What will history make of Obama's two terms?

What will history make of Obama's two terms?

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George W. Bush v.2

Probably "average" for the next few decades and "below everage" further into the future.

There will be particular emphasis on how race relations worsened considerably, and how America's international power and prestige declined during his presidency

outside the Iran deal he did literally nothing right

>bailout wall street
>cut spending
>start race war
>destroy middle east
>Cold War 2.0
>expand mass surveillance
>revoke the 4th and 6th amendment
>attempt to revoke the 1st and 2nd amendment

oh and don't forget expand identity politics in order to protect wall street

Completely and utterly forgotten as all do-nothing populist leaders are.

He won't be remembered for decimating race relations and sabotaging domestic peace, because that would be taboo. But that's all he should be remembered for.

Did not negotiate for more troops in Iraq in 2008

He was black

loved drones


Killed Osama

Saved the economy

No systemic change

The first black president

it is prophecised that obama will not finish his second term

First nigger president. That's it.


Obama restored relations with Cuba and Iran. That alone is a huge historical achievement.

Weak presidency, no respect for the USA etc.

Trump is your last hope, burgers.

1st nigger president, that's all.

>the only president to make the US credit rating go from AAA to AA+.
>racked up more debt than all previous presidents combined.
>first and last black president.

and last

They'll look at him and ask what? What did this president do, so badly that elected their new Emperor of the United Trumpic Empire? If he's remembered at all..

First black pres. probably nothing else.
If we get Trump He'll probably be relegated to Jimmy Carter shit-tier status but we'll see.

Either way, he's essentially accomplished nothing, and had great PR.

Created a environment where nobody hides how much they hate anymore.

Whites hate blacks
Blacks hate whites
Whites hate themselves
Hispanics hate whites
Whites like cheap Hispanic labor
Muslims hate everybody
Everybody hates Christians
Everybody hates Jews
Jews still love money
Women hate men
Men hate uppity delirious cunts
Fags hate people who breed
Lesbians hate being born
Poor hate rich
Rich detest poor
Educated hate uneducated
Uneducated hate math
Teens hate their parents
Parents are acting like teens who hate them
Liberals hate everything
Conservatives love that liberals are going to hell
Libertarians want to be loved.
AltRight hates insanity
Marxists breed insanity
People hate their government
Government asks why are these people are relevant

Hypocritical society hates Sup Forums
4Chan loves Midget Fisting Rape Porn

and destroyed Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq (again), restarted Cold War 2.0 with Russia.

anyone who defends Obama shows how ignorant they are on basic foreign policy

has it right.

Cuba and Iran were an afterthought, a desperate attempt to salvage Clintoris ratings. All you had to do to "restore relations" with these countries was to tell them "hey, I've stopped being pissed at you kicking out CIA moles, let's be friends again".

The "improving relations with Cuba" part was blatant pandering to the point it was embarrassing.


desu Pootin was the one who started this madhouse with Cold War 2. It was Russia that poisoned its relationship with Ukraine by staging assasinations and pushing obvious puppet Yanokovich, and it was Russia that helped Assad kill off original (secular) FSA members, thus protracting the war and causing spread of radicalism.

Not to say Obummer isn't a titanic faggot too. He's basically Pootin-lite.

Judging from the team he assembled in Forpol?
"Cynical". He manipulated the media bias in his favor to spin whatever he did as a ingenious.


t. CIA

If SJWs continue to control academia then he'll be praised, if not then he'll be remembered as mediocre.

In fairness, a lot of that cost was a result of the continued action in the wars Bush started.

My honest opinion is that he'll be remembered averagely. Better than Bush, better than Carter.

>(secular) FSA members



They were always gulf state backed Islamic terorrists.

The "Secular Rebels" were always a dumb meme and a lie.


>obvious puppet Yanokovich

yeah anyone who doesn't want to be an EU slave is a "puppet"

Keep in mind that "mass trans lynchings" and "black genocide" began on Obama's reign. I don't remember reading anything about hundreds of special snowflakes being killed on the street daily during Dubya's term.


Ended Slaves
Broke the federal reserve
Elected four times during WW2
Went on vacation.

Wew lads.

I've run into many many people online who've said that he was the "best president in history".

What you need to understand is that the media gives him a total pass on everything. He is literally never criticized or mentioned in a negative way. For the past 8 years he's been given a total pass, ever since he first announced his candidacy.

He doesn't even do anything. He reads a teleprompter, and goes out to the golf course while his handlers run the country. He's completely incompetent, basically an empty suit. Remember, he's literally never had a paying job in the private sector.

People in America really don't know how to feel about Obama, because he's never criticized. The statistics are cooked to make him look good, and he's got a Soros funded army of shills tooting his horn 7 days a week.

His presidency has been truly horrible. But that's not what history will remember

We wuz presidents

and again they were ALWAYS Jihadists


Dude, these are the guys left in control of FSA after Assad was done killing the original members using bargain-bin russian materiel.
Original FSA was done for in late 2012 or early 2013.
How exactly was Yuchenko EU's slave? How exactly being a RF's slave any better than being EU's slave, other than the ability to live in humongous villas with toilets made of gold and fucking sailships in artificial lakes?
If both Russia and USA kept their hands to themselves, Syria and Ukraine would've been peaceful and calm today. And Russia sure as fuck wouldn't be hated by dozens of millions ex-"brothers".

Omg guys he was totally the best president ever!!! Did you even see his hilarious OBAMA OUT speech this week? He will go down as the greatest president ever, because he just 'gets' us young people right?

Warned about the growing danger of military-industrial complex.
Kissed military-industrial complex ass so hard, he fell in and became brown.

nope you just don't pay attention to foreign polcy


Everyone knew they were radical Jihadists since the war began.

