"It's a tough listen"

>"It's a tough listen"

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>people on this board saying that it took multiple listens for it to 'click'
>instantly liked the album when i listened to it
too many plebs on this board

But The Great Annihilator is a tough listen though

is that the pic?


give me one (1) example of a tough listen

there is nothing tough about it you literally only have to sit there with headphones on and drool

it's true if you're lobotomized there is no such thing as a tough listen

I think this hypothetical quoted person in the OP means tough to enjoy on the surface

yeah if you're a fucking normie who doesn't listen to music as a background noise

*only listens to music as a background noise

>waaaaaaaaah music is tough!! I worked hard to earn the taste that I have! I listen to more than a few avant garde albums! Swans is a toughie though, man are they just brutal!

fucking off yourselves music is the easiest art form to appreciate and enjoy on a deep level, there is no trying at all

yeah i dont understand that with people, usually when i like something and i listen to a couple more times i appreciate different aspects. When i dont like something upon first listen ill drop it and never come back

Why did you quote me? was just saying what OP meant. Imo if you think an album is difficult to enjoy then it's probably bad.

retarded shitposters, user

got it m8

I would describe a tough listen as a piece with complex or unexpected elements, whether it be unfamiliar chord progressions, microtonality, odd sounds & textures, or anything else that someone can't reasonably understand completely from a single listen. A song with a pop structure, for example, is not a tough listen, as it relies heavily on repetition, meaning the listener can instantly become familiar with the track.

heres a black/doom metal album if you want to listen, the abrasiveness turns off a lot of people so thats why they dont listen, effectively making it a "tough listen" to that of someone not familiar.


i mean, Nirvana's Rape Me threw me off at first

that did but not endless nameless, milk it, or radio friendly unit shifter

avatarposting is against the rules

>implying public castration is an album you can listen to with no prior experience of no-wave
look we get it you don't know how to appreciate things

that was my first no wave album and I loved it


dumb b8 but congrats on the (you)s i guess


but did you really get it on your first listen
like actually understand it

I like it well and good now but come on, this is pretty abrasive to virgin ears

what is there to understand? it sounded really good.

that was my favourite album in Grade 10. Grow the fuck up.

yeahhhh glad to hear you dick weeds delete an album because you didn't enjoy your first listen

>normie music fans

what did you get from it?

Owie my feelings :(

you clearly didn't get it then
nice try normie

>implying you're a normie if you listen to music to enjoy it
nice meme mate

Stop being retarded for once okay.

>enjoying music
pls go normie

>listening to sounds
normies get out

>It's a tough listen

I thoroughly enjoyed this album on my first listen. If this didn't click with you instantly then don't bother.

not music, you're moving the goalposts a bit

good morning good night is a tough listen its also dogshit

swans is easy shit

why do brainlets still continue to listen to music

if you don't enjoy an album on first listen, it's either shit or you have a low IQ desu


it is though

stand-up cds are on discogs and rym too

>wow guys if you don't pay attention to or invest anything in music you don't actually even need to feel anything from it at all!

>taking the bait
>being this new

The human brain is incapable of taking in 100% of what it experiences
It's impossible to completely understand anything on just a first look/listen
amd the argument isn't 'liking' anything it's fully understanding

mr fish head eats ass all day and night

>damage control

i'm having fun

if you're using that argument, then i could just say that the fucking genre that Discogs labels them as is "Non-Music"

kek every single one of those is a (you) to me

I am exaggerating, but I do firmly believe that there is next to no challenge to listening to music. Obviously you have to think to appreciate but it never should take you multiple listens to "understand" an album unless if you are a brainlet

>taking the double mind game bait

wow its that guy

anything serialist


music will never ever be even remotely as challenging as literature/poetry, and developing "taste" in music is a laughable idea

>damage control for your damage control

nigga thas wat i wuz sayian

i'm just repeating it for dumb teens on here

hopefully it'll sink in

I never said one thing that I don't stand behind, you guys are just brainlets who can't understand my argument because it takes more than one listen for you to understand fucking TMS or swans holy shit

im technically a teenager but i didn't grow up listening to shit pop music so i don't have any problem with "difficult" albums

there is no such thing


>john duncan - blind date
I dare you, motherfucker

THAT album.
you know, the one that's illegal to listen to?

yeah, that one.

>it'lll takes a couple of listens

k enjoy then

So you never ask yourself "maybe I made an unfair judgement upon first listen" or "maybe this isn't actually as good as I remember it". It's really just the concept of having a second thought.

nurse with wound

I came from a conservatory training background and this album was instant love to me. Same with Giant Steps. Both masterpieces and i think even normies, if given some brief context, could learn to love them.

Not tough, but a grower

I don't think nurse with wound is a big deal if you're familiar with industrial already

I had trouble with John Gavanti

>Both masterpieces and i think even normies, if given some brief context, could learn to love them.

Davis isn't hard to like, Bitches Brew sold very well.

I don't think normies would go for Anthony Braxton of Fred Frith though.

avant garde you dense fucker

This shit is what a fucking 8 year old just came up with. Who the actual fuck thinks this is music

No, it was members of no wave bands doing their interpretation of Don Giovanni and intentionally playing instruments they'd never played before.

If you're going to just dismiss stuff out of hand, you're not really equipped to listen to anything challenging. Stick to Green Day, genius.

"It's the meaning not the picture"

I bet you go to art galleries and praise a white canvas for being "so innovative".

jesus christ what are you 12 years old?

I know I'm not but that comeback is

bet you went to art school

that presupposes you wrote something that was worth an intelligent response in the first place

you didn't

no, I'm an engineer

Ok, trying not to be too dismissive outright but I do not get this shit. What musical value is there to this John Gavanti album. I understand music that is difficult to get into but in the end has some real underlying creative genius but I cannot see it here. Is it a vintage meme or something? The lyrics are basically gibberish, they don't know how to play the instruments, there just seems like nothing to be appreciated outside of the fact that it is so weird. Idk man. Don't get it

It's intentionally demented and funny. It's not supposed to be super serious, but it still took genuine effort. Listening to Mars and DNA might provide more context.

I can respect that

See? You can find something more palatable once you learn a little bit about it. Now read about Robert Rauschenberg.

No it's not
Filth is tho

Public Castration Is A Good Idea is way harder.

yeah tru

Every song you don't like becomes better with multiple listens.

Literally E V E R Y. It's scientifically proven.

Yes. Justin Bieber gets better with every listen. Yes. That shitty indie band you think is good because you listened to it 10 times for it to "click" isn't actually that great. You've just trained your mind to like it. So when you play it for other people and they're like, this is shit, and you think to yourself, haha I'm superior, no you're not.

The more I listened to it, the more I disliked it. Maybe it's just from association, but I literally feel sick when I hear any song on it

Bjork isn't a good songwriter but I like her voice and the sounds she uses. Every 1 in 10 songs she makes are really good and make me wanna cry.

>tfw to intelligent

L.O.V.E. by SOPHIE legitimately hurt my tinnitus ridden ears

he smart

u a genius

>The human brain is incapable of taking in 100% of what it experiences
No it isn't, science is fake retard!
