Is it possible to disprove that God exists?

Is it possible to disprove that God exists?

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You cant disprove unicorns dont exist so checkmate

Hard to prove a negative, generally speaking.

Infinitely hard to do so if the entity your trying to disprove can infinitely hide.

If it's so powerful that it doesn't even need to exist TO exist, then i'd say it's impossible, yes.

just push all the play pieces over already and crap all over the board, then fly back to your flock to claim victory please

No, and you can't disprove it.

Another way to say what you're asking is "can you prove God does not exist," and logically speaking you can't really prove negative statements. You can only dismiss positive statements due to evidence pointing to another conclusion.

I.e. you cannot accurately prove that item A does not give people cancer, however you can show the prevalence of cancer in those that do not consume A

Someone Post the paradox.

yes you can't, and that might be linked to the fact it's call belief
you should more theoretical mathematics

which god?

"And I loathe these discussions. The argument of the village atheist whose single passion is to revile endlessly that which he denies the existence of in the first place. Your fellowship is a fellowship of pain and nothing more."

If god's real, and he is almighty, he must be cruelall the horrible things he let's happen all around the world. If good is good on the other hand, he can't be almighty, because of all the horrible things happening around the world soo...

oh jeese, don't hate the op too much, he could just be interested in stimulating discussion.

God's existence or lack thereof has been a topic of conversation between theists and atheists alike for millenia.

If it bothers you, just wash your hands of these threads. Ditto for politics.

God aint real. At least in the form that the worldly religions describe. But do you Sup Forumstards think there is nothing greater than us out there. Something or some power that some would like to define as omnipotent?

omnipotence is tough call... If the universe has any kind of memory of everything, that'd be the closest. And when I say memory I don't mean memory as the kind you or I have, but memory as in the kind that might be encoded in a stone or crystal upon its formation in the earth. A kind of static preservation in some aspect of reality. So a kind of memory that is only ever read in-- even if it is never read-out.

Current physics has nothing to really say about this, nothing like this has never been found. It's pure speculation, but I think it hasn't been crossed off the list. Information currently only flows in one direction (towards increasing entropy), and there is currently no known preservation of information. But it's still an open question if such a memory could technically exist even if it could never read-out like we might a hard-drive or our memories.

Anyways, that's as close to omnipotent as my imagination can currently go.

First you have to define god, idiot

No, of course not. That's why the burden of proof is on those who say god exists.

First you must define "god."

Yeah that's why I hate this argument. But i like it as a discussion. There are literally unlimited possibilities. Our little human brains can't fathom these things. And what's past the boundaries of our universe? Who knows.

How do we know about god?
From man.

God comes from the imagination of men needing to explain things they don't yet understand.

There's never been any evidence of God because he exists solely in people's minds.

You can't disprove he exists just as I can't disprove that there's an invisible person living in my apartment that tickles my dick when I'm asleep.

Enjoy your imaginary friend, that's all god will ever be. A little bit of comfort to make you feel a bit special when you're really not.

Daayyuumm son, I can feel your edge all the way from over here!

>tip tip tip

>Current physics has nothing to really say about this
Actually they were talking like this in 2003 when that English lasy described the 11th dimension mathematically.
Apparently the past is like a frozen crystal always growing and the present is the only part of it we can percieve, describe or measure. Memory traces in our brains of the past are a kind of useful psychosis, referring as they do to things that don't exist.
Reality is a closed system, nothing can ever be lost, but yeah, this form will turn to dust and the dust to atoms and the atoms to energy dissipating in the abyss of the future. Even my separate sense of self is a sensor artifact that can be ruined by a chemical imbalance.

he's right tho.

Sorry man,

I just find it fucking weird that there's so much time and effort poured into religion when it's pretty clear that it's been used to control people for hundreds of years...

that being said, go ahead and believe in god if it makes you happy. That's all that matters i guess.

