96 Percent of Ivy League Professors are Democrats

How come people with ivy leage education tend to vote Democratic?

>Academia in general, and the elite northeastern schools in particular, have long been seen as a bastion for left-wing professors. Nationally, about two-thirds of college professors say they are liberal and less than a tenth identify themselves as conservative, according to one study.

>In the presidential race in 2012, every one of the eight universities in the Ivy League saw more than 90 percent of faculty donations go to Obama. Some say that shows a troubling lack of ideological diversity on campuses and could lead to students getting biased educations.


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Must be a Jewish conspiracy. It can't possibly be that intelligent people are liberal. It CAN'T BE!

>Some say that shows a troubling lack of ideological diversity on campuses and could lead to students getting biased educations.
What the fuck am I reading!? Where's my Jewish propaganda spinning this into a "the educated and enlightened vote democrat while those dumb hillbillies vote Republican"?


>a fucking leaf

it's a cultural thing

>doesn't understand user ID system
>/threads his own post

reddit pls go


It's called the Marxist long march you pleb.

Or that the intelligent people got a REAL JOB.
The majority of these professors don't even teach close to full course loads with some just fucking around since they have tenure.


Jesus Christ.

>how come people who are surrounded by teenagers all day, force grad students to do all the work then take credit for it, and never have to actually participate in the market or have a single working productive idea in their entire career liberal

Idk it makes no sense

They make no fucking money lol, ofc they are democrats, they're all poorfags


Just because they're smart in one field doesn't make them smart in others

Ironically, most economics and business professors are all right wing

>Intelligent people choose to work shitty jobs cleaning toilets

Yep, sure.

It's called living in a bubble.

Americas colleges have always been run by Jewish Americans for the longest time. Naturally they influence everyone in the institution to be like them. Read a history book.

>96 Percent of Ivy League Professors are Marxists

>intelligent people
>Ivy league professors

Conservatives are social dropouts who can't adapt to change in nature.

That's all.

Why does his face look like the Australian shitposter? Someone meme this please.

I didn't even need to look at your flag. I just knew..

>96 Percent of Ivy League Professors are Democrats
AND kikes.

AND you're just jealous of their nepotism, goyim.

>Not a job
kek, you amerifats never cease to amaze me with your sheer stupidity.

Maybe because all dissenting opinions are censored?
Maybe because in order to even think about being a professor at these institutions you gotta gargle some serious lib dick?

Indoctrinate U


If a professor is not extremely left wing in their ideology, they are locked out of gaining tenure. The left does not allow dissenting opinions.

I'm willing to bet that most STEM or history proffesors dont vote dem

The more you think about issues in all details, the more you look at them in a differentiated way.

Republicans tend to be populist and they tend to make bold statements sporting "simple solutions" such as "the Wall" or "let's deport all illegals" or "let's kill all of ISIS" or "we cut taxes, it's gonna be huge."

Highly intelligent people are offended by the simplistic way Republicans try to get votes. While Democrats also tend to be populist these days, they still lay out their positions in a more in depth way.

Those who can't do, teach instead.

The majority of wealthy business people are Republican.

Because colleges are one of the only place where shitty leftist ideas do not have to work in order to survive

t. Sowell

>being ""intelligent"" aka capable to process information faster immediately makes you politically aware
love this meme, take it from a stemfag(mathfag), most people in the field are autistically good at what they are studying and aren't necessarily polymaths

besides, a political opinion is influenced by more than just logic, your principles, by definition of a principle, don't come out of logical reasoning, at least not fully

My friend is getting his PHD in Anthropology and has no common sense. Outside of talking about his field or heavy metal, he doesn't know a fucking thing.

Socialists like cushy jobs where they can't be fired for being lazy sweater wearing faggots.

Right of center people are over-represented in "guilds" like technology, accounting, and finance.


No. I'm saying If you're smart you can make way more money doing something else than being a professor. At Ivy League School, the top of the field, they make an average of 150-200k. That's great for a teacher but someone who is smart enough to be a professor would make much more money in the private sector

They systematically exclude and deny opportunities to other view points. Their leftism is not a function of knowledge but of purges.

Glad someone posted it. My paraphrasing didn't do it justice.

These replies are hilarious. So much inferiority complex.

>Real jaabs

I will give an answer that will make things really clear.
>ever revealing your power level in public

Don't use the Lords name in vain.

those that can, DO, those that can't, TEACH.
They are professors because they failed.

Go to an Ivy League school and you'll discover that some of the smartest people you will ever encounter are professors there. They also work ridiculously hard (as in every day doing 14 hours days). Their work is set up so they can produce a substantial volume of research publications, which means not spending too much times grading papers written by retard anons.


So? Written in another way:

>96 Percent of Ivy League Professors are somewhere between centrist to right-wing.

Could be worse.

Obama and Sanders are uniquely very socially liberal (cuckish) among their age brackets. They do not represent these people.

Elon Musk is a fiscal conservative and a self described "American nationalist"

Because their worldview would actually work if everyone were like them. And they work in an environment where all their colleagues are like them.

Go figure.

There is a reason European leftists hate Fox News more than anything else on this Earth.

I can't wait for the diversity quotas

What is "March through the Institutions" for 500?

He is progressive and donates evenly to both parties.

He's also not a humanities professor or involved at all in higher education beyond attending it when he was younger.

Nice try Nordshit.

Because the majority of people with a good work ethic and high IQ are Republican.

Hai. Intelligence is specific with regards to academic discipline and cognitive attribute. A person that excels at biochemistry isn't an authority on economic or social policy. Even established economists and political scientists are prone to making simple mistakes in rational thinking.

