Why are kids better than adults?

Why are kids better than adults?

Kids aren't bothered with the bullshit society makes you do and think. They are pure, having untapped and unbiased ideas.

better....for what op?

Yes they are, kids are just as obsessed with being "cool" and conforming to expectations, moreso in some regards

Because kids are brainwashed by Sup Forumsshit

>Why are kids better than adults?
What do you mean with that........................?

Young kids aren't. Most don't care and are inquisitive and open.

Bullshit society makes you do and think = being informed and well adjusted to the current way of life.

Pure, sure. Untapped - They are only untapped because they have nothing of value to offer. Unbiased - Bullshit. They're biased as fuck. They're self-centered and only learn that other people exist when you teach them so.

But kids above 6 are

Because they're tighter...

I disagree. Many young kids do think of others and are more communal. It's a matter of beliefs, whether you believe humans are self centered cunts who care about nothing but themselves and offspring or believe that society shapes people to be that way.

tighter and can't testify

everyone knew this was coming

Yes, children are more social. This eventually goes away because of social conditioning. From an evolutionary standpoint, and creature that tried to talk to/make friends with everything would cease to exist almost immediately. Children have to be taught things so that they don't die. This makes them NOT better than adults.

A creature that tried to talk to*...

Typing fast and not proofreading...

They adapt to bascially any situation
And they get fuck teen girls when they reach that age

Humans are social beings. Living alone would lead to death. Fast death.

Hmm. Where is a kid going to make enough money to support a $60,000 a year household?

Don't you >logic me.

Kids love doggy tails. So they pull them. If their parents don't teach them that the doggy doesn't like his tail pulled, little Billy wouldn't have a face anymore.

Billy pulling doggy's tail is a social interaction. One that would fuck him if his wiser parents didn't interject.

They are also stupid as fuck and uninformed about most of the world, that doesn't make them better just neutral

Well shit you need to learn things. They strive to learn, and that's what makes them special.

>ages 6-15
>nobody has computers nor cellphones
>hang out in large groups of neighborhood kids most of the day
>riding bikes,exploring shit
>entire neighborhood is below middle class,so nobody cares how much money your family has or what clothes you wear

It was right after the war in my country,so I guess people were tired of fear and conflict,and there was still some national cohesion left.

Now it's like the whole place turned into some faggot west-euro country being ruled by jews.

>stupid as fuck
Not really. Kids can contemplate deep philosophical questions and often their neutral position allows for better conclusions.

Fuck kids

No doubt there are many things that have to be self taught. An overbearing parent will prevent a child from falling, therefore the child will never learn how to take a fall, and when they're older they'll injure themselves because they'll try to break the fall with their clavicle or some shit.

But my point remains - Children would be nowhere without adults to teach them. They're stupid, unable, wobbly creatures until 7ish. And even then, they need to be taught how to survive in the world until 12-15ish.

They're not "wiser" because they have emotions. They're weaker and more dependent.

Kids are better than adults because you can rape them

And adults are lone wolves? Try going more than a week completely alone and see what happens.

It depends on the age of the child.

Kids who are much younger than 11 are unbearable, for example, but once they're past that age they're really fun.

Nigger. You're missing my point.

ADULTS being social creatures = evolutionarily beneficial.

CHILDREN being social creatures = inevitable death without adult interjection.

I never said kids wouldn't die. I'm saying that they can be more insightful, funny, and interesting then adults who sell their soul to work and are products of our capitalist society, cookie cut.

Kids are more honest with their words and actions. They are also more like animals. Get them to like you and they respect you. Get an adult to like you and they'll still stab you in the back for little gain.

They can't. Children are dumb. Most adults are dumb as well, but children are willing to listen because they're trying to figure out what is going on in the world, which is why you see them as insightful.

Honestly, you sound a lot like a pedophile. Children, realistically, don't have anything to offer you, unless you're looking at them in a sexualized manner.

I'm not condemning pedophilia, btw, but I do condemn people who bullshit themselves and try to push their bullshit forward.

I'm not the same guy, btw.

If you're learning from a child, you should take a step back and evaluate yourself. If your sense of humor is on-par with a child's, you should step back and evaluate yourself.

If nostalgic, and want to be a child again, that's one thing. If you can relate to a child better than you can adults, you may have an actual developmental disorder.

Please tell me that you envy children because they have no worries and haven't given up their hopes and dreams yet.

Whats wisdom without knowledge? they can also be trained like dogs or imprinted with bad philosophy, adults are better because we have choices

Not a pedo. Little kids are gross phisacally. I just admire how they think and if you are not a close minded cunt, kids can provide unbiased insight on things. Ever heard from a teacher that they learn more from their students then their students do from then? That's what I'm getting at.

>we have choices
No we don't. We do what society says we should, and we are limited by our beliefs and economic status.

I get it. They haven't been tainted yet, and they aren't shitty yet. Little Billy Bob isn't shitty until he learns it from Pawpaw.

But Little Billy Bob is going to grow up to hit Mawmaw just the same, because that's what he learned. You need to get over it.

>kids can provide unbiased insight on things
They can't. Kids are stupid.

>a teacher that they learn more from their students then their students do from then
Everyone learns from the interactions they have with other people. It happens whether you're a teacher, a bodyguard, a firefighter, or a pilot. I don't know what point you're trying to make here, other than attach some non-existent value to children that they don't have.

Children are just children, and they're more of a burden than anything else, until they reach a certain degree of maturity, but once they reach this certain degree of maturity they're no longer children, therefore reinforcing the point that children have no intrinsic value over an adult, unless you're sexually attracted to them.

That happens sometimes, but not always. I personally think not everyone will grow up to be a terrible person, and the shitty education system combined with the horror of being a teen in America is the cause of this.

>a burden
You are or will be a shit parent. Hopefully, you won't reproduce and fuck up a human being because they are not convenient for you.

Adults are just like kids except better at screwing other people over.

What does this has to do with me being a parent?

Don't get too emotionally attached to your opinions, dude, you're behaving like an ideologue.

Also, you contradicted yourself. If you learn from social interactions with everyone, then children are valuable.

You think kids are a burden. Therefore, your parenting might not be ideal. Is that a stretch?

They're tighter and more enthusiastic.

Easier to pin down.

I also think drinking is a bad habit, does that mean I can't make good booze?

One thing is completely unrelated to the other.

Being self-aware and knowing reality for what it is probably makes you even better at dealing with what comes at you, than people who bullshit themselves about everything just because reality is "scary".

They are pure and we are... in here.

I'm not scared of reality. I just appreciate that they can be happy without a care.

Kids can be happy without care? Are you out of your mind?

Yes for both of those questions.

what shithole aer u living in?

Children are miserable without care. They grow up resentful and aggressive without care. What the fuck are you talking about?

If that's your experience, I feel bad for you. But for me it has been much different.

You're not being objective. Go fuck yourself.

Because they are not evil perverted greedy fucks.

Becouse they are tighter ? xD!

Fucking kids is great.

Pedo Perv

You get out, retard.