Your country (very Sup Forums related)

>your country (very Sup Forums related)
>do you ever watch movies in other languages?

Other urls found in this thread:Кoпипacтa:Кopoчe,_зaлeз_я_в_хoлoдильник

it is common when you come of age that you watch spanish soap opera with your shaman teacher

Yes, in german, arabic, nihongo :^))), english.

Okay, I think you're pulling my leg today

>be a racist ignorant pig that supports Drumpf
>watch foreign movies

I am confused... All of you are retards with no brains...

I prefer Russian dub of European and American flicks because I consume too much English from the internet. I watch Asian kino I download from ADC with subs.

I'm not racist, I just don't like big federal government or illegal mexicans

I'm glad I'm not the only one desu

Are you retarded or something?

Why would I pull your leg? Wouldn't it be rather counter productive since you couldn't walk anmyore?

1. Mex
2. Most of the movies in English, but sometimes also in Japenisu because I'm a weeaboo.

Fuck off, newfag. This isn't Sup Forums

I don't watch movies whatsoever, to be honest. I think only exceptional ones worth the time. Though, sometimes when father wants to watch something together, we do it in Russian since he doesn't speak other languages.
But I mostly consume English content on the Internet, so if I had to watch a film, I'd do it in English, too.

So you listen to the dub because you get tired of English?
UK has shaman teachers too!?
Probably not

But do you need me to walk? I'm not walking now
Really? I would have thought Mexico would have easy access to Spanish dubs
I don't like movies that much either


Fuck off, retard.

Yes, you are.

What's got your bananas bruised, friendo?

I'm getting worse at Russian.

>mfw nips speaking english in shin gojira

Yah we do, but actually I hate dubs and always prefer the original ones.

Seriously, integrate or get the fuck out of my qt and comfy Sup Forums. Countries here shit on each other, but actually we luv all of us. Except for the immigrants from Sup Forums and Sup Forums, and butthurds that don't understand how this works and take it all seriously.

How about you leave the house once in a while?

all the time, i watch movies in their original language + eng or rus subs

Dunno, some frozen wasteland in the north of Eurasia

I watch foreign movies mostly dubbed into Russian, or in extremely rare cases with Russian subtitles. But I never watch foreign movies entirely in their original languages.

I would miss food delivery and die.

How does that work?
I know Germany has a lot of dubbing, what other languages do you watch in?
That makes sense; its hard for a voice actor to give as good of a performance

I watched inglorious bastards without subtitles

Usually the original language

>How does that work?
Кopoчe, зaлeз я в хoлoдильник – пycтo блин. Чтo дeлaть, жpaть-тo хoчeтcя. Утpoм лишь кoфe выпил. Caми пoнимaeтe – вecь дeнь нa paбoтe, c бyбнoм вoзлe cepвepoв тaнцyeшь, жpaчки кyпить нy никaк нe вышлo. Лaднo дyмaю, кoфe ecть, нo нa нoчь eгo пить нe кoмильфo. O, чaй Earl Grey нa пoлкe. Hacтoящий apийcкий, тьфy, Aнглийcкий. Щa зaвapю! Пoкa нacтaивaлcя, я гaзeткy пoчитaл…. Хepня тaм кaкaя-тo. Haлил чaйкy в чaшкy, caхapкy чyтoк, нy, типa пиpyю. Пepвый глoтoк… o… блaжeнcтвo. But suddenly a movement in the corner of the room. A warrior in red uniform. God damn it, the Earth opens up and a guy comes out of opening. Who the fuck is this? William Shakespeare! How could it be possible? He's dead for ages! Ain`t it no more room in your grave? What the fuck is going on? Oh, my God! Poor Yorick! I knew him well… I can`t believe I said that! And what is in my hand? GOD DAMN – it is the Skull!!! Nervously I take a newspaper trying to recall what day is it now… Jesus, the characters all are unknown for me… is it Cyrillic? Well from now on I cannot understand any language but English. I swear that Earl Grey was cursed…

Angry you won't be able to leech off America's economy anymore?

I tried to watch Das Boot in the original German and I realized after like five minutes that I had downloaded a Dutch version subbed in Afrikans

Wasn't that in English?
So just English?
Is this some sort of reference?

It is pasta "In short I got to my fridge". A person takes some food from his fridge and suddenly starts speaking a language of a country this food came from.Кoпипacтa:Кopoчe,_зaлeз_я_в_хoлoдильник

>implying foreigners are aware of our local memes

Yes, a sort of.

How does it end?

It usually ends like . He says in a foreign language that the food was probably cursed. there are also variations.

I (google)translated one to English:

Once after a seminar on capoeira, the master treated the students to Brazilian cachaça and gave a berimbau to try playing. I'm not into sports, but they called me to film the event. And then I really wanted to try exotics for a company. Having some cachaça and taking the instrument, I realized que turned something upside down in minha cabeça, I returned the instrument para trás, it was too late, eu comecei bater palmas e cantar uma cantiga estranha... Vou dizer minha mulher, paraná, capoeira me venceu, paraná. Paranaue, paranaue, paraná. Eu aqui não sou feliz, paraná, mas na minha terra eu sou, paraná. Paranaue, paranaue, paraná. Vou embora pra Bahia, paraná, porque lá é meu lugar, paraná. Paranaue, paranaue, paraná!

Oh, that makes sense I guess

Literal definition of a cuck.

How can you then go to a store and fill up on junk food?