How long is CE?

How long is CE?

This looks like Postgrad level mathematics.

Do you know the solution?

It is impossible to determine.

A x B = C x D

12 * 8 = (22-x) * x
x^2 + 22x -96 = 0

this is determined by the radius of the circle nigga

the fuck, this is 100% wrong

nice bait though

I'm in agreement but I don't know a lot of abstract geometry honestly

sorry. 22x - x^2 -96 =0

x = 6 or x = 16. 16 would be the right one.

As long as my dick


1 mm


similar trangle theorem
this is 8th grade geometry !!!

where is this formula coming from? I see what you did but I don't understand why this would equal CE


this :

nope : cd = cd-de
or cd=ce+de

But you're not given any angles, and there's no proof the drawing's to scale. How can it be similar triangles if there's no proof any triangles have the same 3 sides or angles?

12 x 8 = (22 - X) x X
96 = 22x - X^2
X^2 - 22x + 96 = 0
(16)^2 - 22(16) + 96 = ?
256 - 352 + 96 = 0
So what you've written isn't correct, however your end answer is. But here's the answer to what you've written:
(16)^2 + 22(16) - 96 = NOT ZERO.
256 + 352 - 96 = 512

Wait; I think I get it. Too tired to actually do the math, though

>being this retarded

nice bait, intersecting lines and chords my friend

I think we might be able to apply the 3-4-5 rule.

Yeah, I figured it out right after that first post.

you don't need it as they share a common angle
so angle aec=deb
as ceb=aed

the rest is isometric

the real question here is : are ad and cb parallel ?

Never mind, checked it.



what about 9000... potato'es

You're all a bunch of potatoes
(2/3)AE = BE
Since intersecting chords the triangles made by the line segments are similar
So CE ~ AE, DE ~ BE
Then (2/3)CE = DE
CD = CE + DE
CD = 22 = CE + (2/3)CE= (5/3)CE
22 = (5/3)CE
>CE = 13.2
>DE = 2/3(CE) = 8.8
CE + DE = 13.2 + 8.8 = 22 = CD

This is what I did; does the outside circle need to exist?

We don't even know that it's a circle you havent given us a radius or any arc lengths

Chaotic Evil is an alignment, not a measurement.
Alignment is a grid, not a line.
Take your 4th edition and shove it up your ass.

>defining CE as X

The answer is in the bottom right corner you dumb asshole