Universal Basic Income

Universal Basic Income

Our only hope for the future?

Maybe. If we remove ebt and wic it would certainly streamline things.


govt will find a way to fuck it up though

so who pays for this badic income, and what is their incentive to continue doing so?

Well when robots remove the labor needs for simple jobs like making a burger at McDonalds, millions will be out of work with no where else to go. Universal basic income will likely be an inevitability.

Fucking stupid. It would not stop human greed and would just suck up a shit load of tax money.

What if you want more than basic income and want to be successful?

perhaps we can find a means of non-government supported money handouts?

it's inevitable
but only as a stepping stone to a society in which money isn't a thing

Yes, but it needs to be more sophisticated and nuanced than "just give people money from taxes on the few people who can still normally earn money" because .

Definitely needs to be coupled with other societal and government changes. Introducing UBI into our current system would fuck everything up and ruin the whole concept for 2+ generations.

but what about my feelings?

Stop asking stupid questions, Faggot.

Taxpayers pay for it. Incentive is to keep unemployed on their feet until they can find work again (so they won't be as likely to turn to crime, drug addiction, etc.) along with simplifying welfare state to reduce the size of gov't bureaucracy and expenditure overall.

ITT: socialist spastics

The only reason capitalism is a better system than anything else is because of innovation. Implement basic income and you eliminate 99.9% of the motivation and drive necessary to innovate. What happens when we innovate? It creates jobs, service jobs. Jobs that separate you from click-click living in Africa. Don't be so fucking ignorant.

There are concepts out there, like giving everyone shares in the businesses which own the automated factories, but all research into the problem is limited by the fact that economic experiments are all but impossible to do with levels of rigor comparable to hard sciences. It's incredibly hard to have anything more than a basic idea of how a brand new economic system will function on a large scale until you just do it.


What's socialist about basic income? It has nothing to do with public ownership of the means of production, which is what socialism actually is.

If anything, UBI increases economic freedom by increasing the purchasing power and independence of the unemployed and those who are too disabled to work. And these, in the capitalist system, will always exist.

Its made through taxes levied on businesses that use automation rather then manual labour. Their incentive is that if they dont nobidy will be able to afford to buy their shit

being this fucking retarded

aw someone triggered the suit. gona cry about not getting your annual corporate participation trophy sweetie? better get back on that ladder. it ain't gonna climb itself.

can't tell if trolling

I'm on social security right now. Believe me it doesn't make me want to be a parasite and just sponge it up. It's not really enough to live on. I don't have a car right now, don't drive without insurance kids. As soon as I get my licence back I'm for sure going back to work just to make more money and do something with my life.

I think everyone should get a basic income. The top 1% rich people can afford it, fuck them. How many gold plated Ferraris do they need anyway.

hurr durr, ebry 1 can hab munny 4 doin nuffin :DDD

It's like you read the Communist Manifesto and confused Communism for Socialism.
Nice Bait.

whats the matter? sharing freak you out? you were the only child of two workaholic yuppies werent you?

No, really. That's the actual definition of socialism. Look it up.

If we get to a future where automation and AI do like 90% of the work of agriculture, building infrastructure, and all of the necessities we need to live in this society, then yes it's a great thing.

If it's just socialism under another name then human greed will screw it all up.

Basically if over half of the workforce voluntarily retiring wouldn't completely destroy the economy, then yes it can work...but at that point we might as well just get rid of money to begin with and live in our utopian Star Trek future...

Perhaps when we shift to a relatively post-scarcity robot-supported society, it will be wise, even necessary. For now, I think our needs will be served best by a high minimum wage. But pushing for universal basic income would not be a turn-off to me in a politician.

So, you will pay thousands of dollars to rich people?

What do you even mean by that dribble?
Survival of the fittest has been a law of planet Earth since life was created, if you were made weaker than your fellow man, it can often be difficult to swallow.

Equal opportunity, not equal outcomes; and i bet half of you are anti-feminist.

Won't happen, but sure. Have to school/training for an employable job. The mind numbing/destroying cycle of poverty is bad for everyone in the long run.

dont make him do that. he has a hard time understanding words bigger than cuck, nigger, jew, and trump.

