Mexico-USA history and relationship

>invaded us three times
>stole our corn, cowboys, poinsettias, etc and called them their own
>made their illegal immigrants declare independence from us
>stole half of our country
>helped France the first time they tried to invade us
>helped our dictator in charge for over 30 years because he gave them all our resources
>tried to install a new dictator when we fought the one above
>took advantage of our poor for centuries, giving them special allowances in order to make them go there and work on the rail network, farms, etc
>blame us for the fact that they invited those mexicans over centuries
>biggest consumers of drugs in the planet, and drugs are cultivated in south america so they NEED to go through mexico
>declare the “war on drugs” because they are puritan retards spreading their cancer around the world, and in the process mostly jail blacks and the mexicans they invited in a disproportionate manner, to the point they became the country with the most prisoners in the world
>make us start a war because they can't either stop consuming drugs nor legalize
>70% of the arms cartels have come from USA
>ask us to deport central americans; and then proceed to blame the central american immigration on us even when we deport more than 90% of them; to then pretend we not only don't deport them but help them reach the US because we are evil; while saying we are hypocrites because we do deport them. At the same time
>use their global media to talk shit about us and create shit stereotypes
>made us their slave labor with nafta
>blame us for nafta as if it was a bad thing for them even though they gained over 4.2 million jobs because of it; obtained cheap things, while making our gdp per capita stagnate and destroyed our agriculture with their subsidized corn
>export their shit food culture and sugar infested garbage here

>hurr durr, poor americans have to deal with mexicans
>hurr durr, being right next to USA was the best thing that could have ever happened to mexico

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why are you so mad though

no te preocupes compa, estamos reclamando aztlan

Jaja cálmate cabron

I HATE Mexico; you deserve worse

wtf I hate the USA now

shut up blue sideways mexico

Expected it to be a shitty neighbour, but this was worse than what i thought

>Central American immigration
>Country of origin of Hispanic immigrants to the US

>el salvador
>3.3 percent



>Puerto Rico


>Central American immigration

Read these dindu tier nigger


But you tards very literally invited the American settlers in.

¿Es verdad que el característico sombrero de los vaqueros yanquis viene del sombrero mejicano y que la comida Tex-Mex es básicamente mejicana pero los yanquis le añaden el "tex" porque les gusta adueñarse de vuestra cultura?

>70% of the arms cartels have come from USA

Well atleast you have the best armed cartels in the world than, asshole.

I don't think people realize for example that they're speaking Spanish when they say Los Angeles so imagine what southerners know about "their" lauded culture
In the civil war they'd yell like native Americans and it's still one of their most iconic things from that era but they call it a "rebel yell"

We banned them because they didn't comply with the deal (moved to the land we gave them, stop slavery, converted to Catholicism), and you kept coming.

We made a law prohibiting Americans from coming because you were dicks.


lo que digas tio

Are you the famous Iberian Chicano?

You blame the land for why you are poor and shitty?
That land didn't make Mexico poor and shitty, the Mexicans did it, and do it.

I do not believe Mexico will ever get its shit together. Your only hope is to Balkanize.

All I am saying is that YOU are the fucking cancer in the relationship, not us. And this is not debatable.

why is mexico always bullying us? ;_;

To be fair, we have managed to fuck up every country we come into contact with.

I cant name a single country in which they benefited greatly without repercussion. Despite it being a republic, the USA has always acted as an empire, one that steals from others only to benefit itself in the name of "Freedom"

Despite what you think I'm sure if we magially move away and another spic hellhole takes our place they'll become exactly the same.

I'm not blame you for all our mistakes, I knowe many mexican are stupid and nationalistic, but habing you as a neightbor always have been a course.

When did this become a pasta?

Wait, so NAFTA fucked up Mexico's economy too? I thought it just fucked up industrial jobs here.

Turns out free trade only helps those with the capital, not those who are the capital. I dont like class warfare but free trade is bullshit

Yes. Low paying jobs are not good for anyone. Also the young people don't go learn a trade or go to college/technical school.

>>stole half of our country

Oh so it was YOUR country now?

Dude what the fuck, srsly you're the maddest person of the day


>fucked up industrial jobs there

funny whenever you taco niggers post this

>more Mexicans leaving than entering

yeah because they're already here. staying. and popping out 20 kids like rabbits

Funny how you never read the part below the red line.

lots of red lines esse. oh you mean the big one? how mexicans have it so hard and why would they ever come here?

