Cringiest album covers

Cringiest album covers.

Other urls found in this thread:

any of Mac DeMarco's covers

Nothing cringy about the Saturdays = Youth cover.
My only gripe with M83 is that they're globalist shills.
Hopefully they're just useful idiots and not actually in cahoots with the NWO.



your tinfoil hat is showing

Global capitalism has already won, there's nothing you can do, just join the rest of us here in civilization. There's nothing for you out there.

I like France.

lmao keep telling yourself that, netanyahu.
The patriots have won this war.

>mfw zappa is a closeted furry

Get back on the Phan-site you fucking nerd

The one that shitty rock band put out that's just a guy with bad teeth doing something retarded with his mouth



You lost in France, the Netherlands, and Germany, you're soon to lose in South Africa, and Trump is permanently on the defensive. Ask yourself this, what's the alternative to global capitalism? Nationalist capitalism would lead us to the same situation that brought us World War 1, where half of Europe collapsed. Fascism (especially Hitlerism) is either just capitalism in crisis or haplogroup autism, and that failed in Germany, Italy, Croatia, and China. You're probably anti-communist so I don't need to tell you what you already know about the USSR, China, etc. History ended my man, we'll have food here in civilization, you've got nothing.

Capitalism leads to innovation, communism destroys it.

France and Germany have been infiltrated by the (((enemy))) and apologists suffering from severe white guilt.
South Africa is a different story, you can't compare them to what's happening in Europe.

The Nazi party was in response to the (((jewish))) terrorists who threatened Germany at the time.

My alternative would be a techno-anarchist society where instead of coming together as a group we return to living in small groups/tribes with our own interests in mind.
We're nearing a post-scarcity civilization and with that we will no longer need government or institutions in control.
I still believe in respecting your culture and heritage though, so I hope nationality will still exist within a few decades but post-full immersion virtual reality it's not likely.

So what happens when a tribe is much bigger than yours, has weapons, and wants your tribe ?

Your idea is basically hell on Earth, there would be no justice.

How braindead are you

Here's a fresh one for you -- just came out Friday I think. Ex-Dirty Projectors chick.

In this scenario most people have virtualized themselves so shelter and food aren't an issue.

In fact by this time people who want a way of life similar to say the 20th century/early 21st will do so in virtual reality.

For planet earth, it's really hard to tell what it'll be like within 30 years because so much is going to happen that will radically change humanity forever.

It's funny that she looked at that and thought it looked good.

Just because you don't like something doesn't automatically make it "cringe"

I like EOTS but their covers are stupidly awful

How has this classic not been posted yet?

You big dummy.

Pretty much the dark ages tbqh.
Except there was no enlightenment afterwards.


The only problem with this is that she's fugly.

go back to Sup Forums

they're all pretty cringe though

>shit they're making us censor our album art what should we do?
>just zoom in really close on the zombies stomach

Easily their best album though



How is that one cringey?

>telling me how I feel

How dare you

she is not bad

that's purposely over the top though

>capitalism is good and leads to innovation and prosperity
>daddy trump save me from global capitalism tho cuz i'm scared to compete in an international marketplace
