Damn look how lucky these guys are. Not a single one with a thyroid problem! blessed with good genes !

Damn look how lucky these guys are. Not a single one with a thyroid problem! blessed with good genes !

Muh Juden. The same thing happens during every single war of attrition with concentration camps. The supplies are low, the people are starving, so everyone stops giving a flying fuck about the enemies of the state locked up in camps. So they starve, so they get diseased. Only because the Jews were on the receiving end do we have to hear about the holocaust for every single fucking day. Nobody in the West gives a damn about the Holodomor, the gulags. Everyone has just conveniently forgotten the Boers, but dear me, if you forget the JEWS, then you're a filthy fucking nazi.

just posting this b4 the typical """"info""""graphics that get posted in threads like these

So you don't have it in a readable size?

is that what typhus is?

Don't forgot the Chinese holocaust that never gets the limelight and they suffered far far dose because the Japanese has absolutely no humanity in them.

>testimonials and witness provide a grand picture proving the holocaust beyond a doubt

I have snippets of it that are larger but I cant make that one any larger sorry

>let's spend millions and millions of $$$ on killing people who'll die from malnutrition in a few weeks

Did I just checkmate the Holohoax with one single piece of logic?

Could you post the rest? What you just posted merely attacks a man's credentials in order to defame him but it doesn't disprove his arguments.

I'm not sure what you mean about it only attacking a man's credentials considering its only two sentences on there the rest being evidence but I'll post moar

Not one single counter-argument was found.
2/10 for the effort.

try reading it. are documents, photographs and testimonies not considered evidence?

I read it.
There still isn't one single counter-argument.

Holo deniers are among the strangest people in the world

they are themselves in denial

do you want me to like circle it for you? are you not used to images not having pointy arrows like your baby food infographics? I can do it if you want

Those heavy bodies need to be cremated eventually, user. May as well have them carry themselves to the oven.

Checkmate holohoaxer.

Pic related is probably the most interesting evidence i've seen, are there any explanations for this?

No muscles.
Proves that none of those pussies ever did a single day of decent work.

Bill nye doesn't have an environmental science degree. He is spokesman for global warming.


>good genes
well... except for the jewish ones