Prime Ministers listen too much to voters, complains EU's Juncker

Prime Ministers listen too much to voters, complains EU's Juncker.

Juncker. "It's a quite common opinion in Brussels that the EU always has problems with its member states and our lives would be much more comfortable without member states."

"Prime Ministers must stop listening so much to their voters and instead act as “full time Europeans.”"

"Elected leaders are making life “difficult” because they spend too much time thinking about what they can get out of EU and kowtowing to public opinion, rather than working on “historic” projects such as the Euro."

"Too many politicians are listening exclusively to their national opinion. And if you are listening to your national opinion you are not developing what should be a common European sense and a feeling of the need to put together efforts. We have too many part-time Europeans."

What a nut-case!

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goddamn commie

>our lives would be much more comfortable without member states
yea, YOUR fucking lives, not ours

This is insane. How anyone can continue to support the EU when its leaders are saying things like this is beyond me.

Democracy doesn't matter! The will of the people doesn't matter! Subservience to the EU Superstate is all!

>people will STILL vote to remain

holy shit just fucking kill me i hate this world

Can ISIS just hurry the fuck up and blow these niggas up?

At this point, killing these people would be self defense.

Jesus Christ let EU die a swift death

"Europeans never existed" "Accept diversity or face war"

Insanity ,they need to be stopped!

and afterwards we must look where the fucking rats move towards to after the EU dies

>perhaps russia again?
lets hope not


More reasons for BREXIT!

But all wealth will magically disappear if the EU is gone don't you know?
The EU is the only reason Europe is first world, not its people or its history.

Diversity is our strength.

Except the average person won't see this, all they'll look at is BBC news telling people "CBI WARNS PEOPLE WILL LOSE £4000 IF BREXIT" "DEALS COULD TAKE UP TO 9 YEARS TO COMPLETE", as well as the government sending leaflets to every fucking household saying "lol food will cost more if we leave X)" which is a straight up lie but people will believe that.



you know what to do, it is your duty to spread the truth

Fuck everything, why aren't people burning down the homes of these fuckers?

Väykkä will save us so give him the final chance

Print out the article and spread it across the country. I bet it will redpill the average person.

So he's basically saying that the goal of the EU is communism?

Can't you just move to the Falkands and escape all the madness?

Do they send these people through courses that tell them how to get people to hate them? You could kill a kitten with a hammer on live TV and still not come across as much of a prick as Juncker and his constant stream of bullshit.

>full time Europeans

I'm really beginning to loathe this false nationalism these eurocrats promote. We have no fucking loyalty to the EU as a concept, we DO have loyalty to Europe. Which is why we want the EU to stop mass-importing NON-EUROPEANS and to stop giving them special rights over EUROPEANS.

The only cunts who are part-time Europeans are the bastards who allow themselves to completely forget about European culture and the European people, and demand we just drop our heritage to march in lockstep with their crazy idealism which borders on socialism in a lot of ways. Not the least of which is the belief that national culture is a bad thing that has to be subverted by their own, political culture.

Fuck Juncker, and fuck the EU.

No because with communism everyone nation would be equal. Which obviously isn't happening in EU. They want us to be "European" but still wealthier.

One thing is for sure, they do not want democracy. Why would they even consider letting the roaches join the eu.

They are the biggest thread to the eu. Can't wait till it blows up in their faces.

Fuck this guy.
I wish I could punch him in the face.
It's obvious that the very first priority of a countries government should be it's own citizens and that seems to have somehow become controversial.
We elect the government. They should work to improve our situation.
If they don't do that, why the fuck should we elect them?
With this kind of thinking we might as well go back to the good old days where we had a monarchy, and we just revolted and killed everyone in the court when we weren't happy.

Probably but I'm not Welsh so I doubt I'll enjoy it much.


European Union has more people than United States. When United States is already so divided, did they really think they could make this the new US? All these countries are built on history, culture and language unlike America which was based on an idea. You can't suddenly make Europe American or America European.

I read some gay site here and it explained how "becoming European" just hurts smaller nations because all the educated workforce moves somewhere else. And these bastard Euros come here to get education, complain how they should learn Finnish to live here and them move somewhere else.

I'm having a hard time what to decide about the whole EU in these days. For example seeing that bloated fuck timmermans and juncker saying these dumb things makes my skin crawl. The Eu expansion bothering russia also bad.

However i don't think a country like the Netherlands can simply drop out the EU like the PVV wants. We are a trading country.

Also i think the EHRC is not (always) bad either.
Like i say my problem with the EU is that it's forcing american jew bullshit like forced diversity and immigration upon us. Europa for the Europeans stop trying to create a new subclass of non western immigrant 'europeans'.

