Do Hungarians appear to look like Slavs to you?

Do Hungarians appear to look like Slavs to you?

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Are you just memeing, or really?


Not really they look like Germans to me

>do a bunch of people who have lived next to and interbred with slavs for generations look like slavs

germans look like slavs, too

looks like genghis

They're Croats in disguise.

Pretty much, all of them could pass as locals here.

they don't look like Finns or Estonians. why?

They are mix of Germanic+ Slavs.

because it's just a language group you don't look like a pajeet do you? hindi an english belong to the same language group

Germany borders lot of Slavic countries, so it's not surprising.

I think those in the picture look a bit British.

But when I was in the Czech republic I saw lots of slav heads.

Finns look like Scandinavians.

Estonians are Finnic, with a bit of Russian.

I see a fair bit of overlapping with Germans too

What is a slav head?

Where I live there are poles, Portuguese, vietnamese, greeks, mexicans, russians, guatemalans, etc.

No fucking clue, they just look like anyone else.

Sort of a mix between Czechs and Germans
>Plz no bully

The guy on the left and the grill could pass as regular people here.

The Prime Minister of Poland Beata Szydło.

Also pic related.

german rapebabies


They look like intermediate between Central Europe and Balkans which is where Hungary is.

>slav meme

They came from the smelly swamps of Ukraine. If you don't look turbo-Ukrainian you don't look Slavic either.

Yes, especially Yugoslavs.

Oh, round faces, ok

Short round / square heads with low foreheads.
Eyes often pop out their head. Like the eyes don't fit.
Often have strong nose lines next their nose.

Of course many slavs look the same as us. But that's how we recognize "slavs".



oh my god, she looks like Putin

Polish people elected Putin in a wig

Funny thing, none of my friends look like that. Neither do I.

You want to know what slavs look like in the Dutch perception.

The girls in this video.

This is why people think slavs are ugly. The show was called from Russia with love, but the girls are actually Ukranian. Before the Krim affair Dutch people wouldn't even know the difference between Ukraine and Russia.

The video isn't available, lol.

Looks generic western white people, at least to me.

Btw she doesn't look really Ukrainian. Those eyes and eyebrows make her look like a tatar rape-baby at best.

These people can be Slavs, Germans or something else. Some newtral types.

Dude, only their noses look vaguely alike
Have you got a prosopagnosia?

I exactly look like the guy on the left so yes

Ashkenazi Jewish. Ukraine was beyond the Pale of Settlement.

I visited Budapest with m8s while ago and Hunngols looked pretty different from Czechs

Hungarians do look quite different from Austrians, but also different from any slavs around.

Same here. All Poles look alike.

yes. hungarians, romanians and baltics are 100% slav


Germans are like 40% slavshit
Putin is a Finn

They give me an easterneuro/slav vibe