Lighting a joint of weed on the back porch after putting your kids to bed can get them taken away by CPS

>lighting a joint of weed on the back porch after putting your kids to bed can get them taken away by CPS

>but pornstars, who are practically prostitutes, no, that's fine, nevermind that her kids will probably one day come across videos of her swallowing the dick fluids of hundreds of strangers, it's perfectly fine for legal prostitutes to have and raise children

What in the fuck is this bullshit, this is fucking sickening, why the fuck is prostitution illegal if it's perfectly fine for all these sick whore pornstars to have and raise children, Jesus fucking Christ what the fuck is wrong with the west

Having sex as a profession can't kill you or injure you. Smoking weed can.

There's a big difference between that and the other scenario.

By the way, you're a faggot, OP. Probably a Bible thumper faggot by the tone of your last sentence with the "Jesus fucking Christ" theme.

>lighting a joint of illegal weed in Canada
>what's left of your country's only real national resource, now that the gold is gone, burns for weeks on end

>Having sex as a profession can't kill you or injure you.
What are STDs for 500?

You are a degenerate scumbag.

I said on the back porch

And no, it can't, and no, they'd arrest people vaping it just as quickly, so fuck off

I'm an atheist

>hurr only virgin Christfags think children shouldn't be raised by prostitutes

What in the everloving fuck Sup Forums

>smoking weed can
fuck of, besides, it's my own problem and choice.
The government will never ban stupidity, so why even try?

Well I'm a Christian and I don't like that you insult the name of my God like that, faggot.

>smoking weed can kill or injure you

>What are STDs
shit that gets you blacklisted from porn

But somehow not a possible consequence of making your living by having unprotected sex with strangers?

its still more likely to kill you than fucking weed


No seriously what the fuck, do prostitutes NOT have their children taken away from them for being prostitutes? Am I fucking missing something?

Nope yeah it looks like they do it for prostitution but porn is fine. Which is arguably fucking much WORSE for the kid because they'll possibly fucking SEE THEIR OWN MOM BEING A WHORE

what in the fucking shit

>a joint of weed

beat me to it

> doesn't know it can

>you can OD on weed

I just wanted to be clear

Especially because apparently in bongistan it is physically impossible to smoke a joint without giving yourself cancer by putting tobacco in it

fuck you stop doing drugs near your kids
you are scum of the earth
nothing wrong with sex, your kids will grow up and have sex.
having drugs in the house with kids you deserve your kids be taken away.

I don't have kids and I plan to get a vasectomy you fucking retard

>having drugs in the house with kids you deserve your kids be taken away.

Right, nevermind everyone who drinks a lot of alcohol, who actually do deserve having their kids taken away

>nothing's wrong with paying for sex, even on camera for millions to see

So why then is prostitution illegal

>Inhale smoke through your lungs.
>Cancer risk.

You are right, in both scenarios you should lose your kids.