FBI investigates Trump campaign

>FBI investigates Trump campaign
>Trump fires FBI-chief

Did shit just get real?

>CNN blames Comey for Clinton loses, calls for his job
>Comey loses his job, criticize Trump

>>CNN blames Comey for Clinton loses, calls for his job
>>Comey loses his job, criticize Trump

Are you retarded?

Just in case...
This was a rhetorical question.

Ofc you're retarded

it's funny that if obama had fired comey for his handling of the clinton email stuff everyone would have said it was a cover up for clinton or some shit.

of course trump didnt fire him for the clinton emails but because of the russia investigation

Russia investigation. Topkek.

Meet the new FBI director


the devils in the detail you may look at a full picture but it takes a learned eye to make any assumption for his insight has to be praised on his wisdom

I think this presidency has a been a joke from the very start.

Trump is following in Nixon's footsteps to get impeached.

Not really it's just another mismanaged problem by the Trump administration. This will probably result in a special prosecutor on Trump's Russian ties. Honestly I think this is just a big waste of time but Trump's poor handling of the situation has led us here.

Remember it wasn't the crime that got Nixon in so much trouble. It was the cover up.

But when? As soon as he starts a war with North Korea the media will be licking his ass because they were switched into patriot mode.

>Remember it wasn't the crime that got Nixon in so much trouble. It was the cover up.

Yeah, this piece of shit here sold weapons to America's mortal enemy Iran to support nazi-insurgents in Nicaragua and got away with it.

I think if there's evidence of collusion with Russia pence won't pardon him and hell literally hang for treason

Congress appoints the special prosecutor and honestly I think it'll happen soon


But he didn't recall. Leave it to Reagan to turn Alzheimer's into an advantage.


>thinks one man is single handedly investigating trump, fire him, everything goes away

So i guess lesson here is just say your investigating the president and now its automatic immunity? So when the next libearl gets in all the people who disagree just have to say hey pres, we are investigating you for ties to russia! Csnt fire me or your covering up something?

Be prepared to watch as this shit drags on for years and it settles as a fine and then media silence as we elect a distraction.

Except there is not. No one has proof. The russian thing has been the ultimare trolling by hillary and her ctr zombies

It's been real stoopit but now it's coming to an end

Fucking drumpf supporters are retarded

>Fires the head of the FBI days before he is scheduled to appear before the Senate Intelligence Committee.
>Not suspicious at all
>Will probably appoint another one of his incompetent sycophants as the new director
>Fires Yates because she cucked him on his bill
>Appoints Sessions as Attorney General, despite him lying under oath and is proven to be a boot-licking shill
>Talks up Putin, despite him clenching his fist on Russia even more
>Congratulates Erdogan on basically becoming dictator in Turkey
>Wants to make new laws that limits freedom of press and freedom of speech
>Wants to throw opposition voices and politicians in jail, often with flimsy or no evidence
>Wants to weaken the Legislative and Judicial branch of government
>Trump supporters are celebrating this

Face it americlaps, you are getting closer and closer to a dictatorship



Sooo, Hillary is a "criminal" with zero proof, but you demand proof for Trump? Oh, amd there sre literally HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of FBI files filled with proof of Russian collusion. I guess that whole Flynn thing is made up, too? Despite so much evidence even Trump has had to admit its true (and of course then switch gears to blame Obama.) Trump is the worst kind of cuck: the kind who is almost always wrong, and is so fragile he has to blame others to protect his wittle ego.

Sounds like a typical liberal to me.... oh wait i forgot people are stupid, you put a r in front of a name and anything you do is the antichrist

The devil is indeed in the detail, but a learned eye? Since when have conservatives become intellectual elitists?

This guy gets it. That's actually what Trump thinks!

You're not wrong.
This is what a coup looks like.

Implying he can't testify.
How retarded is you?

Is...is that supposed to pass for coherent thought?

an amerifat wrote that

Trump doesn't think a lot in general. His biggest success is allowing us to finally hunt hibernating bears legally.

