My country's TV station is hosting a poll for it's mascot name

My country's TV station is hosting a poll for it's mascot name.

You know what to do.

Pro tip: most people are voting "Salazar" - a portuguese dictator.


Everyone knows his name is Gunk Fungler, stop trying to sabotage the Sup Forums campaign!





That shit doesn't even have a capcha in there. Might aswell write a script which spams the fuck out of them.
I'll read up on that :D

Q u a l i t y P O L L S


waiting up on this

top kek let's do it boys - Salazar

Gunk Fungler voted.

Thing is, the results are private so even if they get 100k on Salazar they won't even talk about it and choose whatever the fuck they want. Right boys? Still voted Salazar tho

The easy way i figured out doesn't work because they don't use old style qwery strings. Would take too long and i have to be productive...


Looks like a Google Poll and I'm sure someone told me that these pull the MAC address from the device you use to vote with, so dupes, spams and rotating IP's won't do shit.

Are the results private?

What should we vote then?

do it

Since we have no way of knowing hat the votes are, they can just lie and say that MIC or whatever stupid name won.

maybe they announce it