What the fuck kind of bug is this, i found it clamped to my skull

What the fuck kind of bug is this, i found it clamped to my skull

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Thats a tick, you probably have aids now.

And testicular cancer

who the fuck doesnt recognise a tick instantly

dude thats an antibiotic resistant super bug

That is a deer tick, get checked for lyme disease


Rocky mountain fever ftw

On a serious note, one of those pierced my skull near my temple and I got lyme disease and a severe infection the doctors could only describe as viral. I was okay for a few days, then I suddenly collapsed and was taken to hospital. They didn't know it was the tick until I told them I was bitten by one when I came round. The weird thing was that I made all of this up and then I suddenly felt much better.


How do i get checked for lyme disease im tripping out

your bed sheets are ugly as fuck. Maybe if you had nicer shit you wouldn't have got lyme disease last night.

American dog tick

You eat a lime, if it's bitter then you have lime disease.

This - they carry Lyme and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
If in about 1-2 weeks you feel like you got the flu, go to the doc and tell them you had a tick bite and to check for both those.


Oh and also.. it doesn't look like it was attached for very long so I doubt you have Lyme disease.

>pierced my skull
Nigger, you laid it on too thick.

Enjoy your lyme disease.

you son of a bitch 10/10

All he has to do is eat rocky mountain oysters, that'll cure it

That is definitely NOT a black legged tick (aka deer tick)

Got to be a dog tick

First of all, did it bite you? If it did, did you rip it off by your hand? Ticks are tenacious and if you ripped it off forcibly, there's a very good change its mandibles are still embedded in your head. These things do not let go easily, you are supposed to scare them into letting go by holding a lit match near them.

Anyway, if it bit you, you might have Lyme disease, so go see a doctor.

Its called a hospital,
If you're in America one's easy to go to.

Do you know how long it was attached? If it has been less than a day and you took it off immediately your chances of contracting Lyme disease are low. If it was on for a while, see a doctor. If a red rash develops around the bite mark (bullseye rash), see a doctor. They will likely give you some strong antibiotics if they think you are at risk. If you do nothing and you did contract it, long term effects suck.

a tic
my cats has them all the time. usurally they are not strong enough to bite though human skin but maybe headskin is thinner. just remove it and u all good. they might have some bacteria tho. so take a walk to the docman.

The best way to find out if you have lime disease is to squirt limes into your eyes. If it doesn't hurt it means you have lime disease and you are turning into a lime.

Do NOT listen to this guy. Holy fuck that's a terrible idea.

You're fucked op. Rip in peace.

Top kek

CHECK YOUR EARS TOO... ticks love ears

It appears to be the new ebola trend.
It'll pass in a few months, don't worry.

google symptoms of lyme disease you fucking NI

This guy is right, they carry Lyme disease and it will really fuck up your life if you contracted it

Ticks don't give you AIDS, Ars-hoppers do.

people don't realize Sup Forums is infested with 12 year olds who don't know what a tick looks like?

Here in the US, our mild winter means we're going to have a shitload of these fucks. I keep finding them on one of my dogs, and the bed she sleeps in. One tried to clamp itself to my thigh last night.

Also check armpits,groin, genitals, waistband, and look yourself over for New 'moles' and make sure they're not smaller ticks. Awful arachnid bastards...

Don't freak out about diseases- just keep an eye out for the bullseye rash

You need Frontline buddyguy, and get yourself some repellent with like 20% deet.

Ticks are becoming a huge problem here in good ole Taxachusetts, last year a friend of mine came home after a day of fishing and found 7 of those fuckers in different spots on his body lol

It's fucking terrifying

You should better see a doctor ASAP!

that's a tick. be careful though, those fuckers bore underneath your skin.

looks like it's head it still stuck in your scalp
