Hey Sup Forums what's worse a Muslim or a Jew?

Hey Sup Forums what's worse a Muslim or a Jew?

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A kike. If it weren't for them we wouldn't be worrying about muslims.

educate me please

i am ignorant of this truth

How is one rotting hunk of flesh better than another? We're all niggers

>i am ignorant


Anything wrong in today's world, any problem whatsoever, has a kike at its source.

I hear you. If I start saying this to people, will liberals punch me like they do to Richard Spencer? Why do they think it's okay to do this?

cos you're an asshat, and everyone loves watching an asshat get punched.

Probably not considering liberals are so pro Muslim nowadays

OMG you really need to seek help.

i don't particularly like kikes, but i'd choose a hooknose over a sandmonkey anytime. there are a few good jews and they generally don't misbehave publicly.
>inb4 shill
>inb4 goyim
>inb4 zionism

jews are sandmonkeys tho

>its proven to not be the same guy

sandpeople or not, as long as it's not infected with islam. jews can fuck off back to israel and stay there


Is this even a question?


>Implying pol fags havent surpassed and abolished such ridiculous concepts as proof or logic already

That's the thing
>Israel supports America!
>We're pro Western ideals!
>We would never stab you in the back!

They may seem docile in public but like Muslims, it's in their doctrine to fuck the gentiles

A Christian
Muslims and Jews are straight up foreigners fucking with white civilization
Christian's are our own people and they murdered and forced conversion on everyone, and I have no sympathy for traitors

For a moment, I read kike as cuck.
Your statement is accurate with either.

There are names like christian, or christiana. And also muslima, sulmana. Is there also a name like jewsua, jewana or any jew name similar?

coon and a dune coon together

its funny because if not for Jews Christianity woudn't exist

Christians are the worst

/end of discussion


Christians, Jews, and even Muslims are all part of the same religious tree. Its called abrahamic religion.

jews are the descendants of cain

Jews, an inferior race of people that banded together to create the oppressive broken society we have today.
Long ago they were just killed on sight for being gross little runts, they had to create society to prevent being killed. Guess who's on top and who's on the bottom of our society? Jews then alpha males

Is water more wet from a lake or a river?

Abrahamic religions > All other human problems

No. Just constant victim complex.


Christians, Muslims, and Jews are equally acceptably bad and good. They are all part of the Abrahamic religion.

> asshat
I want Reddit to fucking leave and die

Fucking Soros. It's okay. The white flame shall burn through them.

>what is a google

Joshua, I don't know if they still name kids Judas though.

>I like to say shit without providing any sort of information, and then I tell people to research my comments

Fuck you pleb. Burden of proof is on your faggot ass for making claims.

>Chink and designated shitting streets religions are fine

Neo-nazis. Real subhumans.

A Jew will know a good deal and if you and them both profit, it's all good.
A Muslim just wants to kill everyone who isn't Muslim and destroy everything that isn't Islam. Media will tell you otherwise but it's the truth, I've read the Koran, Islam so can't exist with other religions.
ISIS is the true face Islam, Muslims know this and are afraid the world will realise it too. Everything Isis has done, is allowed in the Koran. Rape, killing, pillaging, destroying cultural monuments of other cultures - all sanctioned and allowed in the Koran, even encouraged.
When will the world realise, Islam is a plague and we need to get rid of that trash?

Niggers worse than anyone


Saved for future use to troll Sup Forums.

Tell me more about how atheists are nice, rational and patient people, and how they aren't just as in-your-face annoying as fucking vegans or religious fanatics

Not samefag but i literally googled shlomo ettinger and was able to find that the pic is false.

Islamic rage boy =/= shlomo. Stop defending mudslimes

Actually pro-christianity and western civilization here.
Your reply works for the post I replied to.

>When will the world realise, Islam is a plague and we need to get rid of that trash?

because you're a moron and no-one will ever care about anything you say

>dont meddle in iran
To be fair meddling in the middle east and the gulf in the first place is what made people there go crazy.

You get your home carpet bombed for three decades and you'll fly a plane into a building

>read the koran
So where is that part about raping and destroying cultural monuments?

You can make treaties with muslims and they would uphold it (if they made any). But jews will act like your friens and then outjew you when you don't expect it

They are both the same.

