For all the libcucks who said the house won't pass on repealing obama care yesterday

for all the libcucks who said the house won't pass on repealing obama care yesterday.
Do you ever get tired of losing?

Other urls found in this thread:

liberal aren't even shit posting!!

Senate just told TrumpCare to fuck of this morning.

Yes, yes, well done Trump.


>"to fuck of"
college is really working out for you huh.
cry more

also no link or citation
again, glad you bring so much to the table

>Do you ever get tired of losing?

Republicans don't use healthcare? I think you'll find that it is you who has lost, esp. as Trump voters are more likely to be poor and dependent on Obamacare.

>for all the libcucks who said the house won't pass on repealing obama care yesterday.
remember the house repeatedly voting to repeal Obamacare when Obama was prez? They could do it because they knew it would never become law.

Same thing here. House knows that this will never become law so House Republicans can vote ideologically knowing that they won't have to be responsible for it.

It's kabuki theater bullshit ("look how conservative I am! I vote against health care! Don't forget to vote for me in 2018!")

lol try harder.

On mobile while working unlike all the "disabled" rednecks who voted for this clown. How does it feel that you're cheering for a goal your team scored even though you lost the game?


almost all military members get free health care with a honorable discharge.
Almost all of the military is pro-trump
Try harder failure
I kind of hope it does fail after passing in a way so all those fat college feminist die from heart attacks without muh free health care.
Die you commie pigs

>celebrating a Pyrrhic victory

still no citations and only tears?
desperation is a stinky cologne

I need a citation to express my opinion?

cheers to the liberal natural selection holocaust!
Hope they all die, we need a good thinning of the herd

nope, you need one to make you not sound like a retard
looks like you failed

Do you know what the word opinion means?

Most welfare recipients are conservative... They will be affected the most

Fuck conservatives are so fucking dumb.

They passed it to get the monkey off their back and to say they fulfilled a campaign promise and shift blame to the Senate and the Dems in the Senate.

>Asks for citations from anons
>Absorbs the president's lies like a cuck

That's funny considering most people who will die because of this bill are in Trumps base.

bot thinks my post is spam because of the link in it try searching for


read it, and see what a truly immoral man we have as president, and his gang of thieves

read this republicuck

you are celebrating a tax cut for the mega rich and the impoverishment and suffering of the bottom 50% go fuck yourself with a long pole, you psychopathic asshole

sure is a whole lot of speculation going on in here.
aww did the big alt-right bully you now you use their buzzwords?
you're projecting pretty hard here

you really are very uninformed and desperately maladjusted, aren't you?

psychopathy, or jsut an asshole? hard to tell sometimes.

you are giving a tax break of billions to the very richest billionaires, and sentencing the bottom 75% of american income workers to worse health and higher costs.

>Drain the swamp meme

Trump cultists need to go through forced reeducation.

so since he isn't draining the swamp but actually expanding it, and he is using his power to enrich himself and all his billionaire buddies, just what is he doing with those tools in the picture? Pouring the stuff down the necks of the poor and using the plunger to try to unblock his own asshole because he knows he is full of shit?

I believe you're exaggerating, but I can offer some sources that I'm basing my opinion on:

Trump was supported by a large contingent of people who did not have a college degree. That same contingent happen to earn less than their college educated peers. Since the new healthcare plan adversely effects those with lower income, it would hurt his support base.

It may just be a play to save republican seats in the House, though. If the bill doesn't pass the senete, then house republicans can go into the 2018 elections saying they supported the repeal and replace of obamacare without actuall causing any harm to their constituents.

No, but it looks like someone is in denial :-)

absolute control of government
the exact opposite
Nobody takes the cuck squad seriously, obvious bait 2/10 I replied
ok cuck squad, get off your phone in class

bot knows your posts are spam, how many times does based stickman have to break your twig asses before you get it.
or do you get off on it or something?

Forgot the other link:

If it is a play to win in 2018 its a bad one because they just proved they don't give a shit about the people only the party. The healthcare bill they passed has no heathcare in it at all.

How about you kill yourself op, one less person to insure.

>almost all military members get free health care with a honorable discharge.
>Almost all of the military is pro-trump

Trump voters are all dependent on government handouts you say?

Lol losing? It's not a game or a fight. I didn't lose shit. I can afford healthcare it's going to be fine for me. I also don't give a fuck about paying to help other people not die. I'm not selfish garbage. You are though. Hope it works out for you OP.

we know you don't know what hard work is
it's easy when you've never seen it before

But they just sent out "other Obamacare". There should not be a national healthcare law at all.

You're projecting your intelligence on a group of people who are not going to look that deeply at the implications of the bill. If the Senate rejects it, which is likely, then these people won't be harmed by it. Instead, the republicans will go into the election touting the fact that they supported the bill. They won't believe the negative news reports because they've been conditioned that way. Don't play partisan politics. you need to look at things from their perspective.

Oh they deserve it for beating off in the desert for 3 years? Lolol valor is for fags and the military is for degenerate minority poors.

you just got...
ever notice there are only a few conservatives mid work day on a friday and a flood of liberals.
It's almost as if the tables turn around, oh I don't know past 3pm.



Liberals are in college and getting an education

Conservatives are digging ditches and working at Walmart


The people of this country have FIRED Donald Trump. We literally - LITERALLY - do not give one fucking dogshit about anything he says or does. Our decision is FINAL.

Take the fat old POS loser cuck and fuck off.


