

Best Slave










Is she a burn victim?


she was a slave that was mistreated, in the game you have her learn to feel and in the end she becomes addicted to sex its pretty hott







oh okay thanks, so not burn victim, just a victim.



the scars kind of look like a tribal tattoo.



Yeah... Just a slave... Well... For me is am ex slave











So they're not burn scars, what's on her skin?

they might chemical burns but i don't remember i haven't played that in awhile


Should help with that


Poor thing ;c













What is this and how can I get more of it?














> dies


Its called teaching of feeling of i remember correctly










which game?











Jesus christ! You fucking dense motherfucker! God damn fucking retarded bitch the cream is for external use only. Dumb ass cunt!


This is now a sandwich thread




