Why is he so much better than redlettermedia?

Why is he so much better than redlettermedia?

Also, why does he take a month to write 1000 words/5 minutes of content, when real journalists write 20,000 a week?

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he's too busy fucking his dog


>A teenager in his bedroom is better than this

That's cute.

The Synecdoche review is his Plinkett reviews.

More is coming. It'll just take 12 years to make.

>having a warehouse means you're better at analyzing movies

I think I might have heard something about this guy fucking dogs?



>the lego movie is really deep you guys i swear also movies before 2000 didn't exist

he's shit


What's this meme?

ATTENTION! Adam Johnston from YMS (YourMovieSucks.org) is a dog rapist and enjoys bestiality

His voice is more entertaining to listen to, and he covers movies in a quicker, more efficient way than RLM.

Is it true this guy is a furry and raped his dog to death, then puked on the corpse?

It's not a meme. He's a legit dog fucker. Look it up


Well he said that The Revenant and The Lego Movie are fantastic, so it's obvious he knows what he's talking about.

>Also, why does he take a month to write 1000 words/5 minutes of content, when real journalists write 20,000 a week?

It's really disheartening to constantly hear things like this because I'm constantly overworking myself. I've been pushing myself to the point where my friends and family are seriously worried about me. I post quickies when I have time for them, but each of those is a full day's work. It's not uncommon for me to barely finish my Patreon-supported video on the last day of the month (meaning I literally wouldn't have gotten paid otherwise), so adding just one extra quickie in those months would have fucked me over royally. Now I'm constantly trying to catch up on promises I've made for things that should have been released months or even years ago. I've written extensive notes for several projects that I wound up having to postpone just to push other more date-sensitive videos out first. Prepping for yearly lists involves me not leaving my house for weeks.

Two fucking years Adam ? Like 80% of your entire audience came to watch you make fucking fun of that awful tv series, not listen to your autism review of some avant garde art house shit with that fat blond fuck that od on heroin

When he keeps these qualities out of his reviews (which is usually) they're not bad at all

Get lost Adam

>it's super hard to give my quick impressions of a film because....reasons?
>ugh leave me alone I don't do this for YOU
>ps can i have some patreon

Very similar to the spoony school of thought. Very sad.

Almost every single month over the past year has included at least a week's worth of myself working 12-16 hours and sleeping 4-8 hours with nothing but work and sleep the entire week, just to try and keep up with the impossible expectations of my audience. I haven't been able to exercise and I've gained 10 pounds now. I've brought my laptop to almost every single out-of-city thing I've been invited to, because although I've really needed a break, I haven't really allowed myself to have one.


The vast majority of offers from friends to hang out are ones that I decline so I can work. If I hang out with a friend at all, I convince them into watching movies with me (specific ones that I need to watch for the channel) so I can work and hang out at the same time. The one weekend this month that I actually took off without working was one that I forced myself to make up for both before and afterwards, working twice the hours just so I didn't miss any time from it. I haven't even been allowing myself to have the standard 2 weeks of paid vacation that I'm pretty sure every full-time employee of a regular job is legally allowed to have.

Is this the attention starved cunt who continually posts in the RLM comments section? Holy shit, what a complete faggot.

Good god...

why did you respond to me with this? I didn't ask you to paste this to me. Very, very confusing.



He uses editing as an excuse but it really shouldn't take a month to put together a video essay especially if it's your full time job idk maybe he works on too many videos at once or something

He isn't funnier than RLM though.

I've been having to ignore friends and family and treat them like shit to get all of this done. My parents were visiting my city and I told them they had to spend the last few days of their trip here without me so I could edit in my room and rush myself to get things done. I've been starting more projects I can juggle at once and now barely have any hard drive space because of all the converted files I have (that I can't even work on yet because I keep having to push smaller reviews to the side).


Adam Johnston from YMS (YourMovieSucks.org) is a dog rapist and enjoys bestiality


He was a gay camboy back in the days

>Why is he so much better than redlettermedia?
He's not.

You expect us to feel bad about you? Get a grip. We don't give a shit about your problems and excuses.

