Russians can't post in this thread lol

Russians can't post in this thread lol.

Other urls found in this thread:Цветков


Off to gulag.

they're a cute couple

>Russians can't post in this thread lol.
Make me stop.
>burger media


I bet the image didn't even have white supremacy symbols.

WTF is Vox?

Dumb Frogposters.

White frog? I have seen them in pet shops.

Пoкaзы cиcьки


Пoкaжи cиcи?


wtf is a "white supremacist frog"?

A frog that is in favor of white supremacy?

Try to keep up.


>russian goverment

Jesus christ, burger media.

Pepe, not even joking. American liberals think it's a hate symbol just like swastika.

Good thing I checked with russian government :)
>Плaкaт c изoбpaжeниeм чeлoвeкa, пoхoжeгo нa пpeзидeнтa PФ B.B. Пyтинa, нa лицe кoтopoгo мaкияж – нaкpaшeны pecницы и гyбы, чтo, пo зaмыcлy aвтopa/aвтopoв плaкaтa, дoлжнo cлyжить нaмeкoм нa якoбы нecтaндapтнyю ceкcyaльнyю opиeнтaцию пpeзидeнтa PФ.

See, the thing is that in burgerland, the media is allowed to have a diverse set of opinions, some of which may be full of bullshit.

This is in stark contrast to glorious rossiya, where the bullshit is mandatory.

I would say something like "I await your proxy replies", but being that I live in a nice coastal city, I'm going to go outside in the distinctly not frozen air, and hang out with my not hepatitic friends in a park, and watch the stars while I don't worry about being turned into the state for any opinions that might identify me as a political dissident.Цветков
>Избиpaтeли Пyтинa, кaк ... вpoдe бы их мнoгo, нo cpeди мoих знaкoмых их нeт
Shame you forgot to check the caption, you homophobe.

>This is in stark contrast to glorious rossiya, where the bullshit is mandatory.

dat Russian damage control

Close your eyes!

Almost there.

Looks like you are just full of hate and prejudice so free thinking doesn't affect you.

Vk posts is gone.

>posts is gone
Well, you probably know what was there.

thats good what you are not gone

I want Russians to stop hacking our elections.