What should my standpoint be? I'm feeling like fighting globalisation is a losing battle tbqh

note this is not simply a spoonfeed me question i'm looking for more opinions

why not just throw them in the gulag for complaining?

This sounds like some fucking commie talk to me.

Exactly. I always see the comparison between the US and the EU, it blows my fucking mind whenever I do, it doesn't make any fucking sense.

Was watching an EU debate the other day and one of the pro EU shills says something like "Well the reason North America hasn't had any conflict is because it formed a United States." You can't just mesh 28 countries each with their own culture, history and languages together like how the US was formed. The US had one people and culture - those of European immigrants, and the aim to make a new country. It doesn't fucking compare to what Europe is. Then he got a huge applause for it, fucking stupid cunt.

>However i don't think a country like the Netherlands can simply drop out the EU like the PVV wants. We are a trading country.

Like we did worse before the eu.

So Juncker some deep-level Euroskeptic troll or something?

He has to be sabotaging the EU on propose at this point.

We could try to leave if the Brits do too. The Czechs are also looking to leave if the Brits do so.

If the UK, Netherlands, and the Czech Republic leave the EU, that means that the EU will lose more than 20% of their yearly budget, along with two of their oldest members. And they replace it with Turkey, which will only ask for billions of Euros in the next decades.

In short, if the Brexit succeeds, it will collapse the EU in a few years. If we and the Brits leave, we will have to tank the economical hit for a few years, yet it will lead into the EU collapsing even harder without us. We could soften the economical hit for ourselves by lifting the trade sanctions against Russia, as awkward that might be. We might trigger a race on who can leave the fastest, I can see Austria and the Visegrad Four wanting to leave too in such a case.

even the Swedes

the Brits have a damn duty to make Brexit happen

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>We are a trading country.

Middle east, Asia, Russia, South America and North America, Australia...need more¿

It will also give the socialists the majority vote in the EU, it is truly fucked if any moderate country leave

The netherlands did trade before the EU, they can do so after.
Also, nothing stops countries from making trade deals without entering into some kind of weird joined government where the top tier is not elected.
The problem is that the EU is some kind of stupid half measure. They don't have complete control, and they aren't really elected, but they do are able to make binding decisions without the citizens ever having any input.
This shit doesn't work.
If the countries decide to form a real union, like the US, they should go ahead and do that.
Elect a real EU leader, give him all the powers needed to protect and govern the EU, but make sure he is held accountable by the voters.
Or, give up on this foolish integration and just make trade deals as individual countries each with their own leadership.
Right now we have this stupid schengen zone, which is nice for us europeans, but the problem with it is that all the countries have their own individual rules about who enters.
And once you get in one country, you are in all of them. This essentially brings the immigration laws of all EU countries down to the most permissible ones.

the perfect position the EU aims for is that there is huge army between EU goverment and the people

that is the perfect position to bully demoralized people who have been brainwashed to think they do not have identity, that they have no reason to fight and they are free to move away when things go bad in their neigbourhood, leaving only shitskins who murder, rape, steal and pray for their gods to make them even more violent towards non believers

oh, did i say you are allowed to flee? my mistake, you were allowed, but not anymore, because you are the one who can even produce results. because you are a work machine.

then they force you to work for free. you didnt have anything for fight for to begin with so its ok right? its ok to just forget your roots and give up your life so EU can make money out of you right? shitskins cause chaos, but thank god the EU is making regulations towards ALL the people because you are all equal right? thank god the EU can keep the army in top order to counter the "still-allowed-to-stay-in-neighbourhood-shitskins right? RIGHT?

Also the US had a civil war over this if I'm not mistaken.
Maybe they want a civil war in the EU to determine the future of this failed union.

the audacity of these kikes

The nerve of this cunt.

Can we compare pre eu trading to now?I agree it's a stupid half measure but i don't know if i support the full measure.

>trading country
Simple answer. If you can provide something worth trading countries will trade with you. Mudshits are in business because they have natural resources. Western Euros are in business because they excel at many levels.

I'm sorry bro. But this won't happen. EU is a political vehicle that allows parties to have an enemy and it creates a feeling of unity which is important for winning elections. EU is currently doing enough politics that the people can deal with it.

I think the advantages the EU gives in trade are more than negated by the fees it demands, not to mention the fact that they tell us HOW to do our business.