You need to get your eyes check'd bud

Also check em

Oh noes! This guy on Sup Forums just called all Americans fat! And with the cleverest of nicknames! How devestating!

You mean doing exactly what Clinton did but to a lesser degree?

This one man heads the entire place that does the investigation. In comes a new head who'll probably be another Trump crony, and the investigation is canned and shelved.

It will turn into a figurative X-file.

it depends on the individuals intent for truth above a snake bite. where your words attack you should be observing.

only few (well that you would believe) are gods wittness to these insights and its incorrect to say there are none

Dude, even Ben Garrison knows.

Stop trying to sound smart. Your verbosity exposes you as a tryhard intellectual.

Life comes at you fast, lads.

>Be me, kid
>Bill Clinton is president
>Don't care, just a fucking kid
>Still a kid but older
>George Bush gets elected
>Hope he does some shit
>Oh fuck shit gets real
>Aight, he handle it
>Why people call him dumb? He's the fucking president
>Half the shit I hear even as a kid just sounds like people whining that the guy in office isn't their guy
>Obama gets elected
>Why people want to hang him? Give this nigger a chance.
>You all just as bad as the idiots hating on George Bush
>Half the reasons (if not more) for Obama hate is completely just he isn't their guy
>Trump gets elected
>Holy fuck, all these niggas is retarded
>They going crazy, like full blown autism/hypocritical as fuck retard blow out
>Niggas hating Trump too much
>Aight Trump fucked up bombing Syria but Clinton would of did that anyway
>Aight Trump fucked up firing Comey but whatever

Honestly, I like reading and hearing people's opinions, but half the shit people say is just chewed up and spit out repeats of stuff they've heard from other people who most likely heard it from someone else.

What sucks even more is when someone pulls out a source they literally just googled to find what they wanted.

>Google: Statistics that prove Obama sucked
>Google: Statistics that show Trump sucks

What's wrong with you faggots? He's your president whether you want it or not. Why not use your powers as civilians of your state and push what you want rather than destroying your own voices by setting shit on fire and acting retarded?

we have guns you fuckin idiot


you're not really this dumb are you?

What an awful shoop

We should set you on fire...

Did i say anything about that cunt and her crime? No. Stop defelcting. If there was evidence other then specualtion and wet dreams by you liberals trump woildnt be president. Unlike you libcucks, if a republican does something bad, republicsns turn on them. And in this case most republicans in the house and senate never liked him so it be real easy to impeach if there was any sort or proof. So stop spewing your fantasy wet dreams just because your cunt lost. For fuck sake, i hope you remeber this whenyou have the whitehouse any anyone critizes them. Oh wait thats rigjt they will then be a bigot homophobic xenophobic racist and ignored by the media......

Because reasonable politics have been dead since the dying days of Bush Jr

>Fucking proving my point


Jealous of what precisely?

I spend half a year in Texas as an exchange student. The United States are certainly an interesting country. And you can buy a lot of nice shit there. When it come to consumper products hardly anyone beats them. On other hand living in a new built suburb in the middle or the prairie isn't that fascinating either.

What's most annoying it the superficial friendliness. There's also a lot of poverty.

Spend six months investigating MUH Russia bull and come up with squat that's top notch kek

Yeah, but CNN isnt running the country.

>Did shit just get real?

Shit's been real for a few weeks.

But you'd never know if you only get your news from the right-wing bubble.

Dude how mad are you rn that you're making this many typos calm down bro

here in the south that aint superficial.
We will give you the shirt off of our back, and we will also kill you with said shirt if you wrong us.

>Right wing bubble
Is there even a right wing bubble save for fox news?

Look at his polices faggot. He is no republicsn. Hes a lubersl and has had lubersl views his whole life. Wheres the wall? Tax cuts? Oh hes getting involved in world policing like obama. Keeping most of obamas people. Swamp was drained right? Healthcare? Exactly, all left middle leaning left. But your respinse will be hurr durr hurr travel ban, cept obama did the same ban ......

