Is the Republican Party dead Sup Forums?

Is the Republican Party dead Sup Forums?

Is it?

Is it?

No, the next candidate they put up will seem like a great choice by comparison to Trump so people will see them as 'back on track'.

You never know, people thought it couldn't get any worse than Bush. Maybe the next President will be Steven Seagal.

You make a good point... if the Republican party continues this trend of horrible candidates... Bush Sr, Bush jr, McCain... Romney... good god then Trump?

Now that you mention it, I don't know how we didn't see this coming years ago

I would love to see the party split. It would put pressure on the bipartisan system we have now, and maybe give rise to better choices that don't get conned by their own party for the "veil of unity"

The Democrats will have a massive "dear god save us" rebound, and for a term or two the Republicans will regroup, preach some crap about having a 'renaissance' of conservative values, and will cobble together a candidate that will manage to derail the "commie progressivism" of the incumbent Democrat administration.
This has happened so many times before. It's comically routine, and most of the populace let it go three miles over their heads.

And done, done, onto the next one, done.

As long as rich white guys can buy elections on the backs of dumb white people, there will be a republican party.

Hardly. Leftist election propaganda will label the next guy the new Worst Human Being Ever, Hitler-like category. Because if subhuman conservatives are voting for him, he MUST be.

And the same goes for rightists and the next Democrat candidate, aka Hitlary 2.0.

thankfully no. We're just getting warmed up and no matter how bad Trump is, he's multiple times better than having the stupid half of the country supporting Clinton - yeah the same half that burns its universities, and destroys businesses, and lives on welfare - but hates Trump.

Social Democracy is halfway transition to socialism, and no we're not interested, so fuck off loser. Why are so many stupid violent people interested in bad ideas that would ultimately make life worse for them?

As opposed to people who you could literally sell a shit sandwich to, and, mid-chew, they will vehemently deny its shit sandwich?

>poor conservatives be like

As long as rich white guys can buy elections on the backs of dumb black people, there will be a democrat party.

Republicans & Dems both suck ass. All lie, all fakes.

I hope it is, along with the regional Democratic party, both are shitty, and we need to reboot the political party landscape.

The stupid and the violent all seem to be republican supporters. Liberal democrats are into peace and helping the weakest but you really stupid GOP's keep on threatening war wanting to keep guns continue racism help the rich and not even your own people. How many white trash on welfare support Trump my god the stupitity is rampant in the USA Fucking morons the whole bunch of you

You guys are all morons.

Trump is the epitome of the Republican party.

Think about it. What do Republicans want?

>Smaller government
For every new regulation. 2 regulations need to be eliminated.
>Mexicans, Muslims, all outsiders out
Build a wall. Bomb the shit out of them. Ban all Muslims until we figure out what the hell is going on.
>Lower taxes
You'll be winning with me. You're gonna win so much, you'll be tired of winning. Lower taxes for everybody. It will be easy. It will be so easy, your head will spin. Everyone is going to be covered for less money.
>Putting down all outsiders and bombing other countries
American first.

What has happened in the last few decades is a pendulum swinging back and forth. People not remembering how bad we had it under the opposing party's president, and so they don't go out and vote, and we end up with a Democrat, then a Republican, Democrat, Republican, Democrat, Republican. And so on. This basically keeps people entertained, all while their precious money is being drawn away from them.

Lower taxes for the super rich only and removing affordable healthcare for the poor and working class, you're right that he's a typical Republican.

The farcical name curtain called the "Tea Party", McCain branding himself a 'maverick' and staunchly claiming "I am not George Bush". Trump, the proposed 'outsider', is just a Reagan of the digital age (Reagan also vowed to, and I quote "Make America Great Again)
He is indeed the epitomized Republican, in that Republicans have to try very hard to shake off the stigma associated with their own party's name.

You say moron, yet you express exactly my point.

>Lower taxes for everybody

That would be the left that wanted that user. Trump only wants to give tax cuts to the rich so they can let the wealth trickle down.

Its kinda like in fantasy books where the people gather up all the kingdoms gold and give it to the dragon because surely he will give them jobs after he has all that gold!

Sorry. I copied that link to include at the end, right before the sentence: "What happened in the last few decades..." and I wanted to add: "this guy gets it" and then quote that.

Good thing you picked up on that. Good thing some people actually have an intellect here.

Something something "Ill have those niggers voting democrat for the next 100 years!" something.

Better luck asking the Republican party if /b is dead

The conservative party has always been dead.
See: Slavery, post Industrialization, Women's Suffrage, post Great Depression, Civil Rights, etc...

Then conservative Democrats and now Republicans have always been the ideology of overreaction to change. They'll just die and be reborn more liberal than they previously were. As has always been the cycle of change (and it's needed. There always needs to be an opposition to keep everyone honest when making policy).
Right now they're trying to move further to the right, but it won't happen, they can only resist change for so long before more and more people begin to hate their ideas.

It just bugs me that Trump is towing the party line so goddamn hard, more so than anything else.

Democrats want the world to be perfect
Republicans know it cannot be perfect
Collision incoming

They both want a perfect world, but their ideas on what makes a perfect world are so diametrically opposed.

Don't make the Republicans out to be the good guys, because they are a bunch of opportunistic vultures, just like the Democrats.

Wasn't seagal banned from a country, deemed to dangerous.

I don't understand politics. Why would you make 2 parties who want to run the country different ways?!?? Like once one is out and the next is in it's like everything the other worked for is done. It's fuckin stupid


(these two cromagnons just admitted that they think bribery is ok if the other party helps black people)

I think these two anons need to get together and polish each other's lugers.



What do you mean party line?

>Don't make the Republicans out to be the good guys, because they are a bunch of opportunistic vultures
>Republicans know it cannot be perfect

Where's the contradiction?