We've been traders far longer than we have been EU members, and the EU has this tendency of taking us for granted. We always have to give, but never really receive anything aside from threats and demands. Either way, for me as a regular citizen, "the economy" doesn't really matter all that much when the money only ends up going to lefty hobby projects or in the pockets of the people in charge. The EU, however, has a lot to say about how even I live my life. I can still remember Juncker pandering to Islam before the Euro Parlement with two Saudi's in dressed by his side. The EU is overtly pro-islam, and pro mass immigration. We are already massively poorer than our parents were/are. The threat of economic downturn doesn't mean much to me when compared to the existential threat against Europe that the EU and islam represent.

I'd rather envision the Netherlands as a mercenary trader nation. None of this mealymouthed garbage about not trading with countries because of "muh human rights", a uselessly biased definition, anyway. We don't even trade certain drugs with the US, because it's used in their death penalty, which we don't approve of. So much for being a trading nation.

Of course, when we refused to sell tanks to Indonesia because of Aceh, Germany stepped up to the plate. The same nation that's now trying to sell mass immigration because of "muh human rights". What does that even mean for the EU?

No country ever became more liberal and more free because they were denied trade. If we drop the "alle menschen wirden bruder" crap, everyone stands to gain.

But europeans should trade with europeans but if you quit the EU you get for example buthurt French that don't want to trade anymore. Maybe this is a hyperbole but who knows what kind of jew tricks they have. 250k a refugee is crazy as fuck.

>when you just want to write "reality" on your hand and slap him in the face.

Yeah, but that's not an argument in favour of the EU. It's an argument against the French and the EU. The only reason this could be bad for trade, is because they actively refuse to trade with you for leaving the union. And that says it all, really.

Of course, the French are butthurt assholes who have been scheming to promote their own interests since day one. They've fucked us over several times already, EU or no. Fuck them.

Most EU countries have most of their trades within EU. However, today it doesn't need to be. There are shithole countries that have money because of natural resources that, however, need intelligence in form of goods and industry they are hardly able to achieve themselves or they aren't able to achieve themselves by now. There is always a deal you can make. And for the French bastards, you are right. They are lazy as fuck. But fuck'em. They should fight another war with Germany because they can't compete and leave us fucking alone if they can't get their shit together. Fucking French niggers.


simply eric :)

We have the biggest sea port in europe.
They have to trade with us.

We should do an anschluß with Flanders so we have Antwerp and Rotterdam in the same country. Then we could expand into Zeeland, too.

And London is the biggest economical hub in Europe too, meaning that the EU will take a good bunch of damage in the case of a Brexit.


We need to annex Antwerp, then we have full control over these globalist EU commie fucks.

Most people don't support the full measure.
But the half measure is worse.
For some things compromise does not work.
Now we have a situation of EU laws conflicting with local laws, and neither can be enforced.

I have to say I completely agree with this.
If human rights were so important there are many more countries that we wouldn't do business with.
It's all just political justification after the fact to put pressure on people that the politicians don't like.

What if we elected a hitler as president of the EU?
I'd be glad to feel "european" and a citizen of the union then

So when are we dismantling this shithouse called EU?
It's shameful that i still have to explain to everyone i meet how the EU is completely undemocratic and basically tyranny of bureaucracy and planned economy shit.
Even so the response i get is "but muh europe, so progressive". This world is hopeless.

>No country ever became more liberal and more free because they were denied trade. If we drop the "alle menschen wirden bruder" crap, everyone stands to gain.

Indeed love those double standards. It never stopped us from trading with S.A.

>250k a refugee
God bless the EEA

It makes it even worse that nobody knows what the EU does yet they have power over 28 countries. You would assume each country is largely independent and the EU is just something like NATO that doesn't really do much, but obviously that's not how it is. Most people don't see the harm the EU actually causes, because nobody really understands it. The EU has pretty much achieved its goal in being an unaccountable body that can do what it wants without repercussion.

We don't get to elect anything of significance in the EU.
In fact if they could get away with it there wouldn't be elections.
It's some buddy buddy muddy pool of corruption, drowned ideals and sheer incompetence.

Any self respecting Hitler would ditch that failure and start his own EU.

We actually don't get freedom of movement with our overseas territories, but they are classed as British citizens and can come here whenever they want. It's a really one sided deal. Otherwise i'd fuck off to the Caribbean.

you can't just start your own EU though kek
unless you raze this one to the ground first

Well just thinking about the amount of directives and regulations produced each year by the EU can make your head spin. A literal tsunami of papers and rules that washes up all of Europe every year. And all of those rules are decided by a bunch of unelected (practically unknown) bureaucrats that dream of a new USSR and their next 5 year plan, while The elected EU parliament acts as a mere rubber stamp.

>unless you raze this one to the ground first
Shall we do it Nuremberg style or French style?