Help me make my girlfriend sad with sad pictures :'(

Help me make my girlfriend sad with sad pictures :'(

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No joke, in the video that this is taken from, a worker opens the grate and all the ducklings are safe and reunited with momma. Too lazy to find source


Many people don't know how to ►


How to what?

just go on a feels thread

newfag can't rightforce

oh fuck I lost hard on this one

↑↑↓↓←→←→ba start

ba ba*


What does it do.

are the 8 panels of this cartoon arranged in any particular order? i'm not seeing it.


▲▲▼▼◄►◄► b a start

It starts in the middle right and spirals out from there.


the guy was going to ask her to marry him but she be cheating so he killed himself with a phone gun somehow.

If she doesn't bawl her eyes out, she has no soul and you should leave her.

This one's actually not that sad a story. Tons of people showed up or sent cards or gifts.

Awww I get it.
The guy wanted give her the ring.
But she was fucking some other dude at the same time. She like. "Yeah I'm fucking ted now you fucking cuck" he understood that his life was over to he hit the danger button on his phone killing himself. Can realate.

That makes even less sense than the comic's arrangement.

b a b a select start*

I don't think either of you have played Contra..

Have too.

it's not ba ba start it's ba start

well then you could do ba ba select start, that also worked apparently...

I can't watch this episode any more.