Overwatch hate thread

overwatch hate thread

why the hate? i think it's a fun game


an TF2 with butts.

I'd hate fuck Widow.

>he's mad because he can't aim

But why

but Pharah is my waifu NO BULLY

Bad game good porn

Second that

you're mad because you can't fuck d.va

If I don't like Team Fortress 2 and how it plays, I shouldn't bother with Overwatch, right?

I hate Pharmercy! Anti-fun coward shit.

If it wasn't for the single fact that players can stay on whatever hero they want regardless of how bad a choice it is in ranked, I would not have stopped playing the game months ago.

Yeah. OW is just a gimp tf2 clone anyways.
Plus there are some character abilities that insta kill you that you can't do anything about, very low skill ceiling game. the average tf2 sniper would shit on the best widowmaker no arguement

Depends what you don't like about it

Free sniping practice

Do you think, you want to every match without getting flaming? I'm talking about competivite game.

>insta kill you
Nigga wat
Just play better and watch out for ultimates

If they have a pharah mercy and you don't have one competent sniper between 6 people then enjoy gold

Damn right.

If you main one role/character you are scrub

Casual game for console players.

Poor PC port.

Boring after 2 hours of gameplay.

Blizzard is famous for making baby mode games of more popular games.

Heroes of the Swarm == Baby version of Dota
Overwatch == Baby version of Counter Strike
Hearthstone == Baby version of Magic the Gathering

They make SIGNIFICANTLY more income by making games that are easy for extremely casual players. Even diablo 3 has been dumbed down since diablo 2

Starcraft remains difficult at high level play because only koreans care about starcraft.

I imagine a bunch of ass mad children getting REEEEEE'd out by this post because they take so much pride in their blizzard game "skill" and aren't aware that they are "masters" of dumbed down baby games.

anyone who plays a competitive FPS on console is already a casual

virgin alert

It's fun otherwise but phara ruined it for me in the end. Who ever thought it was a good design decision to combine jetpack with a rocket launcher you dont need to aim with and then intend it to be countered with a sniper rifle that requires perfect aim. I can imagine the giggles they had designing this. Rocket launcher with aoe against sniper rfile. That's like countering countering rock with scissors.

>Brood War was ever casual

>states that starcraft remains difficult
>implies that i implied otherwise


2 idiots in 2 minutes. keep it coming.

I thought OW was just a more fun copy of TF2

i concur

i hate faggots who complain about hard counters. You aren't supposed to play the same character the whole match, if you're getting destroyed there is a good reason why
Aiming widow's rifle is so fucking simple compared to sniper rifles in other games

Shitty waifu.

But good taste in OW girls.

>Counter Strike
Team Fortress 2*

both are baby versions of cs. blizzard just ripped off an already created baby version of cs.

>plays any of those games
>calls others casual

what the fuck is wrong with this generation

Simpler game mechanics doesn't make it better. ET was better than CS 1.6


Just look at he fact that they made Diablo III on console.

I'll repeat just in case that you've missed it...


Blizzard = sell outs

They go where the money is, not trying to seek the highest quality

your autism logic is failing you. how does blizzard taking popular games and making them more casual friendly mean that i play these games?

Another autistic REEEEEtard

Not once did anyone say simpler was better or worse. Are you replying to the wrong person?

i like OW and TF2 and don't think they're that similiar

No, if anything TF2 was more complex than CS

I play comp almost every day

the slow growing game with micro transactions is a beta build that was sold too early and/or hollowed out because of possible investors and that wanted a competitive scene for easy money, like what Capcom did with SFV and it's rushed delivery.

Fun but miserable. Meant for competitive although not at the same time, sometimes. It's an "on and off" game, when something new happens people will play it and dies off slowly again. Rinse and repeat.\

you forgot wow == baby version of everquest

tell me when I said simpler makes a game better?

i said it makes more people buy it because it's easier to learn.

The game is for niggers n faggots. Has shit maps, shit characters, shit weapons N shit gameplay

I personally think Diablo 3 was much more fun on the console. Not something I say lightly, but D3 on a comp was so fucking bad. It took them 3-4 years to get back to being playable.

virgin alert

I was calling CS simple

Flappy bird is simple as shit but it's hard to master. I guess if you get stuck on the difficulty curve the only way you can coupe is to deny the curve all together

Casual console player confirmed.

Did you receive your CoD WW2 beta key yet? You were supposed to get it with your pre-order of the game and its 4 DLC and 2 extra weapons.

