Would you suck a log.of shit from his ass?

Would you suck a log.of shit from his ass?

my favourite part about andy sixx's cat makeup is that, when I draw a picture of his shit on my university toilet bathroom door, I can actually smell the creaminess in the ink.

god I need to jerk off now

That's so fucking hot user

Forced memes **yawn** kys

Same fag

Kek. Grow up, kid.

actually logoshit and I are two different people


nah im just here for the tawny creamsticks

Here's a log just for you

Andy Pickles ohohoh you just can't wait XD

Fuck that's hot

This will never be a meme. it's too unfunny

>someone took the time to make this from being angry
>page also has 10k views

someone who takes the time trying to force the same unfunny meme every single day, samefagging in the hopes of giving the impression that this is legit, without any luck. just are just mean-spirited jerks


i'm seriously intrigued. i've never seen a single person work so hard to enforce a meme with so little success. what do you hope to achieve from this?

I just want a warm, steamy dreamy and oh so creamy log of shit fresh from the ass of Andy Sixx slidding down my throat

The cream... the dream... the pleasure....

is this like a vanity thing? do you feel that if people reject your meme, they by extension reject you?

or this some sort of e-fame scam, where you claim the title as "original creator"?

Look out, we got a psychoLOGist over here

Lol good one


Man I love the mawds here.

Same :^)

logless bumps thanks

Please tell me that's a shoop

>do you know what sage is?
i think you're just a bad troll. see, bad trolls confuse annoying with trolling and repetition with notability.

you simply can't force a meme into existence. it requires other people taking interest.

this will become the new "hello rato", another unfunny, forced meme that got spammed intensely for a short period and then died because nobody cared.

>it is
it's just a single person making these threads

It happened a few months ago I think

whew summer already?

>do you know what sage is

Fucking kek


>30 replies
>11 posters


I will always remember his log..

Fuck off anti-log shill.


In my restless shits, I see that log...