Won't this just encourage the shitskins to breed out of control?

I can't believe I have to post this.
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

Yeah. Everybody gets the same basic income check. No means-testing.

The fact of the matter is a little bit of socialism will nessicary to keep the economy going. Imagine every single person working in a factory assembly line is out of work across the country. Shit will be fucked, likely on a scale worse then the 1930s depression

That's the great thing about UBI. It can actually replace the minimum wage.

Another way to think of it is the state buying up surplus labor. Let's say the government sets the UBI at $16,000/year (about what a current minimum wage worker in the US would make working 40 hours per week). What would the average person pick between working full time and doing nothing for the same amount? Most of them would pick the latter, right? This would force businesses to increase their own wages for entry-level positions or face severe labor shortages. There would be no need for a minimum wage in such a case.

youre the guy at a potluck who pushes old ladies out of the way to fill your plate up first and fullest aren't you?

What's your "disability" chief?

lol get a load of this "guy"

Socialism is necessary to keep the capitalist pigs in check... but it's light years away from viable. As far as I'm concerned, if you haven't studied economics or actually paid a substantial amount of tax, your opinion in this is completely irrelevant.

WTF That's the stupidest idea I've ever seen, the government will pay people to not work.

Only if they lived on welfare their whole lives and never paid tax. I make them fill in forms before attending.

"KYS?" No, really KYS.

It wont happen. Ebt and wic are given unfairly. Tax credits have to meet requirments.

AI Machines + Robots

They tried this when the pilgrims first came to America by storing all the food in one warehouse. Eventually people lost the incentive to work.

ah fuck you

From the Little Golden Book of "History I Just Pulled Outta My Ass"

hehe triggering confirmed! :)

Massive fucking sigh. The problem that nobody wants to talk about it the out of control population. There are too many people for this type of economy. The harsh reality is that many people have to die.

1996 called, they want marilyn manson back.

>Jewish mind control illustrated

Not really how it works. The most viable interpretations of this idea I've seen involve giving just enough to get by, but not dropping it off for people who are employed. So you could live a shit life entirely on the dole if that's really how you wanna roll, but it's not like you'll lose it if you pick up a job. Our current unemployment benefits and a bunch of similar benefit systems discourage people from getting jobs or even trap them in an unemployed state, but the more intelligent varieties of universal income don't have that flaw.

>There are too many people for this type of economy


>knowing the dictionary definition of socialism
>not knowing that every modern economy uses a mix of capitalism and socialism

Economic textbooks are not covered in anhydrous acids, waiting to burn you when you touch them. It really is ok to be republican and read an economics textbook once in your fucking life. Then you might not look like such a complete moron.

But nonwhites aren't people user.

Most poor people in the US are white. Try again.

Not him but he probably means
>not enough real commodities on the planet to back the liquidity of the FIAT MONEY of the world's nations. There is literally too much money and not enough "Stuff" on the planet to back it (let alone precious metals).

i was tagged in this, but youve got a point. a pure socialist or pure capitalist government is a disaster. i remember reading about that a lot in economics.

im being kind of a dick to everyone in this thread. i know its not cool to do this on Sup Forums, but i'm sorry. im just being a trolling sack of shit to relieve stress from real life.

anyway, thanks for putting me in my place. needed it.

You dont need a degree in economics to read the writing on the wall. The majority of the job loss in the automotive sector has been due to automation rather then jobs moving to mexico. If this keeps up and spreads to other sectors of the economy, which it undoubtedly will, the future will be extremely bleak. Universal income will mean that those whos jobs are displaced by automation can still be active participants in the economy

Unless you're volunteering, that's a bullshit thing to say

Tell the Christian missionaries in Africa to stop discouraging birth control. We have our shit together in many ways, and there would be a lot less to worry about if we stopped preventing other regions from getting their shit together too.

Based on what calculations?

Gah damn edgelords. That was actually a good ass question. What if I want more than this basic income? Stop being a try-hard asshole. Nobody likes those Sup Forumsro

The nonwhite population is what's growing. Whites are below replacement rate.

