Whats the quickest and most painless way to kill myself?

Whats the quickest and most painless way to kill myself?

Carotid Tourniquet

punch yourself in the dick very hard and very fast multiple times. this is known to cause heart attack.


Head explosion

gunshot to head is pretty quick, i imagine the pain won't last long. don't miss

No suicide is painless.


nuclear bomb

>suicide is painless
it brings on many changes

It brings in many changes...

There is none, only quick or painless or somehting in between.
You have to choose.

Helium is painless, and I think cyainde is the fastest

helium gas

Suicide bomb

this doesnt work anymore unless you find an older tank of helium. they put oxygen in there now because too many an heros from helium

Nah cyanide takes forever and is super painful and also treatable.
Death by explosives is probably the quickest but it's much harder to acquire materials for than somehting like a shotgun and probably not much faster.

Heroin OD is negative pain. Probably takes 30min or so, but you'll be having hella fun m8

No they put oxygen in it because kids were passing out and braining themselves on tables and shit doing the squeaky voice thing.
There's no point going to the effort to stop intentional inert gas asphyxiators since there are a lot of easily accessible gases they could move on to. Argon, nitrogen, Sulphur hexafluoride pick your not-actually-a-poison.

enter Synagogue
shout ALLAH ACKBAR !!!!
Mossad's Kidon squad will kill you instantly

Haha I did that when I was 15

Only the dead hear true jokes; you’ll understand in time,
Only the living shine and glow bright; by the speed of light,
Nobody ever really dies; Do you believe that?
Though people do really live…
Rely on the facts; Thoughts,
Solely on the truth; Memories,
Hate is foolish; Anger is a form of,
Love is wise; Politeness is a form,
Think think the best thing in the world; Picture The Creation of Adam,
Make knowledge out of it; Infer,
Be happy with what you have; Be sated,
Don’t worry; Worry on food,
Just do it; Breathe and breathe deep,
Take steps; Think ahead,
Be happy; Smile and try a laugh,
Eat steamed rice, yummy :)
Fear is a lie; Humans are brave,
Don’t choose fear; Be confident in yourself,
Cleanliness and a pencil and paper; Teach the children,
Never use the last of anything; Don’t grow old, mature,
Do your job; Your life’s purpose,
AND; Multi-task,
Allow others to do theirs; Judge slowly and accept quickly,
Love comes from the heart,
Love is value and strength,
Murder is wrong, accidents are natural,
We do not kill, we do not exile,
All problems have solutions; All solutions are in process,
Earth Wide; Needs must and workarounds

Grenade in mouth. Your brain vaperizes before any pain can even be registered. You won't even see the explosion. You will see grenade in mouth one instant than the other instant is oblivion.