What should I do Sup Forums?

What should I do Sup Forums?

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you should send me $1000


timestamp. what a stupid question

do not betray its trust
be a kind and a gentle person, pet it some then release it

Take care of it, give it lots of love

Put it in a box with proper covering and hiding spots for warmth and give it the proper food and water. Wild rabbits can make for shitty pets sometimes but if that's the case ditch it when it gets older but take care of it until then.

Eat it

Put it in a warm box, with some grass and take it to the nearest Wildlife sanctuary ASAP.

Hit it with a shovel?

Clean his ass with your tongue. Pics required.


Just keep posting pics of the lil guy.

Dubs do this


roll. i require pics as proof

dubs have spoken

Send it to idubbbztv for bad unboxing.

take it to mcdonalds

Dubs, I put it back now

do not betray its trust
be a kind and a gentle person, pet it some then release it

But I think my dogs are trynna eat them

thank you friend, also you gotta take it to mcdonalds to let it go to satisfy

You touched it. It's as good as dead now. The mother will reject it. Bring it to a shelter or raise it yourself. You fucked up OP.

You should sneak them into a pet store and drop them in a rabbit bin.

Take it home and love it, kick your dogs in the balls


Rolling for this cuz your dogs are dicks

False, that's a lie your parents told you to stop you from kidnapping baby animals as a child.

I am telling you you should eat it i know some good recipes if you need some

wash your hands

That's a myth

That would brobably doom all the rabbits there because they are most likely infected with myxomatosis and pet store rabbits are usually not vaccinated before they are sold, if at all.

what do they eat?

humans. run now

at that size, mothers milk.

ok Im going home

Cook it with some potatoes and some raw carrots and yu have yourself a delicious dinner

Grass, herbs, fruit and nuts if they find it, bark...
These on the other hand are just a couple of days old and still drink milk.


It's a myth about most animals but not rabbits.

This is /b not peta tell him he should eat it


What's taters eh?!

kill urself

up your ass

rodents eat their young for Many reasons "touched by humans" isn't one. if he damaged her nest that would be one tho.

give them silflay

Yes it's a myth you faggot, it comes from the fact that your hands are covered in disease and baby mammals don't have a fully developed immune system yet.

Yea do what this guy said but first eat the fucker

Just google it.

Open, you already doomed it. The scent on your hand will freak the mother out and she will either kick that one out to die or abandon the nest entirely. Field rabbits are fickle like that. And even if you brought them home they would die eventually unless you went to a vet and picked up the proper formula to feed them. That's assuming they will eat it.

If this was peta I would advise op to raise them with activated almond milk instead

Fuck it

Open.... op*


what are those? squirrels? mice?


faggot we got one


Not a myth, it's not about the diseases but the scent of an unfamiliar thing on its young that isn't it's mother.

Then OP should sneak them into a pet store and drop them into a guinea pig bin.


Baby rabbits should be fed Kitten Milk Replacer (KMR) or goat milk, which you can buy at pet stores, or sometimes even a local veterinarian’s office. Because rabbit milk is the most caloric of all mammals... etc...

Love it forever, name it bunnyjew

Finally somebody who thinks the same as me i have been asking him several times already and no response i bet he is fucking it first

Have you seen their mother around? If she's gone, they are dead unless you go buy some milk that they can drink. I dunno what kind of milk you will need, but you can probably find answers on the interwebs. They do not have much time without food. Their metabolism is crazy fast.

tit milk

This person already has the answer. Now you know what you have to do if you want them to live.

What does deactivated almond milk taste like?

you can't deactive an almond once you activated it.

dont be a faggot OP

How do you even milk an almond? Their nipples are tiny.

There are special machines designed to do this.

It's not real milk, it's just a figure of speach. It's actually almond semen.

That at least seems natural. I've never understood the idea of drinking another animal's milk. Thank of all the malnourished baby almonds.

Sharpie in your pooper.

Space Program now.

Suck its dick, make it cum.

Snuff movie

Sup Forums's faggot frog god wills it or something

frying pan on medium with a tab of butter and rosemary. toss for 6 minutes. Consume. Post results

I work in a veterinary hospital. It is a myth that if you touch a baby rabbit the mother will no longer care for it. If your dogs keep bothering them you will need to move them, just make sure it's not too far and that they are sheltered from any predator species. If you are worried, check back later on but keep any handling to a minimum. Good luck OP!

this for me instead

dont disrespect kek mortal.

>Baby rabbits
>baby rabbit
thought these were mice

eat it please