Roger Waters calls out Radiojew

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Roger Waters

fuck palestine gas all muslims

roger is a faggot
what is this garbage?

if 2001 Thom could see himself now...

have a think some day
you dont have to align yourself with anybody
israel doesnt care about you, israel is not your friend


fucking gas both mate, bad as each other

also, is he /ourguy/?

Why did you post the guy from True Detective?

never knew so many jews browse p4k

He's pulled this on tons of artists, no one ever does anything about it. The Chemical Brothers played Tel Aviv last year and Waters / same organization bitched about it. No one cared.

In the end it's about bringing your show to the fans in the area, who, y'know, aren't all responsible for the country's politics.

The Final Radiohead vs. Pink Floyd battle can now begin!

Its Radio PUNK FLOYD Head vs. WATER Gilmore Girls PUKE ANDROID!


death to i$rael, death to ameriKKKa

g_d bless Waters

did you even read the article

OP is a fucking retard and the rest of the thread too

Waters did a good job responding to Thom but I still have to agree with Thom that boycotting is fucking stupid. None of you have convinced me otherwise.

The Wall is a great album, but The Trial is a mistake

The Trial is one of the best songs on it m8
It really steps out of the set conventions for the rest of the album that makes it even begin with an aura of unease and then goes on to give one of the best conclusions possible to that kind of story

Who really cares what the fuck Israel does to Palestine? Palestine hasn't really been the greatest neighbors either. Let them have at it; no country was ever established peacefully with regard to human rights.

However, it is total bullshit how the US and Europe prop them up, but it's so fucking sanctimonious to me when foreigners pick a side in their ancient turf war.

That being said, to be fair, Israel is probably the most santimonious nation on the planet. And I'd rather have Israel controlling the region than the neighboring Palestinian territory. But if Israel fell, I wouldn't exactly feel sorry for them.

I care what Israel does because jews are a plight on this earth

So are the neighboring Muslims

thank God Whites are perfec… oh wait nevermind

Not really they have live harmoniously with their neighbors for centuries. Its when Jews start killing their kids they get upset. Like the teenager Israelis who were kiddnapped, israels solution was to bomb Gaza which had nothing to do with the kidfnappings. People who had nothing to do with the crime were punished because they're Palestinian and its ok to collectively punish them when occupying their land. Israel sucks dick fucking hate that country

im with waters, and the other 50 or so ppl that signed that petition. i agree with yorke's politics for the most part but not with this

>no country was ever established peacefully with regard to human rights.
Ex-Soviet states

honestly, I have to side with Israel on that one. Someone fucks with you, you hit back 10x harder.

I'm not trying to suck Israels dick here; if some Palestinian kids were kidnapped by Israel and they hit back with bombs, good on them.

And lets get real; Palestine lives harmoniously with their neighbors, because they are Muslim as well. They're out for their own ethno-interests, just like Israel.

Come on.

>Palestine lives harmoniously with their neighbors, because they are Muslim as well.
there's Christians and black palestians to they get along with but not Israel because they're backstabbing murders

Majority religion is Islam.

As far as Israel being backstabbing murderers, absolutely correct.

Excuse me? You're the one making sweeping stupid blanket statements.

Get the fuck out you parasites.

I don't think Israel has any right to exist but I'll gladly take a Jewish containment zone over more Muslims any day of the week.

I hate zionists like Roger Waters anyways. I'm not surprised that he got BTFO'd by York

the majority belief in America is Christian but obviously the country isn't made up of them right? Not all palestians are brown muslims and not everyone who's indiscrimtely killed by Israel is either

The only good song on the album

You're a disgusting shill

I'll take goat fuckers over child murders any day

Pink Floyd dark side era > ok computer

>Getting along with each other
I'd like to do an obnoxious HAHAHA post but I don't want to get banned again
Moozlems have been beheading and blowing each up other over the most arbitrary shit since day one, and will continue until the last two are gone.
And who gives a shit about the Israeli Palestine conflict? Palestine needs to get good and stop thinking it's a good idea to shoot their bottle rockets at a US-funded imperialism stronghold and cry to CNN when they get fucked in the ass. Only reason they haven't been glassed is because the conflict is profitable to the NWO.

might doesn't make right fuck you

>Not really they have live harmoniously with their neighbors for centuries

nigga WHAT

I'm the furthest thing from a stormfront Sup Forumsposter but how can anyone think Arabs in the Middle East would normally live like Hobbits in the Shire if not for Israel? More Arabs kill each other than Israelis/Jews killing Arabs.

>Cries about the Sup Forums boogeyman
>Can't even do their memes right

>More Arabs kill each other than Israelis/Jews killing Arabs
not true at all palestians are getting killed almost weekly

You seriously think Palestinians are good lil Muslims din do nothin? They're the ones initiating the conflict 9 times out of 10. Islam is a religion of war and they're following it to the letter by being antagonistic, stupidly throwing rocks and homemade bombs instead of approaching diplomacy (then surprise surprise, a much stronger state hits back harder, as should be done in any conflict where you're not the aggressor). The only reason they have any support in the west is because of propaganda with crying children. Palestine would wipe Israel off the face of the earth if they had the ability.
Believe me, I despise Zionism and Jewry, but Palestine aren't "the good guys" or unfairly persecuted in any way.

Radiohead fags would suck Yorke's dick even if he killed Palestinians himself.

I've said before, I don't think Israel has a right to exist. But crying about it and making sad commercials isn't going to make them go away. Palestine need to quid acting like retards and provoking them.
>We only shot a few crude rockets at Israel and they bombed us and killed a bunch of our children
>Let's shoot another crude rocket at them
>wtf what have we done to deserve this

I don't even like Radiohead and I'd suck his dick if he did that

Fuck off kike scum.