How is Donald Trump going to build a wall?

There have been attempts at building a fucking fence before and that largely failed because of privately held land along the border.

Property owners did now want the fence, the US is a free country so the government cant just take land to build what it wants on it. If they tried I am sure the supreme court liberals would have an objection.

Further to get mexico to pay, implied by tariffs, would require the abolition of NAFTA first - something the president alone can't do, he is not king. If Trump manages to get congress in on it, it is still a project that will take several years - just to leave.

Did anyone think this through at all?

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By ballot or by bullet, America is getting a wall.

Eminent domain.
Mexico is going to cooperate because it benefits them too. The wall would help them fight against human trafficking and drug cartels. Trump is simply saying that Mexico will pay for it, so that when Mexico decides to pay for half of it they will feel like they made a good deal. Read his fucking books, for fuck's sake.

Well you stumped me Sven

Why would he actually build a wall? He just said that as a catchphrase in one interview and was really surprised at the attention it got. Now he is just milking it to get more gullible votes without even considering implementing it. After he is elected there is nothing holding him to his promises. If you look at the interviews and his website you will notice that he hasn't even put in the basic effort into making a formal plan for funding and organizing a project as large as a full border wall. He hasn't even said how tall it is going to be and just answers with a rough hand gesture when asked. Fucking gullible ameritards lol.

Nice proxy, OP.

Well, if I were a US voter I would expect and demand it, it is one of his most prolific policies.

Its not an attempted stumping, I wish you get your wall. It is just that it seems like this is an undeliverable promise that will be swamped in lawsuits and delays the moment someone tries to do anything and nobody seems to care the fence failed for those very reasons.

obviously OP has never been to the border.

There is a fence along the entire border other than the Rio Grande. No one "owns" property right on the border, but only adjacent to it.

Trump simply wants to replace the old barbed wire fences with a real wall, and more importantly, beef up the LE presence along it.

Obama has ordered the Border Patrol to look the other way. That is gonna change.

>Trump is simply saying that Mexico will pay for it, so that when Mexico decides to pay for half of it they will feel like they made a good deal.

Brett gud observation there mate never really thought about it that way. Always thought he was going to use the trade deficit that America has with Mexico as leverage, like he has stated before. But yet again he dispels the notion that he does not know what he is doing.

There will be no wall.

Congress will refuse to fund it and Trump will holler and shake his fist and say, "See, I wanted to build a wall but they wouldn't let me."

It is known.


Why doesn't he just put a minefield?

with cement and morter

>you guys, I totally figured out the fatal flaw in Trump's plan for a wall!
>why are you all laughing?

Fucking embarrassing, man.

He's playing with them.
Vicente Fox was the guy who said he isn't going to pay for the wall, he was calling Trump an idiot and his supporters drunks.
Now he's apologizing and saying he wants to cooperate on creating the wall.

We've been saying this for months. All Trump is doing is what he has described in The Art of the Deal.

And this is a lowball estimate, more likely to be even taller, cost less, and built much faster

Hullo, Jaz!

>because of privately held land along the border.
No, they failed because congress cut the funding.

>All Trump is doing is what he has described in The Art of the Deal.

>All Hitler is doing is what he has described in Mein Kampf.

It is known

Weak leaf posting.
Yes, both men described what they're doing in their books.
What this tells you stupid leafs is that you should read their books if you want to know what they're going to do.

How the FUCK do you expect to stop Trump if you have no idea what he's even doing?
That's not a rhetoric question. I want an answer. How do you plan on stopping him if you can't even be bothered to read his books to find out what he is doing?

Tighten border security and impose more illegal immigration deportation. A wall is a eufamism for what Norway does to Sweden on its borders

>he wants to cooperate on creating the wall.
The nigga isn't even president of Mexico anymore.

He hasn't been president since 2006.

How is he going to cooperate? How is he going to pay for a wall for a country he doesn't even run?

What does Enrique Nieto have to say about it?

>the US is a free country so the government cant just take land to build what it wants on it.

research eminent domain

Look up eminent domain.
The government CAN take anything they want, at any time.

>the US is a free country so the government cant just take land to build what it wants on it.
Boy are you in for a surprise, if you think this. The government won't directly do it but they will make the land theirs by a ton of underhanded roundabout ways.