Maddox - "there's nothing inherently wrong with being a cuck"

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Is that autist still active?

I remembering visiting his website back in like -99

What a dumbass.
Insults often evolve past uses where they're explicitly literal.
Take 'gay' and 'fag', they now just mean lame, stupid and whatnot.
He's just butthurt about how often his cuckoldry is pointed out.

He is autstic as fuck, not like an insult, but actuall autism.

And he's uglier than ever. If you listen carefully, you can hear the moans of his wife in the other room

Maddox was way better before I saw what he looked like. 15 year old me back in the day bought his manliness schtick hook, line and sinker.

This guy is having a complete meltdown over Trump.

At this point people should just double down on the word cuck and imply that he's an actual cuckold and spineless betamale and really hit his masculinity. Especially the fact that he defended this fetish, what the fuck.

I'm not sure if he fell off, or if he was never very funny and I was too young to see it.

"Let's pretend it's 2000 and you guys still like me" -Maddox

Screen cap relevant.

This word has been triggering him hard on the podcast he can't stop himself from throwing a fit when he's called one, by next year I won't be surprised if he kicks Masterson off the show for being problematic and denies that SJWs exist.

>autistic retard gets famous espousing Sup Forums views

>gets a girlfriend due to his newfound value/wealth

>automatically cucks himself for the girl, becomes a massively cringey feminist retard, gets cuckolded, admits his mistake, then repeats this until the end of time

You faggots need to stop giving these morons any fame, they're just regurgitating the same shit we say anyway

Holy fuck, I can't wait for Dick to fucking rip Maddox apart for this video next podcast

I legit believe he enjoys being cucked.

Who the fuck in their right mind would actually defend this? Fetish or not, you're letting your beloved one being fucked by another man right in front of you.

Maddox was relevant long before Sup Forums ever existed.
It was probably moving to California that turned him into a spineless queer.

How fucking new to the internet are you?

I love this type of mentality it needs to be poured into society, it is creating tons of cucks around the world, it means I can fuck their women, specially white women

Maddox has been becoming more and more of a faggot. And not the good kind of faggot, like Milo Yiannopoulos, just the regular kind of faggot.

I listen to the podcast for Dick and Sean now, I honestly wouldn't mind if Maddox left

So you're saying that you would have had no chance with a woman if it were not for affirmative action?


he doesn't address involuntary cuck

is it 2003

no seriously though how emberrassing was it when he started making youtube videos even though he clearly wanted to expand his career as a "writer". He should have done the youtube thing years before he did and he would have been huge. hes so old and so Armenian it isn't even funny.

Oh look, another aborted human soul outing themselves as wanting to make slaves of men.

That's too bad, how upsetting for him that man won't simply subjugate himself. It must be bothersome to realize you will go back to being flayed in hell as a complete failure.

there are no white women in Mexico, Pedro

>hurr durr overanalyzing internet insults

I like Maddox, but c'mon now dude. Insults don't have to make sense, they just exist to... insult, you know? When you call someone a faggot, you don't mean they're literally homosexual, you're just throwing around shit knowing that they will get their feelings hurt. That's all there is to it.

Videos like this just prove that it works as an insult.

What a cuck

Cuck is basically the new-gen version of faggot.

They're both used to attack someone else for being a weak male.

I swear, Americans aged 35-50 have the highest prevelance of cuck fetish right now.

i forgot, but its so fucking true for these people in general

So Maddox is a leftist cuck who occasonally hits the nail on the head. (Wage gap myth) Got it.


he pretends that shit like open relationships are somehow normal and makes sweeping generalizations about people who use the word as if hed met every single one of them. what the fuck maddox

he backed himself so hard in the corner with all his comments and now he just went all out, throwing whatever he got.

I bet my ass he will act on the podcast like he doesn't give a shit and it doesn't affect him at all.

Worst case scenario (for him) he will actually tell us that he """""""""knows someone""""""""" that is being cucked and it's ok.

