What country has the least promiscious women?

What country has the least promiscious women?
Bonus points if the country has equal rights.

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Eastern Europe, Slav women are based


"Eastern Europe" is a meaningless term. Czech and Albanian women don't have the same attitudes when it comes to casual sex

Guatemalan women...
Seriously, even tourists know it.

we, but trust me its not worth it

Even though some people consider us the most liberal arab country, kek..

from my experience in Italy and with Italian girls here I can say this is 100% false, they're just as sexually liberated as the rest of Europe

I saw so many hotties on the Jordanian Dead Sea and in Wadi Rum. They were Arabian (doing the dabke) but tourists. 10/10s everywhere. Don't know if they were Jordanian or tourists from elsewhere..

It's the opposite. If you're not fat give it a visit.

Vatican city

then i guess foreign women really like the italian stallion i guess because i cant get laid for shit in here

Gaijin hunters are a minority.

Obviously not that small a minority, I'll have like 13 hapas minimum if I'm lucky knocking on my door in 17 years calling me dad.

44% of female millennials in Japan are virgin. That's women from 20 - 34. Maybe you were just fucking sluts?

Another possibility.

don't care, what's the name of that slut in Op's pic

egypt is europe

typically the poorest are also the least promiscuous

really makes the cogs grind

India, in terms # of partners, divorce rate, and age of loss of virginity.

Downside is they are Indians.

Vatican City, because most of the women here are vowed to chastity.


Have you ever met or seen eastern european women? Bruh they're the biggest sluts you'll find in the world, with the exception of maybe thais
bruh easter european women will suck you off behind McDonalds for $2

Maybe they just really like hamburgers?

i've seen the vatican girl chaturbate stream
you're not fooling anyone

Some Swiss whores (wives) do not count.


Catholic girls are the sluttiest girls

Not true. The sluttiest girls are protestants.

Lol padre here thinks protestants still have sex.

the sluttiest girls are those who self-identify as christian
having a cross necklace does not make you christian but from my experience it correlates with sluttinness

that's Julie Borowski, and she's not a sloot. She's married. She was mocking sluts in the video from which this screenshot was taken,

She's a degenerate liberaltarian, and polish harlot.

She should taste the whip insahallah.

she's really normal for a libertarian. Also, married, so don't you dare calling her a harlot, unless you wanna taste my whip.

Rare flag

Also, stupendo usare quella bandiera quando probabilmente nemmeno vivi lì

China, India, etc.

Eastern Europe more slut than Asia I'm sorry.


>10-12 sexual partners on average

looks like Polish and Slovakian girls are the purest Slavs,and some of the purest overall.

How the fuck are you living in the vatican and on Sup Forums?

time for real studies and facts, lol

Did the Spaniards just outright lie? What the fuck?

Vatican is not an islamic state, mate

that's from an online survey
>This is the fourth year that this survey
has been carried out via the durex.com

mostly worthless

that's much better, it's based on this study


but it still has the problems of self-reporting

Maybe in Bologna or other Northen towns, Bologna for instance it's a marxist hideout so no wonder they're degenerates, in the South and Sardinia it's different

I'm 5'6 and autistic.
Would moving to Japan fix my problems?