I don't even feel anger for these people anymore. Only sadness

I don't even feel anger for these people anymore. Only sadness.
You can see she wants help, but she doesn't know how to ask.

Another Liberal Triggered: Are You Kidding Me? - YouTube

You don't feel anger because you live in a country that doesn't have this problem.

The lefty libtards go around shouting Racist!, Homophobe!, Anti-Semite!, islamophobe! Nazi! Hitler! Fascist! White-Supremacist! and other retarded, anti-white shite. They have been totally brainwashed by the Jewish/Marxist media and government school system. No logic or facts can penetrate their fog of stupidity.

But look at her. Look how she cries the minute she realises the man she is arguing with is immune to her SJW nonsense. She's begging him to enrich her with some fucking knowledge.

These people are all the same. They are basically one step away from becoming redpilled.

lmao what the fuck is worng with you amerilards

in Japan there are lots of south east scum like vietnam, Philippines. But i don't think that its a problem, our government track this people good and we can send them back fast.

She's only 17 and can't even vote why the fuck is she there supporting sanders? She's 17 and doesn't know anything about politics other than "Bernie wants to make college free and let in millions of people who need help!" But she doesn't realize the price it would Cost the USA to do either of those. Bernie wants to increase my taxes to the point where I literally could not afford the house I am living in. I would HAVE to attempt to go on some kind of government benefits to live here. And the "refugees" aren't actual people who need help. They're entitled taxpayer vacuums who won't fight for their country.

>Cries about her friends being raped
>Is for illegal immigrants from mexico, most of which bring mexican rape culture with them

Don't tell me she doesn't have a rape fantasy. That's what it is.

Are you a squid or marine in oki

Someone give me a short run down here. What is going on?

I legitimately have a bad ticker, and have already had my fill of rage for the day. It would, therefore, be unwise for me to watch it.

Someone help a cardiac bro out.

Immigration isn't the main problem. Its that Americans are allowing their disease to spread, rather than just removing the rotting limb that is the Left. And you know their shit will spread here brother.

What is this, the 1920's?

Typical sjw girls shouting their obscene madness at America male, blaming him for patriarchy, rape, racism, illegal immigration etc. even though he isn't even white, is too young to have caused any of that shit and his parents were immigrants (legal ones).

Starts the same way all these interactions do, plenty of keks to be had at 06:00, and ends with the girl leaving in adolescent tears because someone else had a different opinion from hers. Great kek

Whats a squid?
Are you obese?

>3 min mark
shouting "SHUT IT DOWN" in the background

>What is this, the 1920's?

I have a time machine.

Appreciated. Glad to know that it is just normal fare insofar as SJW's go. It is fun watching them turn on themselves.

Horsefeathers! Dry Up you dumb dora or get on the trolley!

can you faggots stop roleplaying and go back to grading english papers now?

oy veyy

It must be a vaccination problem

This, their soul has been crushed and they feel worthless

They just need to feel the crack of the whip, and all will be right as rain

>its a "i dont have anymore valid reasons so i start to cry" episode

What country are you from even?

Loving. Every. Laugh.

>people constantly yelling at each other

I'm pretty tired of these videos senpai

>gets raped (apparently)
>emotionally unstable
>blames Donald Trump because he raysis

>"Go to the Middle East! They actually need you there!"
>Starts crying

I wasn't expecting these laughs.

someone tell dumbass editors to add subtitles on videos, things can barely be understood

>They are basically one step away from becoming redpilled.

Not really. They are more the ones that are too sheltered to accept the fact that struggle (even sometimes violent) is the way anything has been accomplished throughout history. War went both ways back in the day: You could believe in peace all you wanted but then someone else would use that against you.

Their "education" and "knowledge" is often based on more or less pure sophistry and not accept of realities that might be unpleasant. There must always be a scapegoat, of course, because wealth falling out the sky is the only default situation when the concept of struggle is separated from production a priori, so the only way someone could possibly have more wealth than others is from a violation of some kind.