I literally have no solutions for my upload frequency other than to add material to my channel that I'm not responsible for creating. I am completely maxed out. I had always hoped that sacrificing my health and sanity would wind up impressing my audience and lending me a ridiculous amount of credibility, but unfortunately the majority of my audience has absolutely no concept for how much time and effort goes into the videos I make. The only people who come even close to understanding it are other major content creators on YouTube, so I'm at least happy that I seem to have impressed quite a few of them. I haven't been doing this is a way that's healthy, and the fact that I've been pushing myself this way is why I get so frustrated to hear people say I'm spending too much time on my gaming channel. It's the only day a week I allow myself to have off, and it still winds up with me sitting in that same uncomfortable chair in my room all day. I haven't been healthy at all and something needs to change. A good friend has been trying to get me out to visit his place about a 4-hour drive away from me, so he planned for me to be out this weekend. It's been planned for about a month now, but instead of relaxing on the drive out and back, I'm bringing my laptop so I can edit through my Unfriended review. Something needs to change and I'm going insane. I'm sorry.


As somebody who actually writes short essay scripts for youtube, I can honestly tell you that it's alot harder than it looks. Especially if you want your content to be GOOD. Unlike "Journalists" who often just pump out sensationalist drivel, I actually care about the content that goes into my projects.

Personally the more popular my channel becomes, the more responsibility I feel to create "good" content. As the pressure compounds so too does the creative writing process.

And this is coming from a D Teir channel, so I can only imagine the strain Adam is under.

There is literally nothing wrong with fucking your dog if it dosent hurt him.
If you eat meat you cant deny this.

he said you can't see his face

but it's still online somewhere

2/10 bait

>watch his "top 10 movies of 2014" video
>"these are movies i recommend"
>most of the time he doesn't give any clue to what the film is about
>just says boring generic shit like "the directing was good"
wow you really sold me on those films

Nice copy pasta REDDIT TRAITOR

>meanwhile he gets evicted for animal noises
>que 5 minuet video every month

typical small leaf


There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for the placement of those lights.

Seeing as RLM and YMS have their own subreddit wold you say??? perhaps

I'm the Jokahh babyee

Man, he really screwed the pooch on his youtube career.

He became a ruff rider

He had the potential to surpass them, but he is way too slow in putting out videos now.

>the lego movie and the revenant of leo decaf
Oh boy

If it's really that difficult for him to finish what boils down to thinking up 5 minutes of film criticism, speaking into a microphone and then adding film clips on top then maybe he should try a different career. Lmao life's hard, most people have it significantly harder than you and manage alright so I don't see why he thinks anyone gives a shit

I heard Adam Johnston from YMS (YourMovieSucks.org) is a dog rapist and enjoys bestialit, is it true?

You heard it right! Adam Johnston from YMS (YourMovieSucks.org) is a dog rapist and enjoys bestiality

>Spends 5 months on nitpicking fucking Unfriended
>He's so nitpicky he's nitpicking his own work to death as well
>the end result is mediocre at best anyway

Is this some kind of mental illness?

Yes, he's also gay and a furry.

So it'll be the Boyhood of reviews?

i love the black crowes, man

Because he's a queer, honestly.

Think about it, queers don't spend their lives chasing the vapid, brainless female half of our population that only cares for popularity and vanity. He's looking to appeal to men, people who are intelligent, work hard, and can appreciate good content when it's shown to them. Not only that, men can allow someone to follow their own passion without expecting their lover to pay attention to them all the time. Many great men are queers because it frees them to pursue truly worthwhile goals.

Where does he say that he fucks dogs? I thought he was just arguing about consent. He never said explicitly that he sucks and fucks dogs

i've been thinking about this lately. i'm not sexually attracted to men, but i can't see myself being married to a woman. i'd rather be married to a dude. i'm just not into dicks, though.

Just fuck teen bois they look p feminine

I don't know, but I find it hilarious that he has so much to say about Unfriended that he needs three (3!) 15-20 minute videos about it.

Same thing with After Earth.

link to your channel mate?

Just going off that video, his argument is nonsensical and it's strange that he chooses bestiality as a topic to defend as vehemently as he does. On top of that, he keeps on using sucking a dog's dick as an example, which is weird, and kind of hard to imagine anyone coming up with out of nowhere, because it's not a common stereotype. He didn't talk about someone fucking a sheep or any of the common jokes, he talks about sucking a dog's dick. The way he talks about it seems like it has to come from somewhere.

And maybe there's other evidence that's commonly known.