This. People complain they're killing our military, well fuck, we're over there. GTFO and our people will stop getting killed.

Kikes fucked up middle east to the point where muslims became religious fanatics and started bombing and immigrating to the western world.
Dont let their apperance fool you. They might look like normal ppl but they are fucking monsters inside. Muslims on the other hand are not bad ppl... just a little savage.

Pretty sure they have idolatry laws in there.

You do realize every country or religion has waged wars right? You act like only muslims kill people. Everybody kills everybody that's just the way humans are.

The Frankfurt school was responsible for modern liberals, so it's still Jewish tricks in the end.

>trolling Sup Forums with it's own creation
how new are you

Mohammed himself said that any person is allowed to freely practice his religion whatever it is, even in a muslim country

“Beware! Whoever is cruel and hard on a non-Muslim minority, or curtails their rights, or burdens them with more than they can bear, or takes anything from them against their free will; I (Prophet Muhammad) will complain against the person on the Day of Judgment.”

I hate to be that bible thumping faggit but it really comes to where i need to pull quotes out

Dont listen to idiots who make shit up out of context


The faggot asking, chances are you are equally if not as worse as one

>implying Sup Forums is only one branch of tinfoil hat


If the muslims and jews get sick of the nazis and tag team you guys are so fucked

Why aren't savages also bad ppl?


How many times do I have to repeat, those verses refer to war times

No civilians are harmed, which is a damn site better than what most militaries today do
Just look at Japan to the Chinese?

Or Americans in Vietnam?
How the hell do you claim they act at a better standard with the shit that happened in nanjing?

Read the actual verses in the pages they appear in, rather than picking verses out of their context

The kind of person who makes shit comics like that and genuinely considers it 'political satire'.

I actually know someone with the first name "jew"

>burdens them with more than they can bear
How do we determine how much someone can bear? Does the holy book say anything about that?

>takes anything from them against their free will
What if I'm not willing to give up something via my free will but a majority of others are? Am I forced to give up stuff anyways even tho it's against my free will?

According to actual law, muslims are not allowed to harm anyone unless they are an armed combatant on a field, anyone who stops fighting is spared

It's not the faiths fault that the rules dont get followed, or they get twisted and perverted by the minority of lunatics ffs

Every religion has their lunatics. Look those Westboro morons. You can't look at them and say "all Christians are like this".

No you are not forced to give stuff up, the text is clear
You dont have to give your anything up to anyone

>Ignoring the comments for every single verse


Hitler used religion as part of a doctrine regarding there being a superior being
Doesnt mean christians killed the 11 million people in the holocaust, but someone twisted religion to give themselves the authority to do just that, and thats whats happening now

How many people have the Westboro's killed?

>Hitler used religion
Oh come on, it is common knowledge that Hitler wasn't religious, but had to give it lip service for appearances and morale sake.
The Nazis were going to remove religion from the third reich and you should know that.

Dude im telling you to read each verse along with the rest of the chapter that comes with it

Youre like a person who walked into the middle of the film and understood it incorrectly because you didnt finish more than a scene before leaving and doing the same with 12 other films

Then when someone corrects a misunderstanding you say they are wrong
Try reading the book, start to finish, before going to "im right.com" and pulling out of context stats

Youve proven my point
He didnt give a shit about the religion he was wiping his ass with, he was using it to further a political agenda

Nice job answering part of the question.

It may say "takes anything from them against their free will" but it is not clear what free will is or what the difference between someones "free will" and coercion. I.e. I put a gun to your head and tell you: you either accept this or die. While you'll most likely state that that situation is obviously not allowing voluntary choice of the matter, the individual still has to voluntarily choose to comply or not; hence it would be an act of free will, tho it would be a forced act, the individual is still choosing to abide by the demands or face an undesirable circumstance.

Islam positions itself as a modern religion. Wars over territory, lands, and whatever bullshit is what barbarians did. If it were a real progressive religion, peacefull talks, compromise etc would be the preferred way to resolve matters.
Also, for once, can I hear someone defend Islam without bringing the barbarianism of older days into the argument? Every time, the argument is 'religion X was cruel and barbaric so Islam is allowed to be cruel and barbaric as well'. Excuse me but thats not an argument, it's a pathetic excuse.
Lies, forced conversion and breeding like rats is the only reason Islam got to this stage.