>How exactly was Yuchenko EU's slave

The EU deal meant Ukraine could no longer make deals with Russia. It was also the step towards turning the Ukraine into another EU debt slave (like Greece)

you should pay more attention.


>Warned about the growing danger of military-industrial complex.

That was Eisenhower

That cheerful speech after years of fucking over the people that entrusted him with power made me want to drown the fucker instead of just putting him in a work camp.

I fear for America and the world at large if Clinton wins.

>iran deal
>something good

The entire middle east will be falling over each other in their race for nukes when Iran gets the bomb. Obama will be known as the the Chamberlain of the 21st century.

If america continues heading in the direction it does, a great visionary who failed to implement his ideas.

If Trump saves it, he will be remembered as a terrible president who did nothing right.

Iran isn't getting a bomb

Iran is not Hitler

stop listening to Ben Shapiro or whoever the fuck says Iran is 2 seconds from getting nukes.

If the economy is doing so well under obama why is there more people on benefits and food stamps then before obama?

It's almost as if wages are still low while housing prices are increasing.

Lmao, US started shit in Syria, blamed it on AssaD, MUH MODERATE REBELS, WE ARENT ALLOWED TO """"ÏNSPECT"""" etc. By now Assad is fighting ISIS and somehow US is still fighting Assad under the guise of (((evil dictator))).

Reminder US/EU also started shit in Maidan


First post, best post.

For all the hope & change BS, he ended up being Dubya with a tan and even more shitty identity politics.

>Nuking the middle east

Yeah cause it's not like they're almost neighbours with their primary rival Saudi Arabia

oy vey didn't you know that all Iranians are evil and suicidal? We need to invade immediately *rubs hands*


It's almost as if you have an aging population and 10,000 baby boomers are retiring every day.

“Each day,10,000 baby boomers retire and begin receiving Medicare and Social Security benefits.”

It's almost as if a huge bulk of the people on food stamps are actually working, but they're paid starvation wages because right wing retards are against raising the minimum wage.

Btw, wages are growing.

I know right wingers have been programmed to hate their own country, but at some point give the America bashing a rest.


It's almost as if the economy is really bad, wow. Good thing there's only one way to measure that so Obama has objectively helped us, you know, somehow.

>Btw, wages are growing.
If wages are growing then why do you need to raise the minimum wage?
You're in Canada, you don't even know what that means.

>wages are growing



you are easily the worst hillshill on Sup Forums

someone post post the screencap of him reposting the same thread every day

>more shitty low wages walmart jobs

Bravo Obama


He'll be remembered as a great and sane president.
Basically America will smarten up and look at him like the rest of the world looks at him now that he's not their current president.
The retarded level of obstructionism by the Republican Senate will be fully analyzed and studied and President Obama will be seen in a much more positive light as the ridiculous lengths the republicans went to will be used to demonize the republicans.
Trump presidency might actually help this as it is likely Republicans will lose the house majority and it becomes a Democrat senate.

If Hillary wins and actually extends his policy and lets his legacy live he will be considered a great president.
If Trump wins and democrats take over the senate they will likely obstruct the deconstruction of his legacy but it won't be furthered, he will become Punished Obama, a man tortured by 8 years of fighting a war with the republican senate.

The worst foreign policy mistake ever made by a President was the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.

The second worst foreign policy mistake ever by a President was the invasion of Iraq in the first place.

The intention of the Iran nuclear deal wasn't to prevent the Iranians from getting the bomb, and there's no reason, in 15 years time, that it would reasonably stop them.
It was to provide political cover to allow the US to extract itself from security commitments in MENA existing since the Cold War, as part of a larger pivot to Asia.

If Iran gets a bomb, and the US isn't the one who deals with it, the nuclear deal signed will have been, from the perspective of Obama, a complete success.

He was black. Other than that, he just hold up the status quo left by dubya.

You've got that the other way around.
Removing troops was a campaign promise made by basically every fucking candidate.
Maybe you're to young to remember but It's what america wanted, it was what the world wanted, it's what all of america wanted up until that point and almost nothing else.
It was a constant
>when are we getting out
>when are we getting out
>when are we getting out
until we actually got all the way out and it was celebrated.
hindsight is 20-20
but if he never got out and stayed in, ISIS wouldn't exist but Sup Forums and all the republicans and all the democrats will be giving him so much shit for lying about his campaign promise to bring the troops home.

>allow the US to extract itself from security commitments in MENA existing since the Cold War, as part of a larger pivot to Asia.

No it wasn't

It was a lazy attempt by Obama to split the Russia/Iran alliance and to look good in the media


Oh also forgot he'll be remembered culturally for his youth, fitness, charisma and being good at delivering jokes.

>He is literally never criticized.....


The worst part is how people legit don't see. I was dumbfounded at how many people went to sleep when nothing stopped. Patriot gets extended, more countries get bombed, and suddenly it's okay because it's progressive.

I don't think anything in modern politics pisses me off more than when people talk about Obama and Bush like they're fucking different.

>This is what people actually believe.
If people are giving him a total pass on everything it's because the right have been criticizing him so much for the most bullshit and ridiculous things early on in his presidency that people are just ignoring it out of habit at this point.

His first term will be remembered as
>wow so progressive, first black president
His second term, the progressive-factor wore off. Now he is just a shitty president who divided the country.

America will forever be the country where the majority of voters elected a nigger as their ruler - not only once, but twice.

back in black

>went on vacation
Yep, that's Bush 43.

>all this delusion

that ameritards are fucking stupid for electing him not just once but twice

He's just Jimmy Carter minus the humility.

When all was said and done, we went back.