If you post in this thread you will never get old and you will never die

If you post in this thread you will never get old and you will never die.

Other urls found in this thread:


that the bird that makes sense8?

>that the bird that makes sense8?
yes and no.

Those are the Wachowskis. They along with Tom Tykwer make the abortion that is Sense8. Everytime I see them I get so fucking angry at what a fucking disappointment they are. They shot their wad with the first matrix film and then fucking mentally disintegrated.


Die faggots

But V for Vendetta

I wonder why he waited so long to become a woman since Lana transitioned like 10 years prior.

From this image alone I can totally see Lana being an older woman but damn Lilly does not look good.

If I die, I'll come and kill you fucker

Makes sense


if dubs I die tonight

Immortality here i come

I mean, if you say so...


Worth a shot


I like women

Yeah they can have credit for writing and producing, sure.

worth it i guess

Worth a shot


Posting because one day I will be explaining to students about my secret of eternal life. I will explain the dark and twisted path a grand master must walk to achieve immortality. You have to post shit in a shit thread on Sup Forums with a picture of two mentally ill retards at the top. I mean, isn't it obvious?



Glad to be with my immortal brothers here

>these are the people that made matrix

ruins the movies for me tbh


Okay I'll take it.

aint gonna hurt

I can't wait

who wants to live forever





guess i will have to now



aging is essentially living rot from your body not repairing itself after the age of 25, your body decaying while your still alive

So far there are about 3 main causes of aging, perhaps even more that I may not know about but those 3 are still the major contributors and are as followed

1) Telomeres, the protective tips of your chromosomes, they shorten after every cell division and once they are gone your DNA becomes more vulnurable and the damage leads to protein production failure/errors, organ failure, many diseases, you name it and its fucked it'll probably happen, thats why being old sucks, everything is breaking down, imagine it like the engine of your car if you never get the oil changed, it gets pretty fucked
2) mitochondrial wear and tear, mitochondria are pretty much why you and your cells are alive, it has its own genome and was probably its own organism until our single celled ancestors decided to eat and enslave them but for the most part they are happy slaves, anyway over time they can get issues that cause you issues, like the ones you see in nursing homes
3) Cellular debris, many times junk debris float around and aren't taken really removed by any waste disposal, kinda like if you never take out the trash and it just build up in your house, they can float around and also cause issues

you can cure aging with science


Promise user? Cross your fingers ?




If trips while thread is false, if not than congrats on living forever with me mates

Idk if I want to live forever but I would definitely want to live more than a measly 100 years give or take



Too late, OP


>Matrix thread?
matrix thread

Hit me with some immortality

B-but Ninja Assassin... wait, nevermind


They DONT became women, they just choped off their dicks and balls and now they are under hormonal treatment, but they still are men.

Trips and I die in my sleep


you been sniffing the blue dimatapp pill too hard

On the inside...

No thanks

MRW the dude on the right looks exactly like my mother in law


What if I want to die?

That manga panel is from John K. Peta

Thanks op, you're not a faggot



Testing, will confirm in 200 years if OP was right.


Bullshit! It expedited the process!

Never know


Not true

posting in this thread

Alrighty then

Cloud Atlas was good.

>Cloud Atlas was good.