> having the impression that maddox was Sup Forums
This was his opinion on immigration back in 2003/2004

He's an edge libertarian, like Sup Forums used to be before it was ran by stormfags and retards from Sup Forums

So you contention is that people with conflicting views are misrepresenting people with conflicting views? Maybe they just have their own opinions and you should stop with this "shit we say" Sup Forums hive mind train of thought you have. You don't have friends or a support group here you shit cunt, just memes.

This, this, this. He ruined himself permanently by setting up his really terrible YouTube channel. He He should never have done that. His articles on his website are always 100% more funny than his awkward, shitty videos. He should have stuck exclusively to those. I get that he was trying to "step into the modern era" and avoid becoming some irrelevant nobody, but there are a ton more ways of achieving that then just jumping on the YouTube bandwagon.

Regardless of whether or not Maddox's "schtick" was real and really how he acted was never important... it was maintaining it. By going on YouTube, he broke that schtick: old Maddox never would have jumped on a bandwagon like that. Making videos on another site, especially YouTube which is kept afloat exclusively by ads, which he claims to hate, defeats the purpose of his site and goes against his beliefs. He sold out, plain and simple, and he revealed himself as an ugly, clearly insecure man who isn't really all that funny unless he can type up something first.

Sorry for the personal blog post but I took used to love reading stuff on his site and now I feel pretty fucking stupid considering how much of a loser he actually is and has become.

He lives in california and is still rebelling against his prude utah upbringing despite nearing 40.

How is dick even freinds with this dweeb


All cuckoldry is involuntary. The "voluntary" cuckoldry is just mindbroken men who feel they have no options but to agree and enjoy it..

To be fair, the job market in 2003 was far better than it is now

We need Trump now more than ever.


I hope Dick gives him a lot of shit for this next week.

I think I now understand why cuck is such a good insult. because even though faggot wasn't an insult just for gays, the gays decided to control speech and take ownership of the word faggot, as such over the years faggot has lost a lot of its edge with party gays using it endearingly as well as a lack of freedom from publically using it without being called a homophobe, where with cuck you have a biting insult that merely implies general weakness in constitution. I love it

This whole video was just a thinly veiled attempt for maddox to defend his fetish.

Does anyone think this is elaborate trolling on Maddox's part? Alt-trolling or something.

I made it through a year of the podcast before I couldn't take the SJW shit that was spewing from Maddox.

Also, he's admitted to being a cuck by stating he's been in open relationships.

no, look up his twitter feed, the trumpkin got under his skin real hard and he's being a bitch about it.

Who is Maddox?

every dog has its day.
Just like faggot lost it's punch value,so will cuck,one day.
joke aside,it has a good few years of potent usage

Did you though? He makes terrible arguments and brings in cringe-worthy joke problems a lot but he's hardly an SJW. Boisterous is MUCH fucking worse and the episode where he's being a drunk cuck basically has Maddox turn into Dick to counteract his sniveling appeals to emotion.

there's nothing inherently wrong with being a bastard

fugging globalist cuck maddox

>lets take in all these refugees of the world's most violent death cult

If Maddox were shot 15 years back in time, 2001 Maddox would mock the shit out of 2016 Maddox before doing an hero.
Or so I'm told by my wife's boyfriend's adopted stepson.

He's proven how much he doesn't give a shit by bringing it up constantly while insisting that everyone is just butthurt so don't count it, Maddox has always double downed when called out so expect his podcast to be renamed The Most Problematic Thing in the Universe soon.

Yes there is.
t. A bastard

Well I did not see that coming

So he's defending cuckholdry because he feels inadequate in himself due to his inability to stand up to his wife's desires to fuck better men... Fucking current year

Every few years I'm surprised that this guy is still holding onto the same schtick. It's like that old webcomic you used to read when oyu were an edgy gamerboy, and which is somehow still running.