Overwatch is the best fps on the market right now.

The truth in this statement is depressing

i would honestly call overwatch primarily a moba, the shooter aspects feel like they come second

these are the kind of hipster faggots that only play obscure indie games and flip their shit when their precious genres go mainstream.

Battlefield is better

overwatch isn't even a good fps and this is still true

Not the best.

But the most attractive to dumb console kids AND the most marketed game. I've read somewhere that for Overwatch, Blizzard spent more money on marketing than Activision and EA... COMBINED.

It doesn't mean it's a good game.

Trap fucker alert

That's your opinion. I think you're wrong because cs spray patterns are harder to master, you have to get kills to buy guns, the tf2 guns are infinitely simpler and more splash damagey, more muzzle jump, more recoil, plus the hitbox difference used by cs calculates damage differently than TF2 which uses a very simple flat rate for hits to certain body parts.

For these reasons, most people will consider your opinion shit, but you're allowed to still think cs is more simple.

My only point here is that easy games sell better, but you for some reason brought up the argument about simplicity.

it's ok. I would be riled up too if I just learned my "blizzard overwatch skill" meant nothing because it's a baby game for babies like you.

>pro teams are made up of previous COD, CS:GO and other shooter world champions
>very low skill ceiling game

DICE makes shit games

playing everquest p99 right now son

No, it's the other way around mr rien/mercy main


I'd just regularly fuck her

Not as shit as EA

then why do all the high level matches revolve entirely around timing abilities and ults with team co-ordination, rather than winning through simple DM

Overwatch is better on pc. That's where all the hardcore players are. You can't even McCree main on consol

So people who are good at more difficult games can instantly be pro at OW?

Are you trying to make yourself look stupid? You are proving that it's a game with low learning requirements. How many OW pros are instantly going pro in games like CS:GO?

Shame on you for being this stupid.

Does anybody got a extra key. please gift me
[email protected]

>can't even aim with sym and Winston


If you can't hit your target, you're stuck as a silver player

I'm gonna have to disagree with you on this. Siege takes the top spot for me.

i didnt like tf2. i like overwatch tho

Anyone got a legitimate reason for hating this game? aside from the regurgitated "it's a TF2 clone" which it's not even close, I was literally one of you faggots shouting that shit until I actually played it

DICE is EA's subsidiary.
It has that EA shit-shine all over it

But I really like to play Mercy

If you're talking about cs 1.6, that's true.

But CSGO is way way easier than TF2, and that's a fact. They dumbed the game down to attract more players so they could sell them cosmetic items and boxes.

I'll make an exception. You are the hero we all need but do not deserve

Do you even play the game? If you constantly hit headshots as McCree, you will win every game.

i would imagine any company who wants to make real money is making their games more retard friendly to get cash from all the kids that use mom's money to buy OW/CSGO crates

having basic fps requirements doesn't make it primarily an fps, you could say that about smite or paragon because you still have to aim and they're definitely mobas



Pick one.

why do you think they're trying to bring the negev into the csgo spotlight lol


There are heros that rely on their abilities, others require massive mechanical skill. Widow and McCree take skill, Lucio and rien require good game sense and timing

um no honey the game is great i love getting plowed by my black boy friend while healing my bros on overwatch nothing like it tbh

i just wish there was less girls that play they take all the attention off me :( ITS NOT FAIR lol

Not op but that has to be the stupidest argument I've ever heard and it's the same tired argument for ever shitty FPS.


It's possible the game is just shit and cartoony to appeal to man children who get boners from cartoons.

There's tournaments all the time for overwatch on pc


anything takes skill you nonce its just that the skill ceiling is fucking low, really really low.

its a casual game, a good casual game

deal with it and stop fan boying like some sort of faggot


the delay when shooting really gets me, unneccesary stupidity.
they shouldve made it more moba-esque like that game that came out at the same time that nobody plays, the name eludes me

Just visited the blizzard store. Overwatch sure knows their target audience well!

i would not consider widow or mccree "massive" mechanical skill, becoming very proficient with them is obviously skill based, but it would never compare to something like quake
a game that is primarily an fps

i got to diamond with anna , and i can say, that you dont need to aim at all

A friend of mine is big into Overwatch and he always wants me to play with him. Which I do, but mainly just to look at Mei's THICC booty

All Diablo games were ported over to their respective generation's console, fag.