The People of the United States of America

holy shit you spend enough time on Sup Forums to notice traffic patterns

spot the newfag

>Le conservatives are hard worker meme
Maybe all these libs are comfy shit posting at their office or while working from home while the conservatives are paving roads and going back into the coal mines. (Oh wait the coal industry is dead and will always be dead)

Poor people just need to die off!
This is America, where if you want, you can become rich.
Unless you're too stupid, In which case you leeches of society need to die off!

I find it funny that people think punching nazis is controversial now.


you already lost, get off your phone in class detected 15 year old
come back when you pay taxes

>liberals and conservitives
>trading insults and hate
>The only thing they have in common is the belief that the other side must suffer.

I try to love my country, but this makes it more difficult than it should be.

>thinks Sup Forums is representative of entire nation
Hahaha go back to sucking your gf's cock and spare everyone from your degeneracy


you're on the wrong site buddy back to >>reddit

>"look guys there's 76 genders!!!"
how's that working out for you

this exact OP post gets posted every 1-2 hours or so

again yes we all know you're pussy's who don't work a day in their lives.
can't wait until trump care kills off all of you useless leeches

Dumbasses like this who only see politics as a sports game with winners and losers are legit fucking stupid and are too dull to see the big picture.


I can't get enough of lib tears.

Don't forget his lover!

So you're either lurking on Sup Forums at work or....?

nah the other user is actually making some pretty smart points. Trumpcare migth not pass senate but house republicans still look like they gave it their best shot to repeal obamacare without having to replace it with something better.

IT's a win/win. Constituents retain their healthcare and house republicans do not have to put their name on a bill that would get them kicked out in 2018, whilst still towing the party line

start posting gay trump memes and watch op sperg out like yesterday

>fat miserable fucker

It takes two seconds to review your post before clicking submit. Enough of these "hurr durr I'm on mobile and therefore can justify my inability to talk" BS.

>Hurr trump isn't a nazi it's just that his most ferverent supporters basically are, I don't understand why libs keep saying he's racist just because his entire base is!
Okay dumbass, whatever makes you feel better. Chances are considering you're posting here on Sup Forums and have clearly drunken way too much of the Sup Forums koolaid you're a fucking NEET who is taken care of by their parents. Maybe someday you'll realize all the economic growth and power does come from the elitist liberal coasts, which are filled with actually skilled laborers and an educated workforce.

One can be anti fascist - and this Republican administration and Trump as well fit all the major criteria for fascism - without being wither anarchist or communist. I am a capitalist, with understanding that certain goods (especially scarce ones of common goods) are not best divvied up by the market system.

We need a social network to have a civil society in which business can thrive - and the cost of that is decent health care among other things.

anyone who says that communism is just trying to be a freeloading leech and get rich off your suffering.

>how many times does based stickman have to break your twig asses before you get it.

you know I have no idea what this means?

try English.

has nothing to do with trump moron

4chans always been a nazi /racist site you fucking newfag

>Implies needed citation
>none of his own
Libs take easy bait

>still think college provides an education.


here we see the liberal covering his ears and screaming autisticly at any mention of antifa constantly getting the shit beat out of them

why not? don't you think it would be a good thing for the country as a whole, as well as all who liv ein it, if the population was healthy? if the population could get health care for half the price of the current cost of it (which isn't covering everyone anyway?)

the US economy is being dragged down by bad and over priced health care - time for a cheaper and universal system.

Throw in the fact that people are now more concerned about "winning" by passing bills regardless of the actual content of said bill

Like, congrats, he did one of the things he said he was gonna do, but do you really want it? Are you celebrating because you actually like what the bill is going to do or because people said it wouldn't pass and it did?

No point shouting "we won" from the rooftops if everything that's actually happening doesn't benefit you

It is Friday, 11:40am on the east coast, and we're involved in a political flame war on Sup Forums.

Suffice it to say, we are not the cream of our nations crop. Nor are we forces for political change or pillars of educational prowess.

>liberals actually believe this fantasy

and this is why youre here whining rivers of bitch tears and im laughing hysterically

It's okay not to go to college but don't pretend that those who complete a degree aren't way better off than the majority of people who skip secondary education. Being a brick layer or road worker is good money while you're young but if you want to be the guy who gets to exploit manual laborers and actually make money, you gotta have that degree.

believing memes are u 12?

for a bunch of college kids you sure know how to english good, Huh!
what a joke, thanks for the laugh.
Also if you can please keep showing up to antifa rallies I love seeing you twigs getting your asses beat over and over by real men


yes there is

delicious liberal butthurt for one

>real men

Well I just graduated college and start full time work on Monday so yeah I'm gonna take the opportunity to see what the conservative NEETS on Sup Forums bitch about while I'm usually away at school or work.

did a 12 year old really try to mock bamf sand nigger killing americans?
this must be bait, if not here you go new friend.
I think you meant to go here

There must always be suffering

I agree that shit is fucking irritating

No because Trump campaigned on Repeal and Replace and promised to keep certain parts of Obama care and that is what the voters voted on. But he flipped on preexisting conditions, no cuts to medicare, medicaid, said it would be great for women and no one would lose coverage. It is not a win/win for him or the GOP he lied to the voters and the ones who voted for him are the ones who will take the brunt of this.

In real life I feel like people share their ideas much more calmly as adults and then u got on here and it's just a massive clauster fuck of people screaming at each other through a screen. The internet is so great

Good. Anyone returning a cripple from war just couldn't dodge a bullet.

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>posts screaming antifa
>"that'll show'em"
you aren't fooling anyone cuck, run into another cloud of your own tear gas


Can one of you cuckservatives please inform me as to how the new healthcare bill is better than obamacare?

Good one

no grammerfaggotry is completely childish and 100% niggers

cry harder kids