Except even the shittiest webcomics requires more effort than whatever it is that Maddox is doing. Not to mention that the entire world grew out of this "I'm so awesome, let me prove how awesome I am by dropping random fucking swearwords and constantly reaffirming my persona over massive confidence" kind of thing ten years ago.

Maybe this is him trying to be relevant again. Going after Sup Forums for using "cuck" as an insult is scraping the bottom of the barrel, really. I know maybe one guy in real life who's even aware of this shit, and I'm 90% sure it's because he's a Sup Forumsack himself.

So literally Tumblr-tier butthurt.

He probably had to in order to survive, YouTube will pay the bills and he doesn't have any other jobs qualifications besides working at a telemarketing firm

to be honest, I don't like cuck as an insult, it's just lame, and I really fucking hate you retards for forcing it like a bad fucking meme or some shit. I like creative, long insults, ending your argument of anything with a catchall term of cuck is just fucking lazy. Also, insults about sex don't really work, coming from 4chin of all places, most of this website will go into wizardhood, the majority is still us, not the normies.


Ditto. as soon i realized he was a nasally arab neckbeard, i moved on

I don't like it either but I don't care at the moment because I'm more interest in Maddox of all people basically admitting he is an actual cuckold

It is a good insult because it draws on the primal desire to preserve oneself through reproduction. It's the biggest insult you can call someone

>the regular kind of faggot

Never change Australia

>Maybe they just have their own opinions

Right, which is why they always change as soon as they get a girlfriend

>Human biology revolves around having sex with multiple partners. In fact, the second person is more likely to get a woman pregnant due to the way the penis is shovel shaped. It was designed to remove the first partners semen.

The fetish itself is also based on human nature. Straight males get aroused when they see a female near another male's penis. This is instinct and completely normal. It is the same reason why straight males are "attracted" to shemales and why pornography is a billion dollar market.


Cmon bro you know you dont have any women.

Would be fun to ruin this guy, like Sup Forums ruined Ben Garrison, but this has-been doesn't deserve the attention.

He knows he's a failure and that his 15 minutes of fame are long gone, so he's simply trying to stir up controvery and attention by attacking one of the most vocal groups on the internet right now. He failed when trying to get attenion for himself by going after SJWs, because there are so many better anti-SJW content creators out there, so now he's going after Trump supporters instead.

Just ignore him, and let him go back to being irrelevant.

Spoken like a true cuck heh. Cant believe he was ever popular.

Long winded insults are for fucking pseudo intellectual fags. cuck is brilliant, because you can call someone it and it brings their blood to a boil, and you get fags like maddox who fucking rave on about "it's not even funny it's just stupid, I'm not mad, you're just an idiot"
Maddox who rarely posts videos that aren't "hey kids watch my let's plays" comes out of his cuckshed for a single minute and its to fucking defend cuckoldry, fucking poetic

Oh how the might have fallen....


It reminds me of how TAA turned into a total faggot the minute people found out he was an actual banana fucking faggot cuck.

Cucks get mad at being called a cuck

Really, what the fuck is up with him in this video?
From the "you're stupid for liking pepperoni" to fucking "cuckoldry is completely fine and harmless"

I can get you being mad at Sup Forums leaking out and not using the word correctly, BUT HE GOES OUT OF HIS WAY TO MAKE SURE THAT WATCHING SOMEONE RAIL YOUR WIFE IS PERFECTLY FINE
I don't think he even mentioned anything about RAISING ANOTHER MAN'S CHILD when he talked about the cuckoos
although I'm glad he's making more videos, I like him

>being a virgin is worse than being a cuck

spotted the cuck

great, now replace cuck with something like 'bigot' and you have an accurate presentation of liberals

Calling someone a fucking retard hits harder, because it doesn't attack insticts, but rather his direct actions, which he is responisble for.
adding cuck as a prefix or a suffix to a word is just as lame as using cuck. Fucking lazy. If you want to insult someone put effort into it.
Like if you wanna call Maddox out, call him out for being a fucking has-been, who got punked by Pen&Teller, and really trying to force his edgy-but-cool shit, and shilling retarded shirts every single fucking video.
>I have no retort ,better call him a cuck!
This is why cuck is a shit, lazy insult

>Insults often evolve past uses where they're explicitly literal.
>Take 'gay' and 'fag', they now just mean lame, stupid and whatnot.
>He's just butthurt about how often his cuckoldry is pointed out.

