Movie is about a great warrior who lived in ancient Greece/Rome/Egypt/Sparta/Persia/Troy

>movie is about a great warrior who lived in ancient Greece/Rome/Egypt/Sparta/Persia/Troy
>great warrior is a clean shaven short haired well groomed man


Hercules with the Rock was pretty good

Whats the problem? The most famous war leader in history was always clean shaven.


I can accept not being able to grow a beard, some people just can't grow a beard genetically.

What I don't accept is that people in the movie revere the character as a great warrior when he has a perfectly shaven head or very short hair like in OP pic, when in reality people in those times would actually believe that he is a pussy. Longer hair = greater warrior. It's part of the culture back then.

Spartans groomed themselves and their long hair before battle
Alexander introduced the practice of shaving beards so that the enemy couldn't pull it in battle
Romans were also famous for maintaining a clean shaven, cropped hair look from the middle Republic to the early Imperial period until the later Emperors reintroduced long hair and beards
Ancient Egpytians would shave all their hair and wear perfumed wigs and false beards
On the rare occasions ancient Persians are depicted they're almost always hairy and bearded because dem be muzlims

>Longer hair = greater warrior.
shiiieeet it's like you think every culture thought the same

>Spartans groomed themselves and their long hair before battle
>long hair

And yet for some reason, this was their leader.

Yeah man Miller/Snyder are known for their historical accuracy

Ok good, so we're on the same page.

What are you talking about?

Scipio kept a shaved head and beard at all times

lmao baldy

clean shaves were popular at the height of Rome

Takes place in prehistoric Greece, in a time when everybody had long hair. Statues show they only started cutting their hair around 400BC.

movie dropped

post statues of greek statues from the period.

which period why don't you google yourself

Weren't there an interview where someone asked him that exact question?

Because im not trying to prove your point, YOU ARE! I posted statues that proves my point you dumb fuck.

if you want to be proven wrong do the research yourself

This movie was cool, except for this faggot

Its common knowledge the Romans shaved and kept their hair short.

They used olive oil as shaving creme, and even shaved their entire body.

Some fucking weird we wuz kangz barbarian long forgotten "civilisation" probably.

my problem with this movie is, why would they cast a manlet to play a great warrior?
Im not saying you need someone like the rock but someone with brad pitt's build in troy would be pefect
I think this actor was the flavor of the month back then


Alexander wasn't some hairless faggot, he was from Macedon, he shaved daily and insisted his army did as well, along with having a very high-maintenance haircut for the time. You're stupid.

Okay beards went in and out of fashion during different times in ancient greece. If you were younger, like Perseus was then he would be clean shaven but longer hair. However some boxers and hard labor workers did shave their heads, also slaves.

I think he did a good job of portraying the man

Romans hated facial hair. It was only acceptable to have facial hair if you were in mourning (death of a loved one for example). Egyptians also had a number of customs involving shaving. You shaved your eye brows if your house cat died or shaved your entire head if someone in your family died. Also, considering how much make up was used in religious ceremonies in Egypt and Rome, I assume the cosmeticians shaved the heads of the priests and whatnots to apply the make up better.

Greeks weren't well groomed though.

Ancient Egyptians (both male and female) shaved their hair as frequently as possible to prevent lice. However, the 'aristocracy' wore elaborate head dressings and wigs.


Gladiator was a movie of the century about Romans.

>Romans hated facial hair.
Reminds me of my favourite word in Latin.
Misopogon, meaning Beard Hater.

Eh it got a lot wrong in many aspects
>Marcus Aurelius planned to restore the republic
>Commodus was not the chosen heir of Aurelius
>No mention of the Antoinine plague whatsoever
>Somehow Maximus traveled from Germania all the way to Hispania while bleeding profusely
>Roman napalm and fire arrows
I liked the movie though, but HBO's Rome is superior in historical accuracy in every way

Romans, romans were like that

>Eh it got a lot wrong in many aspects

Who cares? If you're watching a blockbuster to learn about history, you're a fool.

t /his/

>>Commodus was not the chosen heir of Aurelius
Considering Marcus Aurelius is generally seen as one of the best and most intelligent Caesars, speculating whether he might, in secret, have been thinking of another heir is not too far fetched. Commodus was an idiot.

>On the rare occasions ancient Persians are depicted they're almost always hairy and bearded because dem be muzlims

persians aren't muslims


It is a blockbuster, some things were changed to make it more palatable to the intended audiences and people of the Anglosphere generally don't think highly of autocrats, no matter how enlightened. The question was of its Roman-ness, I think Gladiator and Rome did different ideas of Rome. Gladiator had an idealized Rome with a protagonist that is the ideal Roman -- simple, straight-forward, honorable, loyal, and driven to the end. Rome was more about the lives and deaths of the Romans at the top of the heap. It also bears mentioning that Rome is an incomplete product so its message is a little muddied. The intent was to show Rome and it's most violent, petty, decadent, grandiose, and majestic from the perspective of simple soldiers as a prelude to the birth of Christ.

>woman lives in the wild among animals
>her legs and armpits are shaven