All insects use to be incredibly large (by comparison) correct? Including ants?

All insects use to be incredibly large (by comparison) correct? Including ants?

and that gene should still be in their DNA, correct?

So theoretically it should be possible, through selective breeding of ant colonies, with hundreds of different queens, to breed an incredibly large species of ant, unleash them on a given area, and use pheromone "grenades" to mark areas of interest. The ants would pick up on these Pheromones and move to that area, attacking the threat.

What does Sup Forums think?

more drugs


yo your garden ants arent fuckin antlions get outta here gordon freeman lookin ass. like honestly, its adam and eve not adam and steve.

You just need to fashion a habitat with a very high oxygen level

Op is a faggot

An user who actually knows something..

In order for insects to grow to those larger sizes again we'd need a much denser atmosphere richer on oxygen and carbon dioxide, and much higher average temperatures. It's definitely conceivable that it will happen again inside the next hundred years, especially in already tropical areas.

Earth ain't free. The streets of city 17 gotta be littered with the blood of civil protection. Gordon Freeman AKA "the free man" is not my hero. He is a rebel and probably a nerd as well. Breen and the Advisors not Gman and Mossman okay?

Pick up that can.

Why? All kinds of critters grow plenty large in our atmospheres current oxygen level.

So essentially:

Large scale habitat with larger oxygen atmosphere ratio, higher humidity and temperature, more food?

That wouldn't work. you'd have to gradually increase the variables over the course of hundreds of generations in order to promote growth. It would cost too much money and time, and there's no guarantee that it would even promote growth.

Because buttsex doesn't make babbies user!

Says you faggot. I'll have you know plenty of babies are cumfart babies.

praise kek

Ultimately the cities will need to be eradicated. Since disease dispersion vectors do maximum damage on higher population densities, they will be easy targets. Since most of the worlds population lives in them, that will be the easiest and most efficient way to reduce the human population back down to more survivable pre-war levels.

For the good of the species, of all species, bring on the chimera viruses and the age of the giant ants.

Can anyone even TOUCH the combine? I'm not talking about just earth combine. Hell, I'm not even talking about earth pre-gordon combine. I'm talking about inter-dimensional spanning empire at full power combine, the combine that won the war with the entire planet in 7 hours combine, that combine. Telepathically linked combine advisors combine, at their full power commanding the entire army combine. That combine. Every strider, loyalist Vortigaunt with bugbait, combine elites commanding soldiers commanding guards commanding civil protection loyal to the empire combine with turrets, roller mines, and APCs, combine helicopters, combine gunships all flying in perfect sync. That combine. I think we both know the answer to that question.

The genes for large size are already in the bugs. As soon as the environmental variables are there to support the growth the genes will activate inside three generations. It would be much harder to do in a lab, but if the world keeps changing in the way that it is at its current level we should see dog sized roaches in South America inside the next one hundred years.

Oh yes of course.

Cockroaches aren't useful though. They aren't aggressive like ants, and they can't be controlled like ants.

This, but it will be VERY flammable

Insects don't breathe with lungs. Read a fucking book

It's not exactly common knowledge how insects get oxygen. Most people just assume they breath through an orifice instead of essentially absorbing the oxygen through their carapace.

>Partial pressure of O2