Is there anyone here that hates niggers but still finds nigger women sexy?

Is there anyone here that hates niggers but still finds nigger women sexy?




I'm with you, OP. Nigger individuals can succeed, but in numbers they destroy everything they touch. There are probably 10-20 percent of black women who do it for me. Dark skin can be sexy but relatively European facial features are a must. I've had sex with two black girls. Was good. Very good. They smelled different than white girls.




depends on the nigger woman. most are hideous

Beyonce has a lot of Caucasoid blood and plastic surgery.

Beyonce ain't hot.


I've long been a supporter of interracial between whites and nigger women. Just kill of the baby boys and somewhere down the line the blackness will be washed out eventually

Any person can look great and still be a piece of shit otherwise.


Hard mode

Are there any white dudes here that think nigger women are better looking than white women?

not even remotely close

>says he doesn't black people
>admits he finds half of those people sexually attractive.
>doesn't realize what he means is he's uncomfortable with men.

I do.

Only if they have European features (no monkeyface), are at least mid-tone (no coal), have straight hair, and are genuinely white/not-ghetto acting. So pretty much a non-trashy hot white girl you played with the skin tone on when creating the character,


You may see them as humans due to the cultural appropriation of clothing and hair weaves




Honestly, the most game changing attribute they can have is that they act white and are not faking it. That they were raised with some self respect and speak properly and don't like ghetto culture. After that we can talk features and shit. But even the blackest looking one, if they act white, is suddenly within the realm of consideration.


It depends. Some of the best pussy I've ever had was black. But, they were petite, pretty, and didn't have kids, and most were college educated. But, fat lazy black bitches that sit around pumping out kids, smoking weed, and living in the ghetto... no thanks.

Yes op . they r called "house niggers"


I hate some American niggers, but I've dated a few black girls who were from the Caribbean region. Got nothing against them. Some black chicks are definitely hot.


I'm racist but my dick isn't. I wouldn't rice mix tho...

How much did she charge ?

>act white

You mean act civilized?



They all smell like coco butter.

This dude

yep i'd squirt into that

they fine