I feel like the same fucking faggots are in these threads every night posting the exact same fucking content. I swear to god, it's like reruns for neckbeard millennials. Find some new goddamn material you cardboard cutout cunts. Jesus Goddamn Christ on a Crucifix, I have seen that fucking One Piece jerk off jpg a thousand times. I've seen the shit tier greyhound dressed up as one of those faggot daddy-long legs Star Wars machines a thousand times. I've seen Neanderthal forehead man and his pitiful shit at least a thousand times. Is nothing funny anymore? I'm going to go back to watching porn with polka music for my laughs. At least there are an infinite number of possibilities combining anal or BBW with different types of accordions. Fuck you and fuck ylyl. I don't lose, you stupid fucking faggots.I feel like the same fucking faggots are in these threads every night posting the exact same fucking content. I swear to god, it's like reruns for neckbeard millennials. Find some new goddamn material you cardboard cutout cunts. Jesus Goddamn Christ on a Crucifix, I have seen that fucking One Piece jerk off jpg a thousand times. I've seen the shit tier greyhound dressed up as one of those faggot daddy-long legs Star Wars machines a thousand times. I've seen Neanderthal forehead man and his pitiful shit at least a thousand times. Is nothing funny anymore? I'm going to go back to watching porn with polka music for my laughs. At least there are an infinite number of possibilities combining anal or BBW with different types of accordions. Fuck you and fuck ylyl. I don't lose, you stupid fucking faggots

Agnostic here. Incorrect. You can't prove or disprove God. Come back when you have some evidence.

Epicurus said it best.

that's literally what I said in the post he's referencing

>atheist who doesn't want to lose his religious friends
Gnosticism is a matter of knowledge. Theism is a matter of belief.

Creating artificial consciousness proves god does not exist as an entity. Metaphorically speaking, sure

Both arguments are rooted in ignorance. Agnosticism ftw
Or Nihilism ftw becuase who cares?

disprove unicorns you fucking agnostic fence sitting faggot
there ain't no god and never has been, shit's made up. come on

"No one can disprove that god exists"
"Disprove that god exists"

Not "existence of god" like when you were talking about atheists.

You gotta say "god exists" in the title don't you.

We believe in nothing Lebowski!

call him a faggot

Do you see a god, if not its a better bet than the alternative. The absense of evidence is not the evidence of absence but it sure as shit don't help anything when its absent for goddamn 2000 years.

The 11th dimension talk sounds like string theory, I don't know much about it. But it also sounds like growing block time, which is a way to conceptualize time that I like even though it's still conjecture.

Oh yea hes the one crazy, not the person who had this fucking picture ready to go. What a tool.

Here is a pic of god

Yes, but not... from a Jedi..

It's impossible to disprove it but it is possible to convince people he doesn't exist through logic and reasoning and that's good enough for me

What if God is a Boltzmann brain?

Bait and shitpost but I can't help myself;

Ask God to do something for you - Answer: God does it either mysteriously and tangentially or wants you to do it yourself.

This sounds like my brother, he'll take credit for pretty much anything even if he wasn't present he claims to have enabled it, or he'll say "It'll work itself out somehow if you just leave it."
So is Dan, my brother, God?

I think he is because if he ever does anything, it's like a fucking miracle the lazy cunt.

Underrated comment

There is an upper case G in OP's post
We know he's talking about the Christian god because that's the only largely accepted religion too lazy to name their god.

You can't disprove the existance of a god, but what you CAN disprove are elements that people generically believe are related to go.

Use evidence of things like
>All events can be predicted along their own probabilities
>The life of the universe has played out unaltered and as expected providing it's starting circumstance.
>There is no need to input any external action into the universe at hand.
>All "miracles" or acts of divinity can be explained
>Occam's razor

Here's the deal... The current most popular definition of the Christian God requires both benevolence and omnipotence. No entity existing in this realm could possibly be both while allowing the world to continue to be so fucked. If such a being exists, it has abandoned us thousands of years ago.

And then Noah made a whole lot of incest babies.
Why does the bible include 2 stories that NEED inbreeding to populate the earth?
How did the sister fucking not end up one of our 'cultural/religious traditions'?

I've always joked that Christians are all so stupid because they're inbred.

The beauty of it is you don't even have to.
It's the "pics or it didn't happen" rule of methodology.

>U dun goofed

The same assertive can be used to any deity. It's as much possible to disprove Yaweh, than it is to disprove Thor, ou Shiva

This is the real answer. You have to demonstrate what God is before it's possible to answer any questions about it.

Sure, no one can disprove God, but nobody can disprove the fact that there are 7 invisible flying unicorns in my backyard right now. Logic isn't religion's strong suit.


