What are you stashing?

what are you stashing?

what is that?

Some salt

is it really?

Are you saying that is yours? If so, I'm going to need a time stamp.

some good coke



OP delivers. That looks amazing. I assume by the date you are in America?

Sum weed.

that is some nasty looking stuff

Either coke or crack and yes it does look good

I have the exactly same material. Should be coke but i dont think thats coke. I get kinda anxious from it.

boy, i LOVE crystal meth!

It's cocaine. If it is white and has a slight fish scaley type looks.. it's prob some blow.

Lol that couldn't be crack.. doesn't look anything like crack.. it's just compressed cocaine.

Which means you don't know shit.

Its fishscale coke, the most clean I had in a while

This is a CIA thread.

Where did you think I get it from??

looking good, where are you from?. South america here. I always get good shit

I do and I've seen crack here in uk that looks just like that I know a few crack heads that would look at that and smoke it on a pipe or yes it's coke and here in uk we call it mother of pearl and it sells for 80 to 100£ a gram and crack I've came across brown crack which we was calling chocolate yellow crack and pink crack the pink was called pink champagne

I love snorting coke, but I had a bad batch that was cut with something vicious because after one sesh my nose was completely clogged shut. Lasted two weeks, and I kept blowing out this really strange type of snot. It was rubbery and not elastic. Hated the after effects so much that I'm scared to do any more.

You got it from dark Web I suppose?

Your coke looks like trash bro it is not supposed to shine back at you under a light. It's definitely cut with meth. And a lot of it

Nice try, FBI.

Any of you guys get heart pains after? not really bad ones but your heart kinda hurts for a second and continue after a few days

damn bro now i want coke
I used to get some fishscale that looked just like
i guess im an addict

I dont know its kinda like crystals and i dont think coke should have crystals also the effect is more towards anxiety than euphoric high

Live in califoinia, have a really good connect.

haha thank I snort my trash all day. We have your IP.

nope, your was probally was cut with something fucked up

a bomb

I've never had heart pains, but definitely some increased heart rate and slight chest tightness.

My only real negative side effect is the nose congestions. And I typically will carry some water with me to moisten my nasal cavity after every bump or line.. yet sometimes that congestion will be there no matter what.

I've been in situations where I'll desperately wait around for that 15 min window where one side of your nose becomes clear enough to snort some more

Just a little hunk of moroccan pollen hash

Its really good coke, I snort alot because its really cheap where I live, 1,3 grams for 11 euro or 12 euro, so with my 2 freinds we just get a whole bunch of alchohol and get 3 grams just for the night

Jesus.. those prices are a recipe for death.

UK fag again sometimes I know someone that snorts everyday and hes had a few heart attacks doctors have told him to stop but he wont

works wonder after few lines, if you have cut coke.

if really bad that pluse xclean nasal spray

I know right, my dealer lives just a few blocks away. I snort on weekends and sometimes to stay up week days, im an architecture student. I usually snort 1.3 grams by myself on weekends and share with freinds.
Shit, I know its unhealthy as fuck but im just bored of weed and like that electrical feel buzz in my body. How much does he snort and since when does he snort like that

Those prices are unheard of where abouts do you live? And again here in uk the proper stuff your looking at 80 to 100£ for a gram or your standard repress it's 40 to 50£ a gram




He's a hardcore he's done most drugs his brother is like a kingpin on the dark Web so he gets it from him and other suppliers but his other brother committed suicide not along ago jumped infront of a train so he's bang on it again he told me he basically snorts a PlayStation 4 a night so 300 400£ worth and he snorts during day to


>whats the country?

>vitamin D pill



where do you see vitamin D nigger

cyanide? like your idols

Screenshot? Why would you take a picture of your stash then screenshot it to post...

sent it to someone, then deleted the photo, then had to screenshot it to get it back.


I thought it is in europe, i was already planning my next eurotrip

Bay area