Stay mad, buffalonigger, at least Mexico preserverd most tribes and languages, meanwhile you dont even know your native tongue and can barely speak english to white man beg for native clay.

You have yourselves to blame. Mexico may have given up parts of the land, but you buffaloniggers sold everything for a bottle of whiskey and a casino.

You're just mad that you just couldnt modernize and keep up, by adapting the incoming to your culture, instead of completely assimilating.

>tfw americans killed off majority of natives
>meanwhile natives in mexican lands prospered greatly compared to those in contect with Americans

>Mexico could've been first world
>Mexico could've been peaceful
>Mexico could've been respected worldwide
>Mexico could've been middle class
>Mexico could've been educated

>lots of red lines
It would be better if you read all of those.
>you mean the big one
But that one, yes.



well then that's great. you guys are leaving. still though you're 15% of our population and projecting to be 30%. I'll come back when mexicans are in decline like blacks

I don't see how Mexico can be upset at us when you did the same thing to Spain. The people who want you here illegally are the biggest drug users too. You can't come here without knowing English or having proper documentation and expect to get a fair shot. Mexico would take advantage of me if I tried to do the same.

Lmao at this defense of mexico. Natives in Mexico are treated like shit and are hated for existing.

>I'll come back when mexicans are in decline like blacks
Blacks are reducing in numbers? Orale men, that's something we can both agree is great ese

Learn 2 war

Yet they exists in vast numbers, and still speak their native language, and still keep their native cultures, and practices in great numbers

See Meanwhile, your "modern day indjin" look like pic related

yeah I remember reading somewhere. blacks are like 13% of our population and are in decline. possibly because they kill each other. while mexicans are in growing numbers. hell look at the Mexican population in the southwest. specifically cali. disgusting

you CANNOT actually expect me to read all that can you?

Not for me, whitey

They exist despite all the hate not because they're loved.. The racist mestizos love to larp and go on about muh aztecs and mayans but when they meet an actual indigenous person they insult them and discriminate against them

fuck off

Vete a la verga, gringo. We're here and no presidential pumpkin can make us leave.

Yup metizos are fuckin hypocrites

It is ok, burritobrah, Trump is going to make Mexico great again.

You are the new Black.

you salty m8?

Not our fault that you guys can't get your shit together, and get bullied because of it.

Try and be more like Canada.

That is orange, stupid.

>jajaja were going to turn your country into shit like the one we fled from

one of the many reasons people loathe mexicans. Being proud of this proves theyre not fit for human society.

Those fucker didn't knew how to fucking read, the one on the middle right with large moustache thought that the presidents were all corrupted because they sat on the same presidential chair. The only people who praise the asshats are the same NEET that praise Castro and the commi Che fag.

Could be worse.

Fucking commie ninjas.

More like
>we're going to turn your country into shit just like you did to ours

>All those butthurt
This is literally a blible.

Would any American here honestly give a shit if Mexicans in the US worked legitimately and paid taxes? I realize there will be some people who never want them coming here, but they're a minority. What most people get upset about are the ones who come here, never bother learning English, commit crimes, are completely disrespectful to everyone around them, and hop on the welfare bandwagon with no ambition to do anything else. Americans are very retarded about national pride and underdogs. If you love the country, people will love you. If you fail at something and get back on the horse, people will cheer you on. Americans love family, some more than others. If you marry an American, you will be welcomed as an American. We have many things in common. It's as important for Americans to learn Spanish as it is Mexicans to learn English. To me, this is the biggest barrier. Some of us will even meet you half way.

Buenos dias, mis amigos

So you'd willingly break states off of the Union, to join a shittier country. Why? Also you do realize there's a shitton of National Guard bases in that part of the country right?
Cry me a river. Yes, my government has been a massive dick historically and well into modern times. But realistically
>Drug problem ain't going away soon unless by some miracle we start legalizing shit
>You ain't getting the southern states back
>If you're bitching about American guns coming over there blame the ATF. Also no, we're not going to fucking ban them
>If there's money to be made yes we're going to try and sell you guys shit. Probably
Look if you want money or some shit that'd be great, but your government would likely pocket it. If you want land, you won't get it. If you want an apology, well I'm real fucking sorry about all of that.