What's the worst episode from golden age Simpsons (Seasons 2-6) ?

What's the worst episode from golden age Simpsons (Seasons 2-6) ?

The one where Marge almost destroys her marriage and her family because Homer drunkenly danced with another woman.

Lulz why is season 7 not classic anymore?

Anyway, I say - and now I get slaughtered - "Last Exit to Springfield". Because it teaches kids from liberal background the wrong, misguided perception that you just have to put a protest song and demonstrate a little and make ineffect strikes, and voila - the evil establishment will capitulate.

The ending where Burns is moved to tears and surrenders is painfully naive. I doubt, Soros will stop stealing your money, just because he heard a song.

Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish
Old Money
Brush With Greatness
When Flanders Failed
Black Widower
Homer the Heretic

The one with Marge as a police officer

Don't we more or less have this thread already?

>Homer the Heretic


That's not how it ends at all.

The ending where Burns is moved to tears and surrenders is painfully naive. I doubt, Soros will stop stealing your money, just because he heard a song.

That's not what happens. Burns cuts the power, but when he sees that it doesn't instantly destroy their spirits he gives in out of frustration. It doesn't help that he spends the entire episode thinking Homer is some union strongarm, just to realize that once the documents are signed he's an idiot.

Pretty sure that's season 1

>golden age Simpsons (Seasons 2-6
fuck off

A Fish Called Selma from Season 7

>not including season 1

not OP but go and watched season1. Just nostalgia factor but not even close of best seasons.

Prove otherwise. I, and many others, Unironically agree.

>Golden Age
>not seasons 1 through 16

It's heartwarming, comfy and pretty damn clever. I've seen every episode from season 1 dozens of times, and aside from Homer's Night Out they're all great. The only season I love more is season 2.

After seaaon 9 every season gets a little worse until Swartzwelder left. After that it became unwatchable to me.

Lisa on ice
fear of flying
2001 greyhounds

Honestly some of the newest episodes are okay, better than the garbage pumped out from the mid 00s to the early 10s.

I don't know but it's most certainly a Marge centric one.

>Its a "Bart becomes a total pussy for plot convenience" episode

>Honestly some of the newest episodes are okay


Lisa the Iconoclast

Everything in that episode was just wrong, its just full of plot holes. Homer was just out of character, why is he suddenly interested in what lisa believes and why does Marge just dismiss what she says and brush it off? And where did Lisa even get that book that talked about the steel tongue and why has no one in Springfield who love him so much not see it sooner? How is an 8 year old girl able to find that out so easily but no one else? Worst of all, that part where they go to the grave and the historian takes it when you can clearly see that is NOT what happened. No one can be that fast and why did he see it before anyone else? It's all bullshit

Prove me wrong

Everything you pointed out is its meant face value. Everyone in town is blind but Homer trusts lisa's intuition and intelligence. Fuck I'm trying to defend and point out plot points to a 2 decade old simpsons episode I've not seen in over a decade on a Mongolian Finger painting ring.

Actually watch the scene. When the open the tomb you can see everyone turn away and cough at the dust but he just stares into the casket.

It's a good episode man, it's explained fine exactly why Marge dismisses Lisa off the bat.