Is this lowkey racism?

Is this lowkey racism?

No. All the best black musicians play in punk and metal bands now a days. Not racist at all.

where does the music end and the shit start on this chart

oh definitely

don't get me wrong, most hip hop is shit, but it's no worse than the buttrock and metal wrong generationers go for

I think we can all agree that most music sucks

all music sucks

Anything made after WWII.

Go back to facebook, retard.

numale detected


No, but the fact that the majority of hip-hop/pop garbage is African, is quite telling.
As well, we have impersonators like Justin Bieber and Eminem, but that's just a symptom.

quite telling of what? black inferiority?

No, that America is just a microphone for their disgusting pets, Canada, for one, is suffering because of Hollywood's propagating this disgusting trash.

That cartoon sucks ass.

This. Plenty of great black musicians of past and present, whenever they're making Jazz, blues, punk, rock or metal.

idk honestly i think black people are inferior in every facet of society


go back to /pol you filthy prick

but I got it from reddit and posted it ironically

No but it is cherry picking.

walk on home boy

Damn Dil became a fuckin beefcake.

100% unironically

Without Pantera, there wouldn't be Limp Bizkit. So I'm not sure which side to take on this one. Those Wayne mixtapes are pretty great.

He's a good father as well

is this lowkey bait?

he's right you know.

nice argument desu senpai

>average Pantera fans
