Have nu-males ruined Sup Forums?

Have nu-males ruined Sup Forums?


equally pathetic

Not yet.
Just tell them to fuck off

Fuck off

Has Sup Forums ruined Sup Forums?

>getting triggered

Pretty sure tumblr is more your speed, uneducuck

They're entertaining.

Who else would we trigger with inconvenient facts?

All they've got is accusations of bigotry, racism and misogyny - terms which SJWs have made meaningless through overuse.

Sup Forums only heals Sup Forums you flaming degenerate

>implying the right isn't the last bastion of manly men with testosterone flowing through our glorious veins

We are the last great hope for humanity.

>pushing muh politics on an anonymous Malaysian curry powder curing message board

I guess the real world having long rejected your backwards notions is just too much to handle :'(


What are you doing on Sup Forums?

Like clockwork

>muh hugbox!!!


What is that response?
I asked, what are you doing on Sup Forums?

I'd like a response to that question.
Not nonsense.

>ameritard """politics"""

I don't know about ruining Sup Forums.
You can't ruin something that was shit to begin with...
as regards the picture you posted.
All I can surmise is that the individual in the picture has to keep very careful company because at Sunday BBQ he would have his ass kicked. And yes just for being different.
He's attractive (sort of) in a female way and that would freak normies like myself the fuck out.

I come here to talk about my interests, and have for years. Can you understand that, retard?

If your interests don't involve making fun of people like numales or the girl in the OP picture, what is there for you on this site?

What has there been, for "years" ?

This is the apex of Sup Forums's most "PG" era, CP, gore, etc. posting is at a minimum and there's a lot of traffic from more mainstream sites.

Compared to "years" ago, I don't know what "interests" of yours you'd be able to discuss, if yours are counter to that of general Sup Forums.

>accuses people of wanting a hugbox
>while complaining that people have opinions that differ from his hugbox
wew lad

>things that didn't happen

Maybe you should lie down for a bit user..