Reaction pic thread? i lost all mine last night and this is all i have left

reaction pic thread? i lost all mine last night and this is all i have left.

























Bumping 'cause contributing fills me with honour.



I'm done posting but enjoy some of my favorites


bacchus is so shit





>reaction pic thread? i lost all mine last night

Cmon McDouche, this same exact fucking stale pasta AGAIN??

Tell me, how is it you had NO backup? Not even a fucking thumbdrive with all your Sup Forums shit on it? NOTHING? NO BACKUP? Not even a cloud backup?!?!

Are you too stupid to own a computer?!








Maybe that's just the go to because op wants to expand his folder but saying you lost it just like what you said. A pasta.

It's just like people who make furry threads and start it off with *farts*

Everyone sees it but does anyone actually care?

i used a laptop and i admit i was really fucking retarded not to back it up in any way. shit happens dude and its just one of those things you instantaneously think " wow, are you kidding me? this is a new level of fucking stupid on my part" sorry my life dose not fit to your standards