Not really. The implications of calling someone a fag are still there. Fags are weak and effeminate, and it's considered degrading for a man to take it up the ass, and that is the context in which it's often used.
As for cuck, the implication isn't always literal, but it's still used to target people who are weak and let other groups trample all over them.
Left-wing faggots are called cucks because they're self-hating pussies who suck up to black people and other minorities, who ironically hate them. They're going against their own self-interest, while celebrating groups of people who hate them, which is exactly what a cuck does. Just replace their wife with their country, gender or race.

> implying our women would let low life mixed blood mexicans get near them.

>brings in cringe-worthy joke problems
Did you confuse Dick for Maddox?

Those insults suck. I could type a 4 letter word and watch him personally make me a YouTube temper tantrum video. Cuck is easy fire. has been is a shit insult, this isn't the nineties, and shrill is hardly an insult to a man who looks like the fucking stereotype jew image we throw around.

I used to visit his site all the time hoping for an update.
Especially his responses to hate mail.
Then the stupid book came out and I found out he was just a stupid bald loser in real life and the magic was gone. Kind of like how when you see pics of Sup Forums meetups it's all faggots dressed up as animu and autists and it makes you seriously question what you are doing with your life.

He was in an open relationship so on both levels he's a cuck. It hits hard because he's literally a bald, Arab cuck and it attacks his instincts

I think he'd sooner bring in Sup Forums as a problem, and then shout "VOTE UP TRUMP" over and over again.
Until then...
>Madolf, yous a cuck!

>ruined Ben Garrison
Don't you mean upgraded?

>He did seem to come around eventually.

Wait, did he say all of this?

Cuck is a good insult because for most men it directly attacks their manliness.
All those other insults will be disregarded as you being a brat and not worth the time to respond to.

never heard of this cuck, can anyone enlighten me pls

are you 12?

i feel cuck is way too misused.
a cuck by definition is someone who enjoys having their wife be fucked by someone else.
but its being used for everything now.
>wife cheated on you?
>did something wrong?
>something bad happened to you?
>aint got no big bux?

shit needs to slow the fuck down.
call faggots what they are.
dont use cuck for everything.
itll loose its impact.
thats all it had in the first place too.

It will only lose its impact if a movement arises to normalise it, just like with homosexuality. As long as it is a fringe subject, we're good

> Autistic German incapable of going beyond the literal

It's used broadly so it can form an association to it's original, worse meaning. That's why it is insulting.

>It was designed to remove the first partners semen.

Yeah, okay lmao. This is what cucks actually believe.

I actually like it when they get into arguments over non-problems like Fireball Cinnamon "Whiskey". Makes the show far more entertaining.

You faggots will it to the ground, I'd bet money that it's gonna lose all impact next year

I'm 99% sure you're under age

>a cuck by definition is someone who enjoys having their wife be fucked by someone else

He is wrong about this though. Cuckold is hundreds of years old and existed as an insult long before internet porn. The victim is often unaware while the people who knows laugh behind his back. Thus the imagery of the cuckold's horns.

It's been here for centuries. Shakespeare used it as an insult for Christ's sake. It's going nowhere

No it won't.

Men know deep in their hearts that such behavior is wrong. The fact that they grow up in a society where it's acceptable causes them to bury their feelings on the issue.

When you call them a cuck, you appeal to their deep emotions that they already have. That's the power of it.
That's why maddox is throwing a tantrum.