
Why hasn't this been done before?

This new general is for the discussion of basque culture, language and people. Feel free to relax

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>spain flag



Vamos a matar toda la gente que apoya la EPA.
Tu lengua es una mierda.
Si eres español, habla español, puto.
Si consigues con esa fantasía, solo vas a destruir la poca unidad que hay en España

Votad a Vox así que podemos terminar esta mierda

Can you speak Basque? If yes, do you use it everyday? Because i read that the number of speakers is increasing.

Great thread OP.
I am quite interested also about some possible cognates like Albanian "anije"(ship) and Basque "ontzia" (ship), Albanian derri(pig) and Basque txerri (pig) and also some other aspects

Comer mierda
I am still learning but I try to use it everday. Spaniards have done a good job at trying to wipe it out

Thanks bro, i love Albania too. And perhaps since albanian is very unique there couldve been past contact?

>basque culture
No such thing.

Because not even Basques speak Basque now kill yourselves Patxi

Gora Euskadi mutilak

fuck off moron, you dont know shit

How many basques people speak fluent basque?

We are growing and there is nothing you can do to stop, godo.
aintza dator, anaia

I'm happy there are poeple keeping that interesting language alive.

Maybe nearly million.

Sé que es bait pero el euskera casi se muere por no estar estandarizado hasta hace nada, si la culpa fuese 100% de la malvada castilla nadie hablaría catalán ni gallego tampoco pero esos idiomas resistieron la etapa de una grande y libre antiregiones muchísimo mejor.

dime palabras en vasco al oido y explicame como Castilla oprime a tu gente
¿qué palabras de origen vasco se introducieron en el español ?

More like Basqshit CUNTry amirite?

SHITroe Islands


Moorish RAPEblic of AS5pa1n

castellanos trataron de borrar... No niegues eso.

Nadie lo niega.
>that grammar
che proxyfriend

que? no soy bueno en español
por que estas negando?

El vasco es un idioma artificial; resucitado y estandarizado durante el siglo XX. No tiene tradición literaria y su vocabulario está lleno de neologismos adaptados del castellano. Se está imponiendo su enseñanza en lugares donde nunca se ha hablado. Algo parecido ocurre con los nombres de personas o los topónimos.

El nacionalismo es como el islam, una ideología cancerosa que invade todos los ámbitos de la sociedad.

No nos engañes, tú español es patético, no me creo que seas vasco

Lo mismo que el catalan, a diferencia del valenciano e incluso mallorquin.

Don't listen to them Basquebro. Your language is unique and awesome. I for myself have planned to learn it

comer mierda, godo. I dont want to spesk your moor language, piece of shit

dont worry haha, they are really mad at me. And thats nice, it may be hard though :)

lol you are a literal joke. Keep on living in delusion, denial that an ethnicity exists :^)

How much Basque do you know?

There are like 12 people living in the Basque country.
Still love hiking through the Basque country, mainly the French part. It's cool that you guys kept your architecture. It's lovely

>El vasco es un idioma artificial; resucitado y estandarizado durante el siglo XX.

¿Y te crees que el resto de lenguas no se estandarizaron? Le pasó al alemán y al italiano. Es lo que le ocurre a las lenguas con decenas de dialectos. El castellano es un caso particular porque se expandió con la reconquista y la supremacía de la corona de Castilla. Además de que la primera grámatica fue la castellana de Nebrija.

>His grammar is often credited as the first published grammar of a Romance language and set the standard for subsequent modern Spanish language grammars.

Decent amount
well, thank you

>Only 50000 in France
God bless cultural assimilation.

Where are you originally from OP
Esto. ¿De todas fomas por qué tardó tanto en salir el batúa?

>God bless cultural assimilation.

solidarity with ETA and our Basque friends

I like the language that's about it.


Outside Bilbao
thank you. irish people are really nice and interesting

>¿De todas fomas por qué tardó tanto en salir el batúa?

Pues como ocurre con todo. No había medios/necesidad. En el caso de alemania surgió con la Biblia de Lutero.

>Luther's German Bible and its widespread circulation facilitated the emergence of a standard, modern German language for the German-speaking peoples throughout the Holy Roman Empire, an empire extending through and beyond present-day Germany.

>The spread of Luther's Bible translation had implications for the German language. The German language had developed into so many dialects that German speakers from different states could barely understand each other.

Incluso hoy en día el alemán de Baviera tiene muchas particularidades con respecto al alemán estándar.

I don't think separatists groups make sense for the Basque country today, nor they are needed for a strong cultural identity.
It has been repressed in the past for the Nation's unity but I believe a healthy regard for the Basque identity,language and culture from Madrid would be more beneficial than complete independence.
France started to make movements in that direction with Breton, Occitan and Basque after centuries of oppression.
Let's not forget that the ETA when it was bombing left and right wasn't as popular as it was in its inception.

kaixo, zer modus? ni oso ondo
eso es todo lo qe recuedo, aparte de zoaz pikutara

