Would you rather be a poor citizen in a Scandinavian country or a king of drug trafficking at a favela in Latin America?

Would you rather be a poor citizen in a Scandinavian country or a king of drug trafficking at a favela in Latin America?

>would you be poor or criminal poor


None 2bh

poor in Scandinavia, I don't want to be a fucking drug trafficking.

Probably poor in Scandinavia, but not homeless. A life of washing dishes and then going back home with just enough money to play videogames and drink alcohol would satisfy me if I get free healthcare and live in a nice, safe country.

If it was just rich but not druglord I might have chosen Latin America

Drug Trafficking King.

Fucking kill yourselves

You need to know that an european poor is your rich, at least outside of eastern and southern europe

nah you're wrong

Drug king but since you said favela I choose Scandinavia. I'd not step one foot in brazil ever. Might as well be a warlord in Africa
I'd choose drug king If I can choose something other than brazil tbqh

Can I just take my drug dealing money and move to a better place?

t. Lives in Gated community

>You need to know that an european poor is your rich
kek, I've lived 1 year in France earning a minimum wage by the french government, and you are wrong. Being rich here you have much more power and freedom than in a european country

Why do americans get triggered by bare chest girls that don't even have boobs ?

Because they're basically christian muslims.

No matter how many times you post that creature it will never change the fact you live in a shithole


drug lord

france isn't scandinavia, we are 2nd world compared to them
ghettos criminals unemployment terrorists corruption urban decay immigration floods poverty etc etc etc
we have every problem in the world here, you came to the shittiest western country that's why

my life is pretty good here and not a single meme graph will change that :D

I'd be poor in a scandinavian country.

Being a "king" in the drug world is only a temporary thing until you get murdered by your own gang or a rival gang.

I rather be banging your whore of a mom, you piece of shit brown monkey.

Pablo Escobar

Scandinavia. Because I would kill myself the second I heard spic music

Being poor is only temporary until you die too

How poor by Scandinavian standards do you mean?
Remember if you don't have parents or family being poor is horrible...

You are correct.

But in all probability, the life expectancy between being poor in a scandinavian country and a drug king in Brazil is very different.

If it means my ethnicity will turn to a white hetro nordic male. THEN LORD THANK YOU TAHNK YOU THANK YOU.

The Brazil is not this shithole that you think, user.
There are good places.

We're not hispanics, motherfuck.

t. joão da Silva