Fidget spinner EDC thread

>fidget spinner EDC thread

What are you carrying today Sup Forums?

>pic related

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reported for underage

underaged B&

These exist?

yoyos are better and cooler

wtf is that shit? a new stupid trend?

living in a third world country so I know shit about things like this

is this like a mobile finger box?
you what mate?

thanks for you raising awareness for autism.

The toy /gadget that defines autism in its purest form
>spinny wheels 123456789101234577991012345678910

Honestly, i don't care if it makes me autistic. I love those things. You hold the middle, give it a flick and it spins forever. I love all sorts of gimmick toys like that, yo-yo's, bouncy balls, shit's great.

>is this like a mobile finger box?

Yes. Much better though.

the exact equivalent to the glass beads colonists used to trick the local population out of everything


Why do people like these? Autism?

CHINA had extra bearings -)



Hinderer XM18 3" Wharnie on this rainy SoCal day



Giga checkum

Herd mentality.
Lack of genuine skills or hobbies.
Inability to grasp basic physics.
They're cheap.
Underage (which is forgivable)

I think mostly it's due to people becoming so used to mobile phones, that people have become anxious when they're not using their hands for something.

Watching someone use these makes me feel sorry for their lack of self-confidence, it's like a big banner saying "I'm feeling self-conscious and need to expend this nervous energy".

How does this one work? Can you upload a video? That one you have looks really odd...

it's a custom faggot spinner

My guess is it's ball bearings.
Nothing earth shattering.

Basically, someone in china is getting very rich of the stupidity and herd mentality of westerners.

Or they are fun.

fucking kill yourself

If you define fun as spinning a bit of plastic between your fingers, then you're living a seriously sheltered and dull life.

Which basically proves the point.

thanks for ruining a cure you fucking spastics

>What is ADHD

>inb4: hur parents need to beat their kids, ADHD isn't real.


What the fuck is this shit?


ADHD isn't real.
>Found the newfag

It's steel, titanium and ceramic ball bearings, made in the USA.


I just found this.. I think it says a lot for the type of people that use these childish beta toys.


Jesus what a massive faggot.

I spin my balls if I'm bored



That guy has the most punchable face

>Spinners are for Retard's and Manlet's.
Which are you OP?

Is the nigger his gay husband or something?