I stopped questioning when I asked the priest if my dog went to heaven and he said no.
But what about 'all dogs go to heaven'?
Just a movie.
Glad I didn't ask any hard questions.

God is op. Nerf God

you can't prove thats a female right now

If religion didn't offer an afterlife, how many religious people would exist? The only reason people want/need to believe in God is because they're afraid of death. They're afraid that when they die, that's it. It's over. They can't cope with the fact that they're worm meat. It's unfathomable to them. So they pretend it's not over after you die.

It's Santa Clause for people who have yet to deal with their own mortality.

1) discredit the bible
2) ...
3) profit

Not really user. Capital g don't mean shit apart from the fact that the person typing has English or American spell check on. Also Christians do not agree with each other about their god.

You can prove it doesn't matter

>Be human
>Bone cancer in children, disease etc

>Be God
>Demand worship, sacrifice and praise

>Care if people exist
>Impotent to do anything about it


>Don't care if people exist

If there is a God, he's either impotent or he doesn't give a shit about us. Either way, we're on our own. If there's no God, we're on our own.

Therefore, it doesn't matter if there's a God or not.

Unless you want revenge.

>we know
no we don't

we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively and the universal consciousness is the closest approximation to an all present god.

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it an 8.

I think it might be more productive to start with the question of a higher power in general. As other anons have pointed out, the same argument can apply to any deity.

So what if we ask about proving or disproving a higher power in general? I would look at it from an evolutionary biology perspective. The thing that separates humans from lower primates is the ability to look for reasons not visible to the naked eye. This leads to higher order problem-solving, greater use of tools, and the ability for abstract thinking.

From that perspective, the ability to believe in a higher power is an extension of looking for answers not visible to the naked eye. The ability to conceptualize a higher power, whether it is Yahweh or Grandmother Spider or Tsonoqqa, is a step towards higher order problem solving and conceptual ability. And the lack of an ability to conceptualize a higher power may indicate that one belongs to an evolutionary dead end.

The problem with that assertion is that there are alternatives to the afterlife. Some philosophies tell us that an afterlife would be undesirable because eternal existence is pain. Others tell us that practical immortality can be achieved because the things we affect in life become a part of us and therefore we continue to exist for as long as our affects in the universe are present.

This. They are cowards who don't have the balls to face reality.


A "Higher" explanation does not need a higher power when you gather sufficient knowledge

been waiting forever for this patch

Kids in africa and middle east doing ridiculous afterlife speed runs

thats the same thing as No one can prove aliens sunk the titanic but no one can disprove that aliens sunk the titanic. See the reasoning here?

Why should I care for muslims and niggers?

>whose single passion is to revile endlessly that which he denies the existence of in the first place
Imagine you lived in a hypothetical village. In this village everybody worships the invisible elephant that created and controls. Nobody has seen the elephant, but they all assure you that its there.
You've never seen evidence of the elephant, and yet everyone believes with complete certainty that it is all around you. The elders talk about the elephant every few days, preaching the its goodness and extolling the virtues of worshiping it.
Now you might think that's not so bad, but imagine that every decision the village makes is based on the teachings of the elephant, especially important ones, decisions that impact everyone including you. All this without having never seen a single reason to believe the elephant exists.
There are arguments that try to show its existence, but once you look at them you see that they don't make sense and certainly don't prove anything.
And worst of all, the people of the village dislike you. They say that because you don't believe in the elephant, you must be evil and stupid. Sometimes they actively discriminate against you. Don't you think you might, at some point, get annoyed enough to try to argue against the belief in the elephant?

The have the fastest times on the leaderboards the pricks

You seem to lack the ability to read a post, which calls into question your ability to gather knowledge.

The ability to conceptualize a higher power is not limited to a divine entity, although that is a step in the right direction. The explanation for 'dark matter' and 'dark energy' are beyond the ability of physics, more sophisticated ways to gather knowledge are doomed to futility if the premise is at fault. 'The invisible hand of god' is a better placeholder for an answer than 'eighty percent of the mass of the universe is undetectable, and there is also undetectable energy accelerating galaxies.' Atheists should learn to ask for assistance when their lower-order problem solving produces dark matter and dark energy as the answer.

Reasonable people say that no one can prove the existence of fairies and they're right. But I say no one can disprove that fairies exist.

