/vocaroo/ thread

I have a guitar and I'm high as fuck edition

>Official Unofficial Rules

1. Post something in you're language or request something in someone else's
B. Go to vocaroo.com/ and record yourself
iii. Post your recording and receive criticism, and critique other's.
四. Must post at least one (1) OC vocaroo to participate in this thread

>Obligatory English, but please post other languages and more difficult texts because that's the only way these threads get interesting! :)

"The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in. Within thirty seconds any pretence was always unnecessary. A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic. And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp."


"Era una fresca limpida giornata d'aprile e gli orologi segnavano l'una. Winston Smith, col mento sprofondato nel bavero del cappotto per non esporlo al rigore del vento, scivolò lento fra i battenti di vetro dell'ingresso agli Appartamenti della Vittoria, ma non tanto lesto da impedire che una folata di polvere e sabbia entrasse con lui.
L'ingresso rimandava odore di cavoli bolliti e di vecchi tappeti sfilacciati. Nel fondo, un cartellone a colori, troppo grande per essere affisso all'interno, era stato inchiodato al muro. Rappresentava una faccia enorme, più larga d'un metro: la faccia d'un uomo di circa quarantacinque anni, con grossi baffi neri e lineamenti rudi ma non sgradevoli."

Other urls found in this thread:


go back to facebook weedturd

plot twist: it's not weed

Good thread.

nice blog retard

If it has more than 20 replies, I contribute.

Le donne, i cavallier, l'arme, gli amori,
le cortesie, l'audaci imprese io canto,
che furo al tempo che passaro i Mori
d'Africa il mare, e in Francia nocquer tanto,
seguendo l'ire e i giovenil furori
d'Agramante lor re, che si diè vanto
di vendicar la morte di Troiano
sopra re Carlo imperator romano.


È lui o non è lui?

post something you turds
yes, you
you too

Oh we're no awa' tae bide awa'
We're no' awa' tae le'e ye,
We're no' awa' tae bide awa',
We'll aye come back an' see ye.

As I was walking doon the street,
I met wee Johnny Scobie,
Says he tae me, "Could ye go a hauf?"
Says I, "Man that's ma hoabby."

And we're no awa' tae bide awa'
We're no' awa' tae le'e ye,
We're no' awa' tae bide awa',
We'll aye come back an' see ye.

Here's tae the lassies, Bless them hearts.
Sae bonnie and sae kindly.
Here's tae the yins I lo'e the day,
And the yins I've left behind me.

Am no awa' tae bide awa',
Am no awa' tae le'e ye,
Am no awa' tae bide awa',
Ah'll aye come back an' see ye.

And here's tae you, and here's tae me,
And where e'r we for gather.
We'll raise a gless, and drink a toast,
TO SCOTLAND! Now and forever!

And we're no awa' tae bide awa'
We're no' awa' tae le'e ye,
We're no' awa' tae bide awa',
We'll aye come back an' see ye.



>Selon le département de la Défense, moins d'un tiers des jeunes Américains sont aptes à s'engager dans l'armée. Les deux tiers restants ne rempliraient pas les conditions nécessaires ou rateraient les tests d'entrée s'ils les passaient.
>Parmi les 34 millions d'Américains et Américaines entre 17 et 24 ans, seuls 29% sont aptes, selon les estimations du Pentagone rapportées par The Wall Street Journal (WSJ). En cause? L'obésité, le manque de diplômes, des condamnations en justice, ou même les tatouages et "écarteurs" d'oreille.
>Seuls 1% des jeunes Américains "remplissent les critères et sont à la fois enclins" à s'engager dans l'armée, estime le major-général Allen W. Batschelet, en charge du recrutement de l'armée américaine.


my French might be a bit rusty :^)

pretty good 2bh

The beginning was good but the rest was pretty shaky.

my microp. is a shit :/


O poeta é um fingidor.
Finge tão completamente
Que chega a fingir que é dor
A dor que deveras sente.

E os que lêem o que escreve,
Na dor lida sentem bem,
Não as duas que ele teve,
Mas só a que eles não têm.

E assim nas calhas da roda
Gira, a entreter a razão,
Esse comboio de corda
Que se chama o coração.

__Fernando Pessoa


I have a problem with french numbers, from an italian (language) point of view the numbers construnction and phrasing in french is bogus, quatre veingt dis and all that stuff

based pessoa

Yeah I know it's odd.

Non chiederci la parola che squadri da ogni lato
l'animo nostro informe, e a lettere di fuoco
lo dichiari e risplenda come un croco
perduto in mezzo a un polveroso prato.

Ah l'uomo che se ne va sicuro,
agli altri ed a se stesso amico,
e l'ombra sua non cura che la canicola
stampa sopra uno scalcinato muro!

Non domandarci la formula che mondi possa aprirti,
sì qualche storta sillaba e secca come un ramo.
Codesto solo oggi possiamo dirti,
ciò che non siamo, ciò che non vogliamo.

- Eugenio Montale



I know it's shite. I haven't read portuguese in months.

that's great tho

Oh well thanks lad.

The English one. The flow of that quote from 1984 is really odd, I felt like fucking up the whole time.

Italian one. I have no fucking clue what am I doing.


Asså Zara är en sådan FUCKING queen!!

No idea how I did.

hi weebs

nothing fun ever happens in these threads anymore

That's true.

Eeeh quite rusty, haven't practiced english in a month
Also I said "to smash feces with a sledgehammer"