Whites (and some Asians) are capable of leveling off population growth.

And when more automation and AI take the place of people, then what?

listen at 1.52 on he answers your question quite well i think

Sense. Do you understand what FIAT money is, and how it comes into existence? Do you have a general idea of how much liquid FIAT money exists? Unless we price dirt @$77B/tonne, precise values are inconsequential to the point.

Andy Sixx will provide food for everyone, so no one will have to buy food.

There's also a huge amount of foreign aid (governmental and otherwise) flowing in. It's what allows most African nations to buy food, since niggers cannot into agriculture.

>(unexpected mature response)

Dear diary: I met a sentient being today.

Get a job. UBI is mostly for short-term unemployed, people who are too disabled or old or mentally fucked up to work. If you don't want to waste your life on a shitty foodservice job making slightly more than UBI, then you can expand your education and the state will take care of you while you do.

You mean when the collective intellect of humans is degraded to the point that it meets the level of AI advancement? Well, 'what then' will hardly be a concern compared to how the former has possibly come to be.

>Bribe people to not commit crime.
>Simplying welfare by giving out more of it, which will reduce the size of government by not having as many government jobs, therefore, creating more dependency and expenditure...


Right. Religious delusion has been causing children to be born into starvation. Population bloat. Etc.

Andy Sixx needs an enema

and a UBI check

I know what fiat money is, smartass. I'm skeptical of the claim that there aren't enough commodities in the world to cover the amount of money in circulation. Where are you getting that from?

Andy Sixx is doing lots of big things these days

This is a bullshit statistic; I don't even have to look it up to know that. Blacks aren't going to contribute at all because 1: They're lazy as fuck 2: Have no shame and thus have no problem living on handouts and 3: Have an enormous sense of entitlement that would also cause them to leach off the system much like they do now.

Destroy money.

Be africans. Live well for hundreds of thousands of years. Suddenly in the age of weather control, bioweapon diseases and money grubbing television charities showing only adject poverty, they're suddenly barely surviving. Hmmm.

So, in 30 years, your statement will be correct. Nice attempt at damage control. Next time, if you mean it, say it.

Nothing wrong with volunteering. Except you don't get paid.

As it is now, worthless JEWISH LEGAL NOTES yes, I agree.

It's not bribery, shitbrain. Criminal activity is closely tied to poverty and economic instability. This is a concept that is neither novel nor controversial. Most welfare states consist of multiple different programs that are designed around a specific, narrowly defined goal (ie. food assistance, childcare, housing, temporary employment) one of the goals of UBI is to consolidate these into a single program that tackles the broad goal of reducing overall poverty by means of cash payments to the most vulnerable citizens. In this way, we hope, we can shrink the overall government footprint on the economy by reducing the number of people involved in maintaining the welfare state.

>push for UBI in case automation puts everyone out of a job
>government never supports it
>muh work ethic
>never gets implemented
>robots take our jobs anyway

Dude, all of the gold ever mined on earth would make a cube slightly over 20m long. Platinum is even more rare

Plenty of Corporate Jews ready to cash in on the free labour. This is why they speak so highly of volunteering, because it's free work. It's usuring stupid newfags before they get a clue. Some of those goy newfags never even get the clue.

id befor universal income if we removed all niggers from existence

And they are simply not able to create an economy to survive. Yeah, the tyrannical shit as well. In the meantime...BIRTH CONTROL.

I do (govt. contractor, NSF) and we'll do it because we love science and want to figure the fuck out of shit. Whether you're a researcher or a test subject, you can help figure it out. Also, I swear to fuck I've got all the problems fixed with 1984 just trust your robot they will replace the police chill rite?

Well, at least you're consistent.

News flash, fuckboi, gold and platinum aren't the only valuable resources on the planet. Please tell me that's not the best argument you have.

Yeah, but, if blacks are lazy, then who are losing their jobs to machines? Working white people. Go check out a coal mining or manufacturing town.

Seriously, quit trying to mix racism with socioeconomics. You only know one of those subjects.

This ^


you mean communism. statism is what you are indoctrinated into. grow up. don't be a doofus