"Extraordinary" is an opinion. You cannot objectively qualify how extraordinary a claim is, nor how extraordinary the evidence for it is. Therefore, arguing in such terms is Moot.

You can totally prove God exists actually, atheists are just as arrogant in their belief as any religious person is.

what's a moot

>The explanation for 'dark matter' and 'dark energy' are beyond the ability of physics
And you know this how?
>more sophisticated ways to gather knowledge are doomed to futility if the premise is at fault
Which has not been demonstrated to be the case
'The invisible hand of god' is a better placeholder for an answer than 'eighty percent of the mass of the universe is undetectable, and there is also undetectable energy accelerating galaxies.'
if its undetected than how do we know about it? We know the matter is there because the amount of mass that should be left there after the big bang is not currently observed, and we know there is energy pushing apart the galaxies because the galaxies are being pushed apart. but even if we didn't know these things, god would be a completely unacceptable answer as there is no evidence for god, you may as well say that harry potter is responsible
>Atheists should learn to ask for assistance when their lower-order problem solving produces dark matter and dark energy as the answer.
The people who developed the theories for dark matter and energy were not atheists.

atheists don't have a belief. They have a lack of belief in a god, not a belief that god doesn't exist. But alright, if you can totally prove that god exists then totally do it.

If you are able to prove that God exists you would be one of the most important people in the history of mankind. So where is your proof?

don't worry about it, it's not important

A question which can't be answered is meaningless.

All I get is this ugly fag

thats what I was trying to tell you

The proof is all around us. Just look in the mirror. Look at your family. Look out the windows.
Sorry, I can't say this with a straight face. Abrahamic religions are fucking ridiculous.

You are eager to demonstrate your ignorance in mutltiple fields, I admire your ambition.

The current theory of gravity requires a lot more matter than we can detect. As far as I know we have no way of measuring the amount of matter at the time of the big bang, if we can then I am the ignorant one. The current model of space-time assumes that gravity requires mass- we can observe what gravity does to matter, given that the galaxies have a gravitational effect on other galaxies could mean that eighty percent of the matter in the universe is undetectable. (of course, this discussion started with the question of proving something that cannot be directly observed, you may have backed yourself into a corner with your argument).

Rather than work on 'gathering more information' by working on more sophisticated ways to detect matter that we cannot detect, we could revist the assumptions we are making. What if gravity works without the presence of matter? We see gravity working between galaxies, and assume there must be matter because we always see gravity and matter in conjunction. Changing our assumptions on how gravity works requires gathering more information, and may not be the correct explanation. But it's worth saying 'invisible hand of god until we have a better answer' rather than saying 'the only possible answer is that eighty percent of the matter in the universe is undetectable.'

Easy, in the Bible god says the planets and sun go around earth. But we find out hundreds of years ago earth and the planets go around the sun. If god is a god then he would always be right but he was wrong so God is therefore a paradox and thus is impossible. Also it's nice to see actual discussion on Sup Forums.

I would love to take the time to explain it all to you but I actually have to go to work soon and it's really a lot of information and 9 years of both various scientific and theological studies.

Lacking a belief is also a form of belief.

As an undergrad, I worked as a tutor. Once I made a joke to a group that included a college athlete. The joke included the phrase 'white people are incapable of making electronics.' The athlete asked 'what about Microsoft?' I tried explaining the difference between hardware and software. After ten minutes, my head hurt and I felt like crying and the athlete still didn't understand the difference.

Trying to explain things to that user feels a lot like explaining hardware and software to that college athlete.

Gravity is the result of particle's originating from another universe. Our universe's laws of physics are a fluke of interactions between two universes. When the membranes of the two universes separate, we will cease to be.

You can not disprove a theory that can not be proven. checkmate

So you don't actually have any proof. You just have some wild shit you came up with that is no doubt riddled with inaccuracies. Gotcha.

>i've got all the proof but no time
a likely story ... yeah right

>tfw having the answer to life, the universe and everything but have to go to work now
man does it feel good to be me

Russels teapot. Solved ages ago.
Moving on.

>Lacking a belief is also a form of belief.
no it isn't, dipshit.

if he actually had proof he would never have to work another day in his life. I don't think people realize what would happen to the person who could actually provide proof that God exists. You are talking about someone that will become one of the most controversial and important people of our entire history.

Making claims is not proof.