>the deep state

I like how he paints Trump as a well trained slim man.


DOJ recommended his removal.

Why do liberals only use the criticisms that they're accused of?

That makes congress and the media go away too i guess. You really are a moron.

What kind of rationale is that?

>How retarded is you?
Even i as a dirty foreigner knows it's "are" not "is" you uncultured swine.

>we have guns you fuckin idiot
The second amendment is it? The one everyone keeps bringing up too defend your retarded gun policy.

Tell me, who do you envision an armed citizen revolution going down today? It made sense in the 1800's when the military was noting but some peasants in fancy coats.

Today its some fat rednecks vs the entire might of the US army. Mobility scooters vs tanks and drones. That won't end well

>...wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

I am currently applying for jobs. Everytime I get negative reply it has a similar line at the end combined with "don't take it personal".

Fuck that orange asshole.

lol, like conservatives could ever come up with new stuff

libs are the creative ones, conservatards are the copycats

"oh yeah, libs are the over-educated poet-fags, but we conservatives come up with all the concepts"

>DOJ recommended his removal.

If I am not mistaken the letter of dismissal has Trump's signature on it. Or does this lazy cunt use scanned signatures?

you must not know many grunts, they all fat rednecks.
There are an overabundance of seriously skilled and seriously armed citizens that would not hesitate to rise up

>There are an overabundance of seriously skilled and seriously armed citizens that would not hesitate to rise up

Rise up: Yes.
Get up: No.


I'm not worried about a redneck rebellion.
Sure, they're armed to the teeth,
but the Trump era has proved they're not very smart and easily distracted.

No, the Russian connection scandal is quite definitively real. The evidence for it is all classified enough that it's hard to bring into court. I don't know what Comey's game is, trying to swing the election for Trump and then turning on him when he's in office, but I'm pretty sure he won't need to lie to get him in trouble.
The false news reports, bot swarms on Twitter, shill threads here, and the DNC leak were all very well coordinated. Too coordinated and widespread to be achieved without the resources of a large and developed nation.

And the methodology of the DNC leak had Russian footprints all over it. I think it would be discourteous to the person I learned that from to tell you more, but I can assure you that the DNC leak was performed by the Russian intelligence community and handed to Wikileaks, which was at least a little complicit in the plot. It was not a false data dump, but it was definitely released in a malicious fashion.

>but the Trump era has proved they're not very smart and easily distracted

They also don't give a shit about democracy. If Trump pronounced himself Führer of the United States today and abandoned all democratic principles they would support him and use their weapons to defend his power against a democratic force trying to take him down.

If you think Clinton would have been anything like Trump, you need to have your head examined.

>without the resources of a large and developed nation
Or you know... soros.

>There are an overabundance of seriously skilled and seriously armed citizens that would not hesitate to rise up
sure, sure they will.

Suck my cock, faggit

>If Trump pronounced himself Führer of the United States today and abandoned all democratic principles they would support him and use their weapons to defend his power against a democratic force trying to take him down
this, is the sad but somewhat hilarious, truth.

Remember. Left foot, right foot, breathe in, breathe out and blink when your eyes feel dry.

fuck of with that kike already, will you.

fucking tinfoil idiots

The left is committing treason. This is their last ditch effort to remove a lawfully elected president out of office.

you must live in an area where if someone sees a gun not on a cop its a day to remember.

Clinton is a bitch but she wouldn't be making the same dangerously stupid mistakes as Trump currently is.




.. and guess what, it's quite peaceful round here.

you prob think the moon exists LOL

Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to convince a paranoid schizophrenic that they're hallucinations aren't real.

It's pointless. Don't waste your time.

*inb4 their

I'd be very surprised if he was running the bogus news campaign, bot swarms, and leak attack that swung the election in favor of Trump.


That's how I feel about people who are against Trump!



That's because you're stupid.