They more like naive children, honestly. The real problem is the army of white knights and idiots that have made them think they should be in charge calling shots, and that their (lack of) principles will lead to peace and prosperity when in fact it will more likely lead to chaos and destruction.

The dumb cunt was raped or some shit and blames Donald Trump because he's somehow racist. Then she cried.

That was her argument.


do you even USA?

This. Agency should have never been given to women.

She is literally everything wrong with politics and politicians embodied into one person. She is corrupt, a liar, beholdened to special interests and cares nothing for the constitution and framework set forth by the founders. Shes also a cuck letting her husband cheat and fuck around all over the place while she blames the women. There are no redeeming qualities to the woman. Nothing will change if shes elected and will likely get worse.

Based Cuban

I don't think Bernie has ever run on a platform of helping refugees. Correct me if I'm wrong.

>bad ticker
Did you too watch Sin City recently?

>I don't even feel anger for these people anymore.

This is why.


>Comparing america in the past to america today

Holy fuck all my triggering

She truly is unwell. Really it's not too surprising that it's only the mentally unhinged that truly support the progressive left. The poor women especially are going literally mad, feminism is actually contrary to all their natural desires and ingrained life purpose. Yet socially they are made to conform to this self destruction, leading to eternal inner conflict. They should be home, that's where they belong. Taking care of somebody nice that don't know how to do them harm.

The only cure for stupidity that severe is fire

This guy gets it.

7:20. Hol up... Ya'll not talkin bout race? Aight we out.

Wow she's dumb. Obviously just reading from a mental script and using buzzwords she doesnt even understand. Also kek'd at what she says at 8:15

>"Well, I cry about everything to begin with"

Amen. Women are trying to make it out in the big bad world and it's too much and too scary for them.

>Breaks down crying during a discussion.
>Obviously is just mimicking the most "righteous" political views she saw as a 17 year old.
This person is allowed to vote.

I remember growing up in public school in the 90's and I always thought it was dumb how the teachers encouraged young dumb kids to be very opinionated about things.

Welp, this is what that's lead to. A society of emotionally charged morons and asshole children with no perspective just shitting out their feelings onto strangers in public.

Except now every jackass had a phone with a camcorder to preserve these little public outbursts of shit for all eternity, which I'm not so sure is a good thing either.

>People in the background shouting "ANTICAPITALISTA"

Well, guess what, thanks to a capitalist country you can be there screaming in a foreign language and suffering dissociative disorders in public.

And I'm not even a libertarian but these people just go there and start to complain about fucking everything.

What a stupid bitch.

>He doesn't have the right to say, 'Oh I don't feel, oh I don't cry about it, like, I don't really care if you cry about it.'

That rambling, incoherent bullshit reveals everything about her worldview: if she cries, she should get her way. This woman is a spoiled little girl who can't interact with grownups. She's emblematic of the left.

>triggerina: legal and illegal immigration is the same
>guy: it is NOT the same thing!
>triggerina: w-why does it matter if they're legal or illegal?
>guy: because you just can't come here and do what you want, you must follow the law!
>triggerina: b-b-b-but..

>Complains about exploitation of cheap labor
Why does no one jump on liberals who do this? They support the policies that allow this to happen. They are literally FOR cheap slave-like labor.

Most of them believe in minimum wage laws. Minimum wage laws are a price control on labor, which creates an economic incentive for illegal immigrants to work under the table for less than minimum wage. These same people are turning around and saying, not to enforce immigration laws, which would stifle the flow of this cheap labor that subverts and breaks the minimum wage law.

I just don't understand why, when liberals/whoever brings this point up, it's not pointed out that they are arguing FOR a cheap slave-like labor force underclass that subsidizes the goods and services of legal Americans.

They are useful idiots who will repeat any feel good line, right wingers who want the cheap labor and people who can not reconcile logic with the emotions they feel towards their illegal immigrant friends.

A friend of mine said he doesn't care if Muslims replace everyone in Europe because he hates all poor people equally. In public its because of his tolerance and open minded attitude.

Do Jap girls like educated American men?

I would love to move to Japan and hang out with some redpilled jap bros