drink?