Kek Are you literally autistic? I think you are.
Westboro church doesn't behead people and wage war on the entire western world and hitler was christianity as a justification of his actions(not acting on the will of the Bible) nowhere in the Bible does it say to commit mass genocide. You can easily find quotes all throughout the book of goatfucking however that specifically instruct ragheads to beat their wives and execute nonbelievers and every other thing they've done

You can trigger them to the moon and back with dozens of phrases and you want to use something they created themself?

The verse prior to this (190) refers to "fighting for the cause of Allah those who fight you" leading some to claim that the entire passage refers to a defensive war in which Muslims are defending their homes and families. The historical context of this passage is not defensive warfare, however, since Muhammad and his Muslims had just relocated to Medina and were not under attack by their Meccan adversaries. In fact, the verses urge offensive warfare, in that Muslims are to drive Meccans out of their own city (which they later did). Verse 190 thus means to fight those who offer resistance to Allah's rule (ie. Muslim conquest).

Sorry if i sound pompous, but you are overcomplicating that text

Free will is simply what the person in question wants

If that person wants to keep their lifestyle, they keep it. End of discussion.
And if you claim that islam is unkind and prejudices people, then I swear to you that I have not practiced islam for a day in my life, because I aim to practice something kind and fair

The use of the word "persecution" by some Muslim translators is disingenuous - the actual Arabic words for persecution (idtihad) - and oppression are not used instead of fitna. Fitna can mean disbelief, or the disorder that results from unbelief or temptation. A strict translation is 'sedition,' meaning rebellion against authority (the authority being Allah). This is certainly what is meant in this context since the violence is explicitly commissioned "until religion is for Allah" - ie. unbelievers desist in their unbelief. [Editor's note: these notes have been modified slightly after a critic misinterpreted our language. Verse 193 plainly says that 'fighting' is sanctioned even if the fitna 'ceases'. This is about religious order, not real persecution.]

They don't have to kill anybody to see that their idiots. Their behavior alone speaks volumes.

Further, by the law of the land in the US, if enough like-minded individuala takes hold of the legislative branch through elections they can pass laws that could force people to give up their stuff and it would be "voluntary" or the people's "free will" because the people put those individuals into office in the first place.

>I aim to practice something kind and fair
Better find something better than Islam, too bad you can't because apostates get killed.

Thank you!
Someone who actually read the text in the native language

Pic unrelated but i need to unwind for a second

Yes and their behavior is also completely within the law and non violent you autist lmao

A Sup Forumstard.

I'd rather have a bunch of annoying idiots around than people who drive trucks into gatherings of people, westboro don't even register on the scale of atrocities Islamists are committing.

Name me one Muslim country where other religions denominations have prospered, or thrived? You can't because there aren't any.
Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Burma all these countries used to have a good mix of religions. Shocker I know as these countries are now known for religious executions, sharia law, and hardcore Muslim militants. Now, practically all others denominations have disappeared, either killed, forced conversations or flee the country.
Don't act like Islam teaches tolerance, you can't stand other religions, doesn't it say in the Koran to kill non-believers? To tax those who don't believe in Muhammed?
Gtf outta here with your lies, Islam is cancer and sooner people realise it the better.

Dude, dont act like im like them, who kill and murder
Im just a random dude who wants to be rational and understanding, and defend the normal, not crazy way of life

I bet you and me have more similarities than differences in upbringing and beliefs

It was part two of my post and further cements that the verse is about offensive war and not a defensive one.
Thank you for agreeing that Islam is not a religion of peace though.

This. Just like the modern KKK they're harmless inbred rednecks that parade around further proving that religious extremism is cancer
They're doing more good than they've ever done harm

Hinduism is a big thing in the UAE (primarily muslim country), and there are plenty of churches and synagogues where noone is blowing the other up
Source: I was raised there

The text is rather simple and we live in a complex world. While one can infer certain actions out of it, things still need to be explicitly clear else people will do bad things. Think before slavery was abolished in the US, there was nothing in the law that said blacks weren't people or you could murder them or treat them like shit, tho others found ways to make it okay, which is why we had to enact additional laws to make it clear that you can't lynch a nigger just because.