That shouldn't even have to be explained to a leafy shitposter.

The opposite is true, which you'd know if you actually read books. Jews were excluded from Ivy League schools for a long time. These institutions are still struggling to remove sectarian Christian elements.



All professions which are taxpayer funded are pro-Democrat

Government workers are also overwhelmingly pro-Democrat

They teach students to be Democrats because the more democrats win the more taxes and education spending goes up and the more money they themselves make

Essentially it is communism, the transfer of wealth from productive citizens to whites on a form of welfare

>I have an N of 1 so can generalize wildly.

Because the industry is closed to those who do not subscribe to leftist views.

you are a child. Do you remember Obamas election? "Hope and Change"/ he has never said what that means. Trump explains what MAGA means.

Because schools like that are specifically for rich children of rich people. And rich people are democrats, because democrats make money.


Nothing to do with people with high wages for low effort work don't face real world problems. Move along got. Nothing to do with the circlejerk of theories that don't work in reality
>Shut it down

>ivy league professors are smart

Let's just put it this way.

There is a reason they aren't actually working in the field they studied for.


Reality has a liberal bias. That's why journalists, scientists, academics and intellectuals tend to be liberals. They deal with the truth, the real world, where as the people who support Trump don't care that heh lies. What matters to them is if it "feels" right that e.g. 90% of all murders are committed by black people.

He was posting an anecdote, friend. Pretty sure everyone picked up on it.

Elon Musk is a colossal parasite, the king of the crony 'capitalists.'

I don't know if you've noticed, but academia is basically a closed bubble of progressive circle-jerking.

Those who can, do; those who can't, teach

>They also work ridiculously hard (as in every day doing 14 hours days).

So do the Japanese and their monetary authority has adopted negative interest rates. The smartest people in charge do not learn from their past mistakes. They just crank up the insanity.

They have the brains, just not the dedication and work ethic to be more successful and therefore feel bitter about it.

> boohoo
> so unfair
> I'm a leftist now because society treated me unfairly

Teachers unions and Lawyers are basically arms of the democratic party

>Study physics
>Become a physics professor

Go pick potatoes.


Lack of real-world experience pretty much sums it up. They're incubated from the rest of the world by their academic cliques. That makes them more susceptible to ideas that sound good but aren't good.

So what else is new in Bizarro World?

It was the tax exempt foundations writing the grants that steered things leftward. Orgs like the Rockefellers, Carnegies and Ford Foundations made certain research funded and made sure certain professors were hired in line with their goals. Universities have by now become group think factories with mandatory indoctrination. Many professors may not actually believe these ideas but play the game to fit in.

Not to mention that if you dare ask ADULTS that are in COLLEGE any sort of political or philosophical question some SJW will report you and you'll just get fired because the school doesn't want bad publicity.


>Smart people vote Democrat
>Dumb people vote Republican

Child psychology & propaganda 101

Kill yourself please

Teaching pays much less than other careers that required the same amount of knowledge. For example, an engineering professor would actually be off at an engineering job easily making over 6 figures if he was better than his class mates. But he wasn't. The good engineers got their jobs because they were better and the professor turned to teaching as a last resort so he'd feel like his masters degree wasn't worthless.

Never forget that your instructors 9/10 times are the bottom of the barrel.

Due to their intelligence in their fields, professors works in the high strates of society;
Ironically, their democratic stance is the result of their own prejudices: because they only meet daily the good folks of said minority, they assume the bad ones either doesn't exist, or theirs actions are disproportionned by the conservative, or minority problems is bullshit. Thruth is, the only way to fix thoses dems is to force them to live where they ideals shine the most: in ghettoes.

Financially supporting candidates in the USA has much more to do with lobbying than personal beliefs


Reality has a liberal bias

actually most of them did or do work in their respective fields

>he actually "teaches" a subject of which whatever he knows and a hundred times that is available on the internet for FREE

People are going to catch on to your schemes one day.


>psysichs degree
>any high school I want
>30 kids starting

This is true only in economics, which is a pseudo-discipline that exists only because people need training before getting jobs in finance. Other parts of a university look with scorn at the pseudo-research done under the label of economics. Most parts of top universities are filled with people doing exactly what they trained to do: being philosophers, nanotech researchers, mathematicians, and so on.

If you go to one of these universities, you'd see what a real work ethic is among top professors. They show others what it means to be brilliant, productive, organized, and responsible to large numbers of other people.

cuckstians love jews. Einstein and his jewish asscociates got along just fine with them.

Read Sowell's Intellectuals and Society.

Most scientists are liberal/democratic, only a small minority are conservative.

The figures are very conclusive: only 6% of scientists identify as republican, while 55% identify as democrat. 32% identify as independent.

The trend continues when we look at ideology: 9% of scientists identify as conservative versus 52% who identify as liberal, and 35% who identify as moderate. 14% of scientists identify as "very liberal" compared to only 5% of the general public.

It also holds true across every field of science. See the chart pictured. Chemists are the most conservative group of scientists, but only 9% of them identify as republican compared to 49% who identify as democrat. This is the only group where democrats are just barely not a majority: among physicists, biologists and geoscientists, a majority are democrat, and only small minorities identify as republican.


And if they aren't over 60, what do you think that means?
Spoiler alert:
>they got fired

Yeah because it's not fucking true ya dingus.
You can pump out these sorts of articles daily. Nobody will ever challenge it and chucklefucks like you will think it's true.

People who work vote Republican
Parasites vote Democrat

Idk what you're trying to prove or how this is relevant.

Fuck physics, right. Fuck everything i can't personally understand.

not really

you had me going for a second therw

